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Comprehensive Guide to Emergency Preparedness Grants in North Carolina

Discover the authorized expenditures under Homeland Security Grant Program (HSGP), Emergency Preparedness Grant Program (EMPG), and Hazardous Material Emergency Preparedness Grant Program (HMEP) for planning, equipment, training, and exercises. Learn about eligibility requirements, asset lists, training programs, and application process timelines set by North Carolina Emergency Management.

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Comprehensive Guide to Emergency Preparedness Grants in North Carolina

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  1. Preparedness Grants 101

  2. North Carolina Emergency Management Preparedness Grants • Homeland Security Grant Program (HSGP) • Emergency Preparedness Grant Program (EMPG) • Hazardous Material Emergency Preparedness Grant Program (HMEP) • Tier II Grant Program

  3. AUTHORIZED EXPENDITURES Authorized expenditures are for Planning, Equipment, Training and Exercise (PETE) needs. The following are examples of each. Each grant program provides specific expenditure guidance for each category. For the HMEP program all expenditures must be Hazardous Material Transportation related in order to be HMEP eligible. Planning Funds for planning may be used for developing and implementing homeland security support programs and adopting DHS national initiatives, such as the National Preparedness Goal and Guidance, implementing and adopting NIMS, modifying existing Emergency Operations Procedures and establishing or enhancing mutual aid agreements. Planning funds can be used to develop related terrorism prevention activities, such as planning to enhance security during heightened alerts, conducting public education campaigns and evaluating critical infrastructure equipment. Risk and vulnerability assessments can also be funded under the planning category. Equipment Funding for equipment under DHS grant programs are to be used to enhance the capabilities of state and local first responders. Allocated equipment acquisition funds may also be used to sustain first responder equipment that would be used in a jurisdiction's response to terrorist attacks, major disasters, and other emergencies. A detailed Authorized Equipment List (AEL) for DHS grants can be found at: https://www.fema.gov/authorized-equipment-list. Allowable equipment expenditures for the HMEP grant can be found at https://www.phmsa.dot.gov/hazmat/grants. In addition to the Authorized Equipment List, DHS also distributes the Controlled Equipment List under Information Bulletin 407a that identifies categories of equipment that have significant utility for state, local, tribal, territorial, and private grant recipients. Recipients may acquire controlled equipment through Federal assistance programs. However, because of the nature of the equipment and the potential impact on communities, additional controls are required on the acquisition, use, and transfer of this equipment. Please contact our office for instruction on how to apply for projects that include items on the Controlled Equipment List (Information Bulletin 407a).

  4. AUTHORIZED EXPENDITURES Training Funds for training may be used to enhance the capabilities, awareness, and operations level training of state and local first responders through development of a state homeland security training program. Preparedness training programs are defined as those programs related to prevention, protection, response, and or recovery from natural, technical, or man-made catastrophic incidents, while supporting one or more Core Capabilities in alignment with national priorities as stated in the National Preparedness Goal. Examples of such programs include but are not limited to CBRNE terrorism, critical infrastructure protection, cyber security, and citizen preparedness. The training programs can be established at academies/institutions, universities or junior colleges. Exercise Funds for exercises may be used to plan for, design, develop, conduct, and evaluate exercises that train homeland security preparedness, prevention and response personnel. These exercises will evaluate prevention and response plans, policy, procedures and protocols, and assess the readiness of jurisdictions to prevent and respond to terrorist attacks, major disasters, and other emergencies. Exercises must be threat and performance-based, in accordance with Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program (HSEEP) manuals. These manuals will provide explicit direction on the design, conduct, and evaluation of terrorism exercises. The four manuals can be found at the US Department of Homeland Security website at https://hseep.dhs.gov/pages/1001_HSEEP7.aspx. Exercises conducted with DHS support (grant funds or direct support) must be managed and executed in accordance with the HSEEP. Exercise activities must be completed and all invoices received for reimbursement no later than the date specified in the grant schedule. The NCEM Training and Exercise Branch oversee the state’s exercise program.

  5. Application Process HSGP Timeline • Project Development Application released • Deadline for DPR’s /State submission of Application project proposals • HLS Grant Branch and Senior Staff eligibility review phase • Release of U.S. DHS grant guidance • SAA and SERC Approval • Write investment justifications • State submits application to USDHS

  6. Grant –Overview / Requirements • Funding Announcement Opportunity / Grant guidance (annually) • SAM Registration • Please ensure that your organization’s name, address, DUNS number and EIN are current in SAM and that the DUNS number used in SAM is the same one used to apply for all awards. • Debarred List • www.ncadmin.nc.gov • www.sam.gov • 2 C.F.R. Part (200) • -Rules for purchased equipment • Tracking and Labeling of Equipment

  7. Homeland Security Grant –Overview / Requirements Maintenance and Sustainment -SHSP, UASI, and OPSG The use of FEMA preparedness grant funds for maintenance contracts, warranties, repair or replacement costs, upgrades, and user fees are allowable, as described in FEMA Policy FP 205-402-125-1 (http://www.fema.gov/media-library/assets/documents/32474) under all active and future grant awards, unless otherwise noted. With the exception of maintenance plans purchased incidental to the original purchase of the equipment, the period covered by a maintenance or warranty plan must not exceed the period of performance of the specific grant funds used to purchase the plan or warranty. Grant funds are intended to support the National Preparedness Goal by funding projects that build and sustain the core capabilities necessary to prevent, protect against, mitigate the effects of, respond to, and recover from those threats that pose the greatest risk to the security of the Nation. In order to provide grantees the ability to meet this objective, the policy set forth in GPD’s IB 379 (Guidance to State Administrative Agencies to Expedite the Expenditure of Certain DHS/FEMA Grant Funding) allows for the expansion of eligible maintenance and sustainment costs which must be: • (1) in direct support of existing capabilities; (2) an otherwise allowable expenditure under the applicable grant program; (3) tied to one of the core capabilities in the five mission areas contained within the National Preparedness Goal (4) shareable through the Emergency Management Assistance Compact. Additionally, eligible costs must also be in support of equipment, training, and critical resources that have previously been purchased with either Federal grant or any other source of funding other than DHS/FEMA preparedness grant program dollars.

  8. Grant –Application Process • Application will require registration in System for Award Management (SAM). • Project proposals should reflect needs identified in the Threat and Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (THIRA) or the completion/continuation of current projects (continuing priority).

  9. Grant –Application Process

  10. Grant –Project Implementation ****States must meet the 80% pass‐through requirement within 45 days of the award date.**** MOA’s Each sub-recipient must read and sign the MOA and return it to the NCEM HSGP Grant Manager in Raleigh, NC. Each sub-recipient must submit information on anticipated Planning, Equipment, Training, and Exercise purchases/activities in the form of a application prior to execution of the MOA. The application is also included as Attachment 1 of the MOA. Any change in these projects must be submitted to the grant manager for approval prior to incurring expenses. Each sub-recipient has been provided with an electronic copy of the application for this purpose.

  11. Grant –Progress Report • Your NCEM Grant Manager must receive a progress report quarterly. • Annual Due Dates • January 15st • April 15th • July 15th • October 15th

  12. Homeland Security Grant -Cost Report • All cost reports MUST be signed, dated and submitted on an official cost report form provided by NCEM. • Submit cost reports for reimbursement within 60 day of payment. • Sub-recipients may submit more than one cost report a month. • All cost reports MUST be accompanied by copies of invoices to verify request. Include a summary sheet of invoices. The total of all invoices should equal the total amount of funds requested. • All cost reports MUST have proof of payment. • Checks will be mailed within 2 to 4 weeks of receipt of cost report along with an new cost report showing new updated balance.

  13. Homeland Security Grant -Cost Report Packet Cost Report Invoices Proof of payment Summary Sheet All of these documents must be received from the sub-recipient so that eligibility for reimbursement can be verified.

  14. Homeland Security Grant -Typing Report HSGP Guidance requires recipients to report all grant-funded equipment and training that supports typed resources using the fields in the attached Grant-Funded Typed Resource Report. This reporting will include both NIMS-typed resources at the National (NIMS Tier I) and State and local (NIMS Tier II) levels. The description and listing of NIMS typed resources can be found at: http://www.fema.gov/resource-management.

  15. Homeland Security Grant –Monitoring/Closeout • A Site Visit verifies: • Sub-recipient documentation should include: Grant award letter, MOA, cost reports, invoices, proof of payment and inventory list. • Photo documentation of equipment purchase and DHS labeling requirements. • Sub-recipient must maintain records for a period of 5 years after grant close out.

  16. Homeland Security Grant –Monitoring/Closeout Required Sub-Recipient File Documentation Sub-recipient must meet the financial administration requirements in 2 C.F.R Part 200 and must maintain a file for each homeland security grant award. The files must be available for review by the North Carolina Division of Emergency Management – Homeland Security Branch Staff for site visits, project closeout and future audits. Sub-recipient must include appropriate documentation in the file, including but not limited to the following documents: 1. Grant Award and Memorandum of Agreement/Memorandum of Understanding and Supporting Appendices 2. Completed appropriate cost report forms with invoices and proof(s) of payment 3. Audit Findings and Corrective Action Plans 4. Equipment inventory records with photo documentation of DHS labeling

  17. Federal Grants Information Sources www.grants.gov EMPG / HSGP www.fema.gov/grants www.fema.gov/authorized-equipment-list www.fema.gov/core-capabilities HMEP www.phmsa.dot.gov/hazmat/grants-program

  18. Questions? • Patty Moyer DPR1, DPR2, DPR3, UASI Grant Manager 919-825-2337 Patty.Moyer@ncdps.gov • Evelyn Costello DPR4 DPR5, DPR6, Grant Manager 919-825-2361 Evelyn.Costello@ncdps.gov Lisa Patton DPR7, DPR8, DPR9 • Grant Manager 919-825-2280 Lisa.Patton@ncdps.gov Callion Maddox Grants Branch Manager 919-825-2332 Callion.Maddox@ncdps.gov Jeff Cox EM Planner 919-825-2549 Jeff.cox@ncdps.gov Felicia Johnson Office Assistant 919-825-2312 Feliciad.johnson@ncdps.gov

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