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Darebin's Climate Emergency Plan outlines 9 directions for urgent climate action, including mobilizing communities, energy efficiency, renewable energy, zero emissions transport, and engaging the community. Adopted in August 2017, the plan aims to restore a safe climate through an emergency mode of action.
DAREBIN CLIMATE EMERGENCY PLANMAV Sustainable Communities National Summit Gavin Mountjoy 7 September 2017
2007 - Council Action Plan2009 - Community Action Plan2009 - Climate Change and Peak Oil Adaptation
Climate emergency plan – 9 directions 1. Climate emergency mobilisation and leadership 2. Energy efficiency 3. Renewable energy and fuel switching Zero emissions transport Consumption and Waste minimisation Fossil fuel divestment Adaptation and resilience 8. Engaging the community 9. Darebin Energy Foundation
Climate emergency plan – 9 directions 1. Climate emergency mobilisation and leadership 2. Energy efficiency 3. Renewable energy and fuel switching Zero emissions transport Consumption and waste minimisation Fossil fuel divestment Adaptation and resilience 8. Engaging the community 9. Darebin Energy Foundation
Climate emergency plan – 9 directions 1. Climate emergency mobilisation and leadership 2. Energy efficiency 3. Renewable energy and fuel switching Zero emissions transport Consumption and waste minimisation Fossil fuel divestment Adaptation and resilience 8. Engaging the community 9. Darebin Energy Foundation
Climate emergency plan – 9 directions 1. Climate emergency mobilisation and leadership 2. Energy efficiency 3. Renewable energy and fuel switching Zero emissions transport Consumption and waste minimisation Fossil fuel divestment Adaptation and resilience 8. Engaging the community 9. Darebin Energy Foundation
Climate emergency plan – 9 directions 1. Climate emergency mobilisation and leadership 2. Energy efficiency 3. Renewable energy and fuel switching Zero emissions transport Consumption and waste minimisation Fossil fuel divestment Adaptation and resilience 8. Engaging the community 9. Darebin Energy Foundation
Climate emergency plan – 9 directions 1. Climate emergency mobilisation and leadership 2. Energy efficiency 3. Renewable energy and fuel switching Zero emissions transport Consumption and waste minimisation Fossil fuel divestment Adaptation and resilience 8. Engaging the community 9. Darebin Energy Foundation
Climate emergency plan – 9 directions 1. Climate emergency mobilisation and leadership 2. Energy efficiency 3. Renewable energy and fuel switching Zero emissions transport Consumption and waste minimisation Fossil fuel divestment Adaptation and resilience 8. Engaging the community 9. Darebin Energy Foundation
Darebin Climate emergency plan in a state of climate emergency that requires urgent action by all levels of government, including local councils. possible to restore a safe climate and prevent most of the long-term impacts – but only if societies across the world adopt an emergency mode of action – enabling restructuring of the economy at scale and speed
a carbon budget approach Based on Australian Climate Change Authority - Climate Budget
Darebin Climate emergency plan in a state of climate emergency that requires urgent action by all levels of government, including local councils. possible to restore a safe climate and prevent most of the long-term impacts – but only if societies across the world adopt an emergency mode of action – enabling restructuring of the economy at scale and speed
Climate emergency plan – goals … To provide maximum protection for the community of Darebin and for people, civilization and species globally, especially the most vulnerable. To restore a safe climate at emergency speed by eliminating greenhouse emissions and enabling drawdown of excess carbon dioxide in the air. To encourage research to find safe ways to protect people, species and civilization from near-term dangerous temperatures, while zero emission and carbon dioxide drawdown strategies are being enacted. To enable our community to be resilient in the face of any unavoidable dangerous climate impacts. To engage, empower and mobilise governments, communities and organisationsto take action on and achieve these goals with certainty and at emergency speed.
Darebin Climate emergency plan Call for stronger and clearer targets on emissions and reporting for Council operations and community emissions Corporate – Operations Gross greenhouse -50% reduction by 2022 Net greenhouse – Zero net emissions by 2020 On-site renewables - 440kW additional by 2022 Complete a Carbon Management Plan by Sept 2018
Darebin Climate emergency plan Community emissions Net greenhouse – Zero net emissions by 2020 Negative emissions (drawdown) – to be determined by 2022 Double solar in Darebin - additional 19 MW by 2021 Complete a Drawdown Plan by Sept 2019
1. Climate Emergency Action The scale and speed of the transformation needed to change our energy markets, our economy, our legislation and behaviour requires an emergency nationwide and global response. • develop a flagship climate emergency campaign, advocacy and conference to identify strategic action and collaboration • Build local engagement with climate action Undertake organisation review with climate emergency perspective • Engage & partner with other councils and organisation to mobilise State & Federal Govts (MAV vote) • Encourage innovation and support innovation • Develop a drawdown plan – removing our share of excess emissions in the air
1. Climate Emergency Mobilisation and Leadership • Clarification of meaning and how Council will lead and engage on this emergency mobilisation and leadership • Mixed reaction on the emergency language – disempowering or beyond Council scope
2. Energy Efficiency First step is to reduce emissions through energy efficiency - added co-benefits of saving money and making our homes and workplaces more comfortable. • Council buildings to high environmental standards and efficiency • Support housing retrofits – insulation, air-leakage & efficient cooling/heating • Ensure high standard of new buildings through the planning process • Extend Green businesses support • Introduce higher government standards and financing for homes/buildings • More efficient street lights.
2. Energy Efficiency • Main concern around housing standards – 6 star performance, Govt. regulations and who is monitoring? • Support advocacy around new housing and retrofitting to bring up the poorest houses to minimum standard
3. Renewable energy and fuel switching Getting our energy from zero carbon sources is crucial. Double solar PV from 19MW to 38MW in Darebin. • Increase solar on Council buildings • Explore purchasing renewable electricity when we can’t produce any more • Offer no-up-front-cost repayable through rates solar programs to homes (pensioners, low incomes and remainder), businesses, schools and community energy projects • Offer solar bulk-buys • Explore solar PV + batteries bulk-buys • Encourage 100% renewable electricity asap • Phase out natural gas from council buildings and encourage households to switch from gas to electricity
Low income households save $100 -$200/yr above repayments • After 10 years save $400+ per year • Based on feed-in-tariff of 5 cents or 11.3cents/kWh Solar Saver Program
Special Charge Scheme - mandatory steps • Council resolution • Advertise – address and $ amount • 28 days. notice • Opportunity to object • Final Council resolution
The Guardian Renewables Roadshow: how the 'nonna effect' got Darebin's pensioners signing up to solar
Prog Expanded Solar Saver Program – 4 years $10 millionrecruit 17-18install 18-19repeat 4,500 h/holdsclose to 19,000 kW solar PV
3. Renewable energy and fuel switching • Strong support for double solar PV from 19MW to 38MW in Darebin. • Council should increase solar on Council buildings as a priority • Don’t double count solar PV if we sell the STC’s • Strong support for Solar Saver program – but find ways to support renters in the program • A few concerned about not purchasing GreenPower
4. Zero emissions transport Upgrade Council fleet to lowest emissions vehicles (more hybrids & EV’s) improve walkability, public transport nodes, interchanges and access to PT Create safe cycling routes Encourage uptake of electric vehicles.
4. Zero emissions transport Facilitate transition to electric vehicles through public charging infrastructure Explore possible bulk buying of Electric Vehicles and electric bikes Support improving walkability, cycling and public transport infrastructure and services
5. Waste minimisation Waste is small but significant source of emissions. Investigate providing food waste collection service Help community reduce waste through information, education, infrastructure and discouragement Introduce wider recycling options Urge government to facilitate universal organic waste collection incorporating food waste, biochar and waste to energy
5. Consumption and waste minimisation Concern about lack of focus on food and materials - significant emissions and support reduction through community engagement not included in ‘community inventory’ – Scope (food and manufacturing) and accounting challenges Support for plastic reduction Support for ’waste food’ collection
Removing investment from companies involved in extracting fossil fuels. Actively invest with fossil free financial institutions Create awareness about divestment and campaigns Urge governments to divest from fossil fuels and phase out extraction of fossil fuels in Australia 6. Fossil fuel divestment
7. Adaptation and Resilience • Support communities to adapt and become resilient to the changes already happening in our climate. • Applying adaptation standards to all new buildings through planning • Support urban food production • Increase tree canopy coverage to reduce urban heat island effect • Work with residents and businesses re-retrofitting to adapt to heatwaves and extreme weather events • Urge and work with Melbourne Water to undertake flood protection works
7. Adaptation and Resilience • More trees and increase the amount of canopy cover • Support Darebin Nature Trust
8. Engaging the Community • Raise awareness of climate change and the actions the community can take to make a difference. Recognise and celebrate community action. • Provide climate change education • Help individuals and groups influence governments to respond to climate change • Expand sustainable business program to support businesses • Facilitate relationships between environmental and community groups • Urge State government and real estate industry to improve rental properties • Urge government for thorough product labelling to help consumers choose low carbon products.
8. Engaging the Community • Not clear how we will engage • Acknowledge need to do more with CALD communities • Good suggestions eg ‘story telling’ • Develop a community engagement plan, inconjunction with Climate Emergency Mobilisation Plan
9. Darebin Energy Foundation • Council will establish the Darebin Energy Foundation to accelerate sustained and meaningful action with the community (residents, businesses, education and other organisations) to reduce Darebin’s emissions and embed community resilience to climate change • Establish Foundation • Set up climate think tank • Implement final Foundation by 2018 • Provide ongoing support to DEF
9. Darebin Energy Foundation • Not well understood • Mixed reactions – make sure you learn from MEFL & YEF and don’t replicate • Too energy focused – should be climate focused – change the name
Resourcing • The previous budget - $427,000 - $127,000 direct programs and $300,000 GreenPower. This funding will be reapportioned in line with recommended actions. • Additional resourcing requirements include: • - $20 million for the expansion of the Solar $aver program, • Capital funding to be considered in annual budget considerations including: - Council building energy efficiency fund - $1 million is proposed over the 5 year plan period. - Additional funding to support high quality ESD outcomes in Council buildings - The 440kw solar proposed for council buildings is estimated to cost $660,000 - Streetlight upgrades of cost shared lights with VicRoads are estimated to cost $780,000 dependent on VicRoadsco-funding the upgrades.
Consultation summary2 previous rounds in 2016with draft consulted 22 May - 3 July165 people attended 3 public meetings and 11 different groups8 detailed submissionsOverwhelmingly positive and supportive
Climate Emergency Plan “Today I am proud our Council has declared a climate emergency and is taking action (no plastic bags, sustainable transport, healthy green spaces, renewables .... And I'm proud it’s the Nonna’s of our north that are leading the charge on installing solar.” “Implementing this plan will be a good start - strong leadership by Council can be a powerful support for local community action.”
Plan and 8 page summary available - yoursaydarebin.com.au/climateaction
Yoursaydarebin.com.au/climateaction Gavin Mountjoy Ph 8470 8535 Gavin.Mountjoy@Darebin.vic.gov.au