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Leptin. Karina L epoureau Santiago L arino Gabriel Cuadrado Emmanuel Diaz. What is Leptin?.

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  1. Leptin Karina Lepoureau Santiago Larino Gabriel Cuadrado Emmanuel Diaz

  2. What is Leptin? • Leptin is a 16 kDa protein hormone that plays a key role in regulating energy intake and energy expenditure, including appetite and metabolism. It is a protein produced by fatty body tissue. Also it is believed to regulate fat storage.

  3. What does Leptin do? • It acts on receptors in the hypothalamus of the brain where it inhibits appetite by counteracting the effects of neuropeptide. • Several studies have shown that fasting or a very low calorie diet lowers the levels of Leptin. • This system is more sensitive to starvation than to overfeeding. • Leptin circulates at levels proportional to body fat.

  4. Leptin Producing • Leptin is produced by fat tissue, also known as adipose tissue. As you lose weight, Leptin levels drop, because fat itself causes the body to produce more Leptin.

  5. Secretion of the hormone • Leptin is released into the bloodstream shortly after eating, aiming for portions of the brain that control feeding it. • Leptin must cross the blood brain barrier in order to locate its target tissues. • After this the desire to eat should come to a stop.

  6. The Causes of Leptin • Its expression is increased by overfeeding, insulin, glucocorticoids, endotoxin, and cytokines. • It is decreased by exposure to cold temperature, testosterone, fasting, and the thyroid hormone.

  7. Overusing Leptin • The cause of overusing Leptin is you will start starving yourself because the hormone makes your appetite lessen. • Leptin tells your brain that you have enough energy stored in your fat cells to engage in your normal metabolism process.

  8. How does Leptin affect your weight? • Since overweight people have leptin levels high, their brains aren’t getting the needed signal to make them stop eating. • When your leptin is high, it is basically brain starvation since your body is obese but your brain is starved. • Doctors say that leptin isn’t really an obesity treatment because obesity may have some physiological basis.

  9. Sources • http://www.news-medical.net/health/What-is-Leptin.aspx • http://www.perfect10diet.com/10-hormones/leptin.html

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