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Learn how to update and improve CCR.XML integration in your agency, avoiding pitfalls in the process, and configuring it without programming expertise.
Introduction Bryan Eckle bryan.eckle@sum2sea.com President and Founder of Summit2Sea Consulting Specialization in Oracle Federal Financials http://www.sum2sea.com
Objective • Learn how to include and improve CCR XML integration in your agency. • Avoid pitfalls in the CCR XML Process • Learn the steps to configure the CCR XML process (does not require any programming or technical expertise)
What is the CCR (Central Contractor Registration)? • All suppliers conducting business with the US Federal Government must register with CCR • The OMB (Office of Management and Budget) requires that CCR is used as the system of record for Federal supplier payment information. (Memorandum M-03-01) • Oracle Federal Financials 11.5.10 and onward includes built in CCR integration
Options • CCR Extract Files - this process is file based, an agency brings in an all inclusive monthly file and then has to process daily files with any supplier updates throughout the month • The CCR XML Process - eliminates the need for the CCR extract files and allows for the real time on demand update of suppliers.
Benefits of CCR XML • Tighten the integration between CCR and Oracle Federal Financials • Functional configuration – no programming required • Reduced IT support • The file based process (CCR Extract) will be discontinued in the future. • Reduced administration
CCR XML Configuration Steps (anyone can do it) • Obtain and place the BPN.gov certificate file • Define the CCR XML specific profile options • CCR XML Certificate File • CCR XML Server • CCR XML Username and Password • (Optional) Proxy Server • Apply applicable patches • Firewall confirguration
CCR XML Configuration Steps – BPN.gov certificate • I recommend obtaining the certificate file on your own. • You can do this by visiting the SSL secured site, https://www.bpn.gov • Refer to appendix A for detailed steps on creating a certificate file. • Make sure the file is in a BASE64 format.
CCR XML Configuration Steps – Enter Profile Options • FV: CCR Certificate File • The network or file system path with the .cer file containing the CCR server certificate, which is required to make an SSL connection to the CCR site. • Check with your DBA, but the path is typically something like, uXX/../../comntop/admin/certs/wwwbpngov.cer
CCR XML Configuration Steps – Enter Profile Options • FV: CCR XML Server • This value is the URL provided by Defense Logistics Information Services (DLIS) when an agency completes CCR XML registration. It is required to use CCR XML integration. • As of the time of this presentation, the value was https://www.bpn.gov/CCRXML/xml.asmx/CCRXML
CCR XML Configuration Steps – Enter Profile Options • FV: CCR XML Username • This value is provided by DLIS when an agency completes a CCR XML registration. This value is required to use CCR XML integration. • FV: CCR XML Password • Provided at the time of registration
CCR XML Configuration Steps – Enter Profile Options • FV: Agency Proxy Server • Optional • This would be up to your agency depending on the security requirements. • The main purpose of a proxy server is to keep the machines behind it anonymous for security purposes.
CCR XML Configuration Steps – Apply Patches on • Patch 6993686 • Gets the CCR XML process from version 2.0 to 2.05 • Patch 7372603 • The patch gets the Oracle CCR XML version from 2.05 to 2.06. The CCR XML version 2.06 is the lowest version that CCR accepts at this time. • Patch 7514093 • Version 2.08 is the latest CCR XML version.
CCR XML Configuration Steps – Allow External Server Communication • Network communication must be allowed between your server and the CCR (BPN.gov) server. • Verify with your network team in order to ensure that there are not any firewall rules in place that would block connectivity.
Using the CCR XML Process - Example • Receive a call that your agency wishes to do business with a new company, Summit2Sea Consulting. • Their DUNS number is 14-234-9393
Using the CCR XML Process Navigate to the Search CCR Vendors page, enter the DUNS number and click ‘Apply’
Using the CCR XML Process • Receive a warning message about a “Core Hours” request. • Click Yes to run the CCR XML process immediately. If No, then it will be picked up in the next CCR XML concurrent request run. • DLIS restricts the number of records CCR will return to 20 during peak hours and to 2,000 during off-peak hours. Off-peak hours for CCR are 0000 - 2400 EST during the weekend and 2300 - 0600 EST during the weekdays.
Using the CCR XML Process The concurrent program, CCR XML, automatically initiates and spawns the CCR Data Transfer
Using the CCR XML Process View the request output of the CCR Data Transfer.
Using the CCR XML Process Search for the DUNS number, click the Assignments button to create a new supplier / site in Oracle
Using the CCR XML Process Search for the DUNS number, click the Assignments button to create a new supplier / site in Oracle
Using the CCR XML Process The concurrent request, CCR Data Processing Program (CCR Data Processing), initiates to create the new supplier in Oracle
Using the CCR XML Process Verify the supplier and site creation in Oracle.
Using the CCR XML Process Verify the supplier and site creation in Oracle
Using the CCR XML Process Alternatively, you can assign a DUNS number to an existing Oracle supplier by using the Existing Supplier Site Assignments
Using the CCR XML Process Schedule the CCR XML Process in order to create / update any supplier changes periodically.
CCR XML Known Issues • The Organization Type field is not populated for CCR suppliers. This is going to be included in the next RUP. In the meantime, have to manually update it or create a custom update based upon the FV_CCR_VENDORS table • Foreign suppliers without TIN numbers fail validation and cannot be brought into Oracle. • Fixed in patch 7647109
Other Considerations • An expired supplier in CCR cannot be used on a purchase order, release or invoice. • Unable to approve / validate POs and Invoices where the CCR supplier is expired
Appendix A – Steps to obtain a certificate file 1. On your web brower (IE etc), bring up https://www.bpn.gov 2. Click on 'File>Properties' and click the 'Certficates' button 3. Click on the 'Details' tab 4. Click the 'Copy to File' button
Appendix A – Steps to obtain a certificate file cont’d 5. The 'Certificate Export Wizard' will appear, click the 'Next' button. 6. Choose the BASE-64 option and click 'Next' 7. Give the file a name, we used wwwbpngov previously. 8. FTP the file to the Apache server which will be making communication with the BPN.gov server
Appendix A – Steps to obtain a certificate file cont’d 9. Put the file in the /XXX/app/applmgr/XXXXXX/comntop/admin/certs/ directory (note that this directory will vary based on your installation. Please check with your DBA or System Administrator) 10. You are now ready to make an SSL connection to bpn.gov
Appendix B – XML Request Example, View CCR XML Log <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <CCRXMLRequest version="2.06"> <Identification> <UserID>BPN3833</UserID> <Password>*********</Password> <ProductRequest>MASTERXML</ProductRequest> </Identification> <CCRRecords> <DUNS> <DUNSValue>132054466</DUNSValue> </DUNS> </CCRRecords> <RequestedData> <GeneralInfo> <BasicInfo>Y</BasicInfo> <PhysicalAddress>Y</PhysicalAddress> <MailingAddress>Y</MailingAddress> </GeneralInfo>
Appendix B – XML Request Example <CorporateInfo> <BusinessType>Y</BusinessType> <SoleProprietorshipPOC>Y</SoleProprietorshipPOC> <PartyPerformingCertificationPOC>Y</PartyPerformingCertificationPOC> </CorporateInfo> <GoodsAndServices> <NorthAmericanIndustryClassificationSystem>Y</NorthAmericanIndustryClassificationSystem> <StandardIndustrialClassification>Y</StandardIndustrialClassification> <FederalSupplyClassification>Y</FederalSupplyClassification> <ProductServiceCode>Y</ProductServiceCode> </GoodsAndServices> <FinancialInfo> <ElectronicFundsTransfer>Y</ElectronicFundsTransfer> <AutomatedClearingHouse>Y</AutomatedClearingHouse> <RemittanceInfo>Y</RemittanceInfo> <AccountsReceivablePOC>Y</AccountsReceivablePOC> </FinancialInfo>
Appendix B – XML Request Example <POC> <CCRPOC>Y</CCRPOC> <CCRAlternatePOC>Y</CCRAlternatePOC> <GovernmentBusinessPOC>Y</GovernmentBusinessPOC> <GovernmentBusinessAlternatePOC>Y</GovernmentBusinessAlternatePOC> <PastPerformancePOC>Y</PastPerformancePOC> <PastPerformanceAlternatePOC>Y</PastPerformanceAlternatePOC> <ElectronicBusinessPOC>Y</ElectronicBusinessPOC> <ElectronicBusinessAlternatePOC>Y</ElectronicBusinessAlternatePOC> <PreviousBusinessNamePOC>Y</PreviousBusinessNamePOC> <GovernmentParentPOC>Y</GovernmentParentPOC> <CorporatePOC>Y</CorporatePOC> <MarketingPartnerIdentificationNumber>Y</MarketingPartnerIdentificationNumber> </POC> <EDIDetails> <EDIValues>Y</EDIValues> <EDIPOC>Y</EDIPOC> </EDIDetails>
Appendix B – XML Request Example <DunAndBradstreetLinkage> <HeadquartersParentPOC>Y</HeadquartersParentPOC> <GlobalUltimatePOC>Y</GlobalUltimatePOC> <DomesticUltimatePOC>Y</DomesticUltimatePOC> </DunAndBradstreetLinkage> </RequestedData> </CCRXMLRequest>
Appendix C – XML Response Example <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <CCRXMLResponse version="2.08"> <TransactionInfo> <TransactionStatus>0000</TransactionStatus> <TransactionMessages> </TransactionMessages> <DataRetrievalTime>1</DataRetrievalTime> </TransactionInfo> <SearchResults> <Record> <RecordIdentification> <Identifier>142349393</Identifier> <RecordStatus>0000</RecordStatus> <RecordDate>2009-03-06-</RecordDate> </RecordIdentification> <RecordDetails> <GeneralInfo> <BasicInfo> <DUNS>142349393</DUNS> <DUNS4> </DUNS4> <CAGE>3ZFE1</CAGE>
Appendix C – XML Response Example <LegalBusinessName>SUMMIT2SEA CONSULTING, LLC</LegalBusinessName> <DoingBusinessAs> </DoingBusinessAs> <TaxpayerIdentificationNumber>*********</TaxpayerIdentificationNumber> <SocialSecurityNumber> </SocialSecurityNumber> <CurrentRegistrationStatus>ACTIVE</CurrentRegistrationStatus> <RegistrationExpirationDate>03062010</RegistrationExpirationDate> <DivisionName> </DivisionName> <DivisionNumber> </DivisionNumber> <URL>http://www.sum2sea.com</URL> <StartDate>07312003</StartDate> <EmployeeNumber>2</EmployeeNumber> <LocationEmployeeNumber>2</LocationEmployeeNumber> <EndDate>1231</EndDate> <Revenue>XXXXXXX</Revenue> <LocationRevenue>XXXXXXX</LocationRevenue> <CompanySecurityLevel>90</CompanySecurityLevel> <HighestEmployeeSecurityLevel>90</HighestEmployeeSecurityLevel> <OrganizationTypeCode>ZZ</OrganizationTypeCode> <DelinquentFederalDebt> </DelinquentFederalDebt> <NoPublicDisplayFlag> </NoPublicDisplayFlag> </BasicInfo>
Appendix C – XML Response Example <PhysicalAddress> <Address1>6222 21ST ST N</Address1> <Address2> </Address2> <City>ARLINGTON</City> <State>VA</State> <PostalCode>222052037</PostalCode> <ForeignProvince> </ForeignProvince> <Country>USA</Country> </PhysicalAddress> <MailingAddress> <Name>SUMMIT2SEA CONSULTING, LLC</Name> <Address1>6222 N. 21ST ST</Address1> <Address2> </Address2> <City>ARLINGTON</City> <State>VA</State> <PostalCode>222052037</PostalCode> <ForeignProvince> </ForeignProvince> <Country>USA</Country> </MailingAddress> </GeneralInfo>
Appendix C – XML Response Example <CorporateInfo> <BusinessType> <BusinessTypeCode>2X</BusinessTypeCode> <BusinessTypeCode>A2</BusinessTypeCode> <BusinessTypeCode>LJ</BusinessTypeCode> <BusinessTypeCode>VN</BusinessTypeCode> <BusinessTypeCode>XS</BusinessTypeCode> </BusinessType> <SoleProprietorshipPOC> <Name> </Name> <Phone> </Phone> <PhoneExtension> </PhoneExtension> <InternationalPhone> </InternationalPhone> <FAX> </FAX> <Email> </Email> </SoleProprietorshipPOC> <PartyPerformingCertificationPOC> <Name> </Name> <Address1> </Address1> <Address2> </Address2> <City> </City> <State> </State>
Appendix C – XML Response Example <PostalCode> </PostalCode> <ForeignProvince> </ForeignProvince> <Country> </Country> </PartyPerformingCertificationPOC> </CorporateInfo> <GoodsAndServices> <NorthAmericanIndustryClassificationSystem> <NAICSCodeSmallBusinessAdministrationCertifiedSmallBusiness="Y" SmallBusinessAdministrationCertifiedEmergingSmallBusiness="N">541511</NAICSCode> <NAICSCodeSmallBusinessAdministrationCertifiedSmallBusiness="Y" SmallBusinessAdministrationCertifiedEmergingSmallBusiness="N">541512</NAICSCode> <NAICSCodeSmallBusinessAdministrationCertifiedSmallBusiness="Y" SmallBusinessAdministrationCertifiedEmergingSmallBusiness="N">541519</NAICSCode> <NAICSCodeSmallBusinessAdministrationCertifiedSmallBusiness="Y" SmallBusinessAdministrationCertifiedEmergingSmallBusiness="N">541611</NAICSCode> <NAICSCodeSmallBusinessAdministrationCertifiedSmallBusiness="Y" SmallBusinessAdministrationCertifiedEmergingSmallBusiness="N">541618</NAICSCode> </NorthAmericanIndustryClassificationSystem> <StandardIndustrialClassification> <SICCode>7371</SICCode> <SICCode>7379</SICCode> <SICCode>8748</SICCode> </StandardIndustrialClassification>
Appendix C – XML Response Example <FederalSupplyClassification> <FSCCode> </FSCCode> </FederalSupplyClassification> <ProductServiceCode> <PSCCode> </PSCCode> </ProductServiceCode> </GoodsAndServices> <FinancialInfo> <ElectronicFundsTransfer> <FinancialInstitution>JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, NA</FinancialInstitution> <AmericanBankersAssociationRoutingNumber>XXXXXXXXX</AmericanBankersAssociationRoutingNumber> <AccountNumber>XXXXXXXXXXXX</AccountNumber> <AccountType>C</AccountType> <LockBox> </LockBox> <AuthorizationDate>03052009</AuthorizationDate> </ElectronicFundsTransfer> <AutomatedClearingHouse> <Phone>2122365227</Phone> <InternationalPhone> </InternationalPhone> <FAX> </FAX>
Appendix C – XML Response Example <Email> </Email> </AutomatedClearingHouse> <RemittanceInfo> <Name>SUMMIT2SEA CONSULTING, LLC</Name> <Address1>6222 21ST ST N</Address1> <Address2> </Address2> <City>ARLINGTON</City> <State>VA</State> <PostalCode>222052037</PostalCode> <ForeignProvince> </ForeignProvince> <Country>USA</Country> </RemittanceInfo> <AccountsReceivablePOC> <Name>LAURIAN ECKLE</Name> <Phone>5135205335</Phone> <PhoneExtension> </PhoneExtension> <InternationalPhone> </InternationalPhone> <FAX>4105586425</FAX> <Email>laurian.eckle@sum2sea.com</Email> </AccountsReceivablePOC> </FinancialInfo>
Appendix C – XML Response Example <POC> <CCRPOC> <Name>LAURIAN ECKLE</Name> <Phone>5135205335</Phone> <PhoneExtension> </PhoneExtension> <InternationalPhone> </InternationalPhone> <FAX> </FAX> <Email>laurian.eckle@sum2sea.com</Email> </CCRPOC> <CCRAlternatePOC> <Name>LAURIAN ECKLE</Name> <Phone>5135205335</Phone> <PhoneExtension> </PhoneExtension> <InternationalPhone> </InternationalPhone> <FAX> </FAX> <Email>laurian.eckle@sum2sea.com</Email> </CCRAlternatePOC> <GovernmentBusinessPOC> <Name>LAURIAN ECKLE</Name> <Phone>5135205335</Phone> <PhoneExtension> </PhoneExtension>
Appendix C – XML Response Example <InternationalPhone> </InternationalPhone> <FAX>4105586425</FAX> <Email>laurian.eckle@sum2sea.com</Email> <Address1>6222 21ST ST N</Address1> <Address2> </Address2> <City>ARLINGTON</City> <State>VA</State> <PostalCode>222052037</PostalCode> <ForeignProvince> </ForeignProvince> <Country>USA</Country> </GovernmentBusinessPOC> </RecordDetails> </Record> </SearchResults> </CCRXMLResponse> </PhoneExtension>