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Leadership presentation

Leadership presentation. Garth Hollis Future Fraser High School Graduate. Who I am. My name is Gath Hollis, I can be considered a leader in many different ways. In my drafting class others come to me because I am one of more experienced students in the class.

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Leadership presentation

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Leadership presentation Garth Hollis Future Fraser High School Graduate

  2. Who I am My name is Gath Hollis, I can be considered a leader in many different ways.In my drafting class others come to me because I am one of more experienced students in the class.

  3. I am also a leader when I am up north or on vacation with family. When we go hiking through the woods, fishing, and or hunting I have make sure everyone is safe and that they use proper safety for all my little siblings or relatives. I am responsible for there well beings and to keep them safe.

  4. What has prepared me for leadership… • My family - Intermediate & distant family members • My family has taught me everything I know today. If it wasn’t for them I wouldn’t have my core leadership values I have today

  5. Fraser High School Education • Many of the teachers at Fraser High school have helped prepared me for leadership. From the start of freshman year of high school to my senior year this year, my leadership has completely improved.

  6. things that have prepared me for leadership • The four years of playing football for Fraser High School has most defiantly helped prepare me. Many of the skills that I have learned from just being the football team for four years boosted my leadership skills. It taught me to be dedicated, committed, hard-working, and most importantly a team player.

  7. Taking four years of drafting at the High school has helped me gain experience in my desired career. With this experience I have become a leader in the classroom to my classmates and developed a leader in myself.

  8. My leadership position • In the future I see myself designing automotive parts or working directly with one of the big three designing cars. I want to be teaching others and or the general public what goes into the process of designing these cars. I’d like to teach trainees and certify them in the trade also.

  9. After establishing my self with my leadership position and the big three I plan further expanding by opening my own car shop of some sort.

  10. Further Preparing myself for leadership • In order to reach all of my goals I need to further expend my education to college.As many years of college as needed to become a business owner and further advance my knowledge in designing and automobiles.

  11. Put in the time • While in pursuit to advance my skills in leadership I’ll be working for the big three and making a good living to become more experienced. • Become a role model for my peers

  12. Strengths • Detail oriented • Self motivated • Hard working • Creative • Problem-solver • Good listener

  13. Benefits while in this position • Those traits will help benefit other’s morale and keep everyone on task as a team.

  14. Weaknesses • Public Speaking • Detail oriented

  15. Overcoming my weaknesses • To overcome my weakness of public speaking I will continue to challenge myself and step outside my comfort zone. • Because I tend to be so detail-oriented, that trait gets in the way of doing other projects.

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