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U4C Good Morning  11/1

U4C Good Morning  11/1. Please pick up Purple unit sheet Folder Opening : What are THREE new body parts you learned about yesterday? What do these parts do? Work Session : Finish crayfish structure/function activity and take notes on crustaceans. Closing : Review crayfish anatomy. 6.

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U4C Good Morning  11/1

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  1. U4C Good Morning  11/1 • Please pick up • Purple unit sheet • Folder • Opening: What are THREE new body parts you learned about yesterday? What do these parts do? • Work Session: Finish crayfish structure/function activity and take notes on crustaceans. • Closing: Review crayfish anatomy 6

  2. U4C Good Morning  11/2 • Turn in Crayfish Drawing • Please pick up your folder & complete the Opening Journal • Opening Journal: What traits do ALL ARTHROPODS share? List as many as you can think of. • Work Session: Get out notes and get ready for dissection • Closing: Review Crayfish dissection • Quiz tomorrow over crustacean vocab and crayfish anatomy

  3. Unit 4C Journal #3 11/9 • Should you be afraid of any of these spiders? Explain why/why not.

  4. Your Answers… • Black Widow toxin is 15x stronger than rattlesnake venom • Black Widow is small and found in the south • Brown recluse is in the south • Brown recluse makes skin tear open • Sydney Funnel Web is most aggressive • Sydney Funnel Web can affect nervous system & breathing, and can kill you. • Brazilian Wandering spider most venomous • Brazilian Wandering spider is making more of an appearance in US- coming in on shipping containers

  5. Reality… • Your chances of being bitten by any of these is slim. • The brown recluse takes months to make enough venom to kill its prey, so chances are, it won’t waste it on you – something way too big for it to kill – because it would go hungry for a few months. - Dr. Nancy Hinkle Veterinary Entomologist @ UGA • Your chances of dying from one of these is…

  6. U4C Quiz Time! 11/3 • Look for new seats out in hallway • Turn in crayfish dissection lab! • Pick up a remote and a privacy screen • Let’s see what you’ve absorbed about crustaceans!

  7. Unit 4C JOURNAL #2 10/10 • What is the difference between millipedes and centipedes? Provide at least 3 differences and 2 similarities.

  8. Today- 2/22 If you DID NOT take Arthropod Story webquest quiz last class you will take today. Get iRespond remote. Turn in Arthropod Story webquest, coloring and/or vocabulary. Journal: Other than walking, how are walking legs (periopods) important to crayfish?

  9. Unit 4C Journal #1 11/1 What adaptations do crayfish have for respiration? Explain how they help with getting oxygen.

  10. Good Morning! Mon 3/26/18 • Pick up handouts from SILVER CART. • Tests will be done by tomorrow. TODAY: Crayfish Str/Fxn and Notes TOMORROW: Crayfish Dissection

  11. What do all these animals have in common?

  12. Kingdom Animalia Phylum Arthropoda Subphylum Chelicerata Subphylum Crustacea Lobster Crab ShriMp Crayfish Barnacles Isopods Class MerostoMata Horseshoe crab Class Arachnida spiders Subphylum UniraMia Class Chilopoda centipedes Class Hexapoda insects Class Diplopoda Millipedes

  13. General Arthropod Characteristics • Arthropod means “jointed foot” • Paired jointed appendages • Segmented bodies • TagMatization- body regions have specific functions a. Head- sensory/feeding b. Thorax- locomotion c. Abdomen- visceral functions

  14. Exoskeleton a. Support & protection b. Prevents water loss c. Two layers 1. Epicuticle- lipoprotein; imperMeable to water & pesticides 2. Procuticle- chitin; thick, tough, leathery protein

  15. Grow by shedding exoskeleton- ecdysis (molting) • Ventral nervous system • Open circulatory system • CoMplete digestive system w/ mouth & anus


  17. Lobsters, shriMp, crab, barnacles, copepods, isopods (rolly polly)

  18. Crayfish Anatomy Body regions • Cephalothorax- fused head & chest region. Covered by hard, sclerotized carapace. • AbdoMen- has some swimming appendages and visceral organs. In some, takes form of muscular tail.

  19. Paired appendages- Head: 1stAntennae- long; sense, feed, taste 2ndAntennules- short; sense, feed, taste 3rdMandibles- chewing & grinding 4th, - 6thmaxillae- small, hair-like; respiration, food handling, taste 7th, 8thmaxillipeds- larger than Maxillae, food handling, taste

  20. Paired appendages- Thorax: • 9thchelipeds- “claw”; food capture & defense. • 10th- 13thperiopods- walking legs for moveMent

  21. Paired appendages- Abdomen: • Pleopods- hair-like swimmerets may help with swimming; First 2 pairs at junction of thorax & abdomen are used to determine gender & for sexual reproduction • Telson- tail like structure at end of abdomen. Anus located here. • Uropods- 2 flipper-like structures on either side of abdomen (total of 4 uropods); aid in steering/swiMming

  22. Digestion/Feeding 1. Scavengers & predators- eat other invertebrates, some plants 2. Foregut/stoMach- enlarged part of stomach in cephalothorax;contains tooth-like structures (gastric teeth) for grinding food. 3. Digestive gland- secrete enzymes into stomach & store food. 4. Intestine- embedded in muscular abdomen. 5. Anus

  23. Circulation • Open circulatory systeM • Have heart with short vessels

  24. Respiration • Gills- feathery; under carapace • Maxillae- push water over gills while resting. • Walking legs- push water over gills while Moving.

  25. Excretion 1. Green glands- kidney-like organs located behind 2nd pair of antennae. 2. Renal pore- amMonia liquid waste released through this pore in front of head.

  26. Nervous & Sensory System • Cerebral ganglion- fused trilobed brain • Ventral nerve cord- runs along belly with small ganglia masses • Compound eyes- on movable stalks • Setae- hair-like on Mouth & antennae; detect food & pheromones

  27. Reproduction • Dioecious • Mating occurs after females molt in fall. • Male inseminates female using 2 stiff anterior pleopods. • In the spring, as the female passes eggs out of her body, they become fertilized. • Eggs attach to pleopods on abdoMen where they stay until hatching.

  28. Economical/Environmental Importance • Part of the Food chain • Control animal populations • Major source of protein for many regions of the world’s human population. • DecoMposers (rolly polly)

  29. The structure responsible for excretion in crayfish is a. Kidney b. Green gland c. cheliped • The pincers used for food capture & defense are called a. Pleopods b. Chelipeds c. tweezers • The large finger-like structures around the mouth that are used for tasting & food handling are • Maxillipeds b. Mandibles c. Telson • The green glands are located in the ___ region. a. heard b. abdomen c. tail fan • The telson is where you would find the • Green glands b. Anus c. chelipeds • Which two structures are important in respiration? • Maxillae & walking legs • Maxillae & pleopods • Pleopods & walking legs

  30. 7. Antennae 10. Abdomen 8. Antennules 11. Pleopods 9. Carapace 12. digestive gland

  31. For 7-11 use the diagrams of the external & internal parts of crayfish 7. Periopods 10. Chelipeds 8. Antennules 11. Pleopods 9. Carapace

  32. For 7-11 use the diagrams of the external & internal parts of crayfish 7. Periopods 10. Chelipeds 8. Antennules 11. Pleopods 9. Carapace

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