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Geographic Knowledge for a Better Virginia: VGIN 5-Year GIS Strategic Plan

Utilizing geographic knowledge to enhance Virginia's public safety and geospatial communities. The plan includes coordination, technical services, and education initiatives. Stay informed with key dates and next steps.

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Geographic Knowledge for a Better Virginia: VGIN 5-Year GIS Strategic Plan

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  1. VGIN 5 Year GIS Strategic Plan 2015-2020Using geographic knowledge to create a better Virginia Advisory Board MeetingJanuary 7, 2015 www.vita.virginia.gov 1

  2. Team Introduction Michael Baker International Jonathan H. Soulen Program Manager Tracy Wamsley Project Coordinator Sandi Stroud Public Safety GIS National Practice Lead Scudder Wagg Trained Facilitator Christopher Chop Technical Writer

  3. The Strategic Plan Process Key Dates • October 8th VGIN Board Meeting • October 15th-22nd Town Hall Meetings • October 28th Statewide Webinar • November 12th Online Survey • November 1st-14th Stakeholder Interviews • December 1st Draft Review • January 7th–28th Public Comment Period • February 4th Final

  4. The Planning Process

  5. Town Hall Meetings Agenda • Review of Existing VGIN Initiatives and Programs • Interactive Exercise #1: Assessment of Existing Programs • Future Trends, Challenges and Opportunities • Interactive Exercise #2: Needs Related to Trends • Current Goals and Objectives • Interactive Exercise #3: Strategic Plan Goals and Initiatives

  6. Goals and Initiatives Goal 1 - Coordination and Collaboration: Provide greater coordination and facilitate collaboration to refine VGIN’s role as it pertains to the geospatial and public safety communities throughout the Commonwealth.

  7. Goals and Initiatives Goal 1 - Coordination and Collaboration: Initiative 1: Perform coordination and collaboration between VGIN, Public Safety Communications, and the Regional Outreach Program. Initiative 2: Perform coordination and collaboration between VGIN and Local Government Initiative 3: Perform coordination and collaboration between VGIN and State Agencies Initiative 4: Perform coordination and collaboration between VGIN and academia, non-profit, private sector, federal, and other GIS stakeholders

  8. Goals and Initiatives Goal 2 - Technical Services and Products: Provide and maintain statewide datasets and spatial solutions that are most efficiently and effectively managed at the state level.

  9. Goals and Initiatives Goal 2 - Technical Services and Products: Initiative 5: Provide NG9-1-1 Geospatial Data Products and Services Initiative 6: Oversee the maintenance and advertising of a geospatial clearinghouse Initiative 7: Provide Statewide Data Layers • Mission critical • Orthophotography • Core

  10. Mission Critical GIS Data Stakeholders: State, local, vendors Network (ESInet) Software/Hardware Location Data (GIS)

  11. Mission Critical GIS Data

  12. Mission Critical GIS Data • GIS Data • Road network • Address points • Boundary files • Authoritative • Emergency Services • PSAP

  13. Goals and Initiatives Goal 3 - Education and Best Practices: Provide education and best practice resource opportunities that support increased technical capabilities and consistency of service across the Commonwealth.

  14. Goals and Initiatives Goal 3 - Education and Best Practices: Initiative 8: Define best practices and facilitate training opportunities that directly relate to the products and services generated by VGIN Initiative 9: Serve as the “go-to” resource for Best Practice information relating to geospatial products and services as they are delivered by government entities across the Commonwealth

  15. Next Steps • Document available online • Public Comment • Final 2015-2020 GIS Strategic Plan Questions?

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