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Stage 14 Vocabulary

Elevate your surroundings with proper decorum. Explore divine furnishings and decorative items for a palace-like ambiance every day. Astonish guests with a decor that reflects your reverence for beauty and craftsmanship.

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Stage 14 Vocabulary

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Stage 14 Vocabulary

  2. aliquid SOMETHING


  4. attonitus ASTONISHED

  5. aula PALACE

  6. cotidie EVERY DAY

  7. decorus RIGHT PROPER

  8. decency, decent, decently, decor, decorate, decoration, decorative, decoratively, decorator, decorous, decorously, decorousness, decorum, redecorate, redecoration, indecency, indecent, indecently, indecorous, indecorously, indecorum, redecorate, undecorated

  9. deleo, delere, delevi DESTROY

  10. deleo, deletum: destroy (see also δηλεομαι) • dele, delete, deletion, deletory, delible, indelibility, indelible, indelibly

  11. deus GOD

  12. deus: a god; dea: goddess; divinus: divine; divus: divine adieu (Fr), adios (Sp), ad maiorem Dei gloriam, Agnus Dei, AMDG, D.D., Dei gratia, deicidal, deicide, deific, deification, deificatory, deifier, deiform, deiformity, deify, deiparous, deism, deist, deistic, deitistical, deity, deityship, deodand, Deo gratias, Deo volente, deus ex machina, Deus vult, dieu (Fr), diva, divination, divinatory, divine, divinely, divineness, diviner, divinify, divinity, divinityship, divinization, divinize, Divvers, gloria in excelsis Deo, hyperdeity, joss, mon Dieu (Fr), Opus Dei, vox populi vox Dei, water deity

  13. difficilis DIFFICULT

  14. diligenter CAREFULLY

  15. domina MISTRESS

  16. anno Domini (AD), astrodome, belladonna, co-dominant, condo, condomesticate, condominate, condominium, dame, damsel, danger, dangerous, dangerously, dangerousness, demesne, deuterodome, domain, domal, domanial, dome, domelet, domestic, domesticable, domesticality, domestically, domesticate, domestication, domesticator, domesticism, domesticity, domesticize, domic, domical, domicile, domiliciary, domiciliate, domiciliation, domiculture, domify, domina, dominance, dominancy, dominant, dominantly, dominate, domination, dominative, dominator, dominatrix, domine, dominee, domineer, domineered, domineering, domineeringly, dominial, Dominic, dominical, Dominican, dominicide, dominie, dominigene, dominion, domino, Dominus vobiscum, domy, don, dona, donee, donna, donnish, donnishly,donnishness, donnism, donship, duenna, dungeon, duomo, endanger, endangerment, grandam, granny, ma’am, madam, madame, mademoiselle, madonna, majordomo, marm (dial), Mercedes, Notre Dame, onion dome, pentomino, predominance, predominancy, predominant, predominantly, predominate, prima donna, princedom, pseudodominance, pseudodominant, radome, stepdame, subdominant, superdominant,

  17. donum GIFT

  18. condonable, condonation, condonative, condone, condoner, donary, donatary, donate, donatee, donation, donative, donatively, donator, donatory, donee, donor, donorship, dotal, double date, dowager, dowee, dower, dowerless, dowry, dowryless, pardon, pardonable, pardonably, pardoner, pardonless, pardonmonger, unpardonable, unpardonably, unpardoned,

  19. familiaris RELATIVE RELATION

  20. fidelis FAITHFUL

  21. ipse, ipsa HIMSELF HERSELF

  22. iste THAT

  23. maritus HUSBAND

  24. necesse NECESSARY

  25. num? SURELY…NOT?

  26. quam HOW

  27. quamquam ALTHOUGH

  28. -que AND

  29. rex, regis KING

  30. ubi WHEN/WHERE

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