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Journey with Sexual Identity

HEARTS I. Session 8. Journey with Sexual Identity. HEARTS I. Session 8. In the beginning: X or Y?. One look at the genitals determines the verdict. Ex. Kindergarten Cop We don’t want to stereotype. Differences are not intended to separate us but to complement men and women. HEARTS I.

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Journey with Sexual Identity

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Presentation Transcript

  1. HEARTS I Session 8 JourneywithSexual Identity

  2. HEARTS I Session 8 In the beginning: X or Y? One look at the genitals determines the verdict. Ex. Kindergarten Cop We don’t want to stereotype. Differences are not intended to separate us but to complement men and women.

  3. HEARTS I Session 8 51/49

  4. HEARTS I Session 8 Sexual Metaphor

  5. HEARTS I Session 8 Real Masculinity Not easily upset Confident Dependable Able to make decisions because he knows what he believes and lives out of his belief for the Good of others • Strong • Impacting • Firm • Providing • Protecting • Erect • Penetrating • Moving • Upright • Vulnerable

  6. Open Vulnerable Soft Inviting Surrounding Warm Responder Receiver Supporter Created to be enjoyed Created to give and receive pleasure Very special body Created for relationship She really sees people She nurtures what she sees HEARTS I Session 8 Real Femininity

  7. HEARTS I Session 8 Four Religions: Zoroastrianism, Judaism, Islam,& Christianity;Assault on Our GenderBegan in the Paradise

  8. HEARTS I Session 8 Darkness’s Motive Knowing femininity was open to “receiving” even lies, harm deceived her into believing that good things are being withheld from her. The masculine was not solid and gave in to her (i.e. he gave her what she thought she needs), he did not protect the woman from harm.

  9. HEARTS I Session 8 As a Result Darkness will be punished by a greater justice. Man and woman were given consequences. Femininity: pain in childbirth and desire for the husband who will rule over her. Masculinity: working in pain all his life.

  10. HEARTS I Session 8 The Struggle for Masculinity Silent rather than protecting. Using strength to harm and using fear to rule. Struggle to not be impotent in all areas. Self reliance: instead of using energy to protect and provide, he puts that energy into other areas). Male strength was used to abuse or wound him. Robbed of his sense of impact.

  11. HEARTS I Session 8 The Struggle for Femininity Afraid of her femininity because she was used instead of being valued. Hiding her heart because being a woman means rape and pain. Distorted image of herself. Trying to be the provider and protector instead of the receiver and nurturer.

  12. HEARTS I Session 8 Redemption in Sexuality Deep inside we deceitfully equate sexuality with SEX, bringing feelings of pain and perversion based on early experiences. Trust in Truth empowers us to stay in relationship with “normal people” to be the woman or man we are created to be.

  13. HEARTS I Session 8 Redemption in Sexuality Masculinity Protects His Queen’s Dignity with protection. The King of Sparta. Men what are you fighting against and for? Masculinity needs: A battle to fight (Truth’s war) An adventure to live (Trust in Self to battle Abuse) A beauty to rescue (Rescue his love from Abuse’s)

  14. HEARTS I Session 8 Redemption in Sexuality “I am no man” Aowin “Lord of the Rings, Return of the King.” “We live in a dangerous world. Darkness’s opposition of the Truth is vicious. It bears a special hatred for Femininity. It follows that Good would want to ensure that a woman helping to advance Good would be offered the covering and protection of “good” men.

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