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Welcome to 5/6 Grade!. Mrs. Thomas-Reading/Social Studies Ms. Canady-Reading/Social Studies Mrs. Gobbo- Math Mr. Banks-Science. Class Schedule. Homeroom 7:30-8:00 Period 1&2 8:00-10:00 Period 10:00-12:00 Lunch 12:00-12:30 Recess 12:30-1:-00 Specials 1:00-1:30 Study Hall 1:30-1:45
Welcome to 5/6 Grade! Mrs. Thomas-Reading/Social Studies Ms. Canady-Reading/Social Studies Mrs. Gobbo- Math Mr. Banks-Science
Class Schedule Homeroom 7:30-8:00 Period 1&2 8:00-10:00 Period 10:00-12:00 Lunch 12:00-12:30 Recess 12:30-1:-00 Specials 1:00-1:30 Study Hall 1:30-1:45 Dismissal 1:45
Classes • Reading/Social Studies- 1 Hour 15 Minutes • Writers’ Workshop- 45 Minutes • Math- 1 Hour • Science- 1 Hour
Grading Policy 5th Grade Reading/S.S. Homework: 15% Class work: 35% Assessments: 50% **Includes Test, quizzes, projects 6th Grade-Reading/S.S. Homework: 25% Class work: 25% Assessments: 50% **Includes Test, quizzes, projects
Grading Policy 5th Grade-Mathematics Homework: 15% Class work: 35% Assessments: 50% **Includes Test, quizzes, projects 6th Grade-Mathematics Homework: 20% Class work: 30% Assessments: 50% **Includes Test, quizzes, projects
Grading Policy 5th Grade Science Homework: 15% Class work: 35% Assessments: 50% **Includes Test, quizzes, projects 6th Grade-Science Homework: 15% Class work: 40% Assessments: 45% **Includes Test, quizzes, projects
Dress Code • Your child is expected to be in their uniform EVERYDAY. • White, Red or Black collar shirts • Kaki colored pants or shorts (boys) • Kaki colored pants, jumpers or skorts (girls) • NO accessories (large earrings, belts, colored socks, etc). • Shoes should be all black
Family Portal The Family Portal is a feature of SchoolMax that allows designated family members to check their child’s grades. Registering for the Family Portal • The first time you access the Family Portal you must register using your Parent Access Key:1. Go directly to https://family.sis.pgcps.org or hover your mouse over the Parent tab on the PGCPS.org home page and click SchoolMAX Family Portal. • 2. To change the Family Portal to Spanish, select Spanish from the Choose Language to Display drop-down menu. This changes the page text, but not the student data, to Spanish. • 3. Click I need to register. • 4. Enter the Parent Access Key you received in the Family Portal notification letter. • 5. Click Submit
Family Portal Cont… • 6. Enter a Username if one has not already been created for you. The username is case sensitive. If you are also a PGCPS employee, you cannot use the same username for your parent login. • 7. Enter a Password. Be sure to follow the requirements listed on the screen. The password is case sensitive. • 8. Retype the password in the Confirm Password field. • 9. Choose three questions from the Password Hint drop-down menu and enter the answer in the text box beneath. If you forget your password later, you can answer these questions to verify your identity. *Accessing the Family Portal- Once you register, you can login with the username and the password.
AttendanceEveryone student must be in the classroom by 7:45 am Lawful Absences • Death in the immediate family. • Illness of the child. • Court summons. • Observance of a religious holiday. • Suspension. Unlawful Absences Unlawful absence and/or truancy is defined as the act of a student being absent from school for a day or any portion of a day or from an individual class or any portion of a class for any reason other than those defined as a lawful excuse for absence from school.
When You Missed Class • Check the designated area for the work that was missed. • Take what you have missed and see the teacher for further instructions. 3. Get notes from a classmate. 4. This is your responsibility, not the teacher’s.
What is the Common Core State Standards Initiative? The Common Core State Standards Initiative is a state-led effort to establish a shared set of clear educational standards for English language arts and mathematics that states can voluntarily adopt. The standards have been informed by the best available evidence and the highest state standards across the country and globe and designed by a diverse group of teachers, experts, parents, and school administrators, so they reflect both our aspirations for our children and the realities of the classroom. These standards are designed to ensure that students graduating from high school are prepared to go to college or enter the workforce and that parents, teachers, and students have a clear understanding of what is expected of them. The standards are benchmarked to international standards to guarantee that our students are competitive in the emerging global marketplace.
About the Standards These standards define the knowledge and skills students should have within their K-12 education careers so that they will graduate high school able to succeed in entry-level, credit-bearing academic college courses and in workforce training programs. The standards: • Are aligned with college and work expectations; • Are clear, understandable and consistent; • Include rigorous content and application of knowledge through high-order skills; • Build upon strengths and lessons of current state standards; • Are informed by other top performing countries, so that all students are prepared to succeed in our global economy and society; and • Are evidence-based.
Why is the Common Core State Standards Initiative important? The common core state standards will enable participating states to work together to: • Make expectations for students clear to parents, teachers, and the general public; • Encourage the development of textbooks, digital media, and other teaching materials aligned to the standards; • Develop and implement comprehensive assessment systems to measure student performance against the common core state standards that will replace the existing testing systems that too often are inconsistent, burdensome and confusing; and • Evaluate policy changes needed to help students and educators meet the standards.
Mathematics The K-5 standards provide students with a solid foundation in whole numbers, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, fractions and decimals—which help young students build the foundation to successfully apply more demanding math concepts and procedures, and move into applications. What to expect in Math… • Spelling Tests • Weekly Study Island Topics Due • Rigorous Instruction
Standards for Mathematical Practice • 1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. • 2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively. • 3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. • 4. Model with mathematics. • 5. Use appropriate tools strategically. • 6. Attend to precision. • 7. Look for and make use of structure. • 8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
Reading/Social Studies • Students will be focusing on the author Roald Dahl, the masterful storyteller who entertain kids & get them excited about reading. Roald Dahl has authored several books that kids around the world enjoy. These books include James & the Giant Peach, BGF, Matilda, Boy, The Witches, & Danny the Champion of the World. • The first book we will be covering in class is James & the Giant Peach. • Throughout this thematic unit, students will be doing writing pieces beginning with memoirs.
Science Students will be doing research and conducting experiments throughout the course of the year. Students will also be receiving extra support on math skills at times during this period. Students will be expected to: • Complete study island assignments • Daily homework • Actively participate in classroom labs & discussions
Science-Camp Schmidt • Fifth Graders will be going to Camp Schmidt on Monday November 19-Tuesday November 20. • More details will be coming home in the coming months on what students will be responsible for bringing. • If you want to chaperone, (and we need chaperones please), you will need to go to the Board of Ed and get finger printed, $65, in order to be able to come and spend the night.
School Supplies • Grade Five/Six Supply List 2012-2013 • 3 packs of pencils • Pack of blue/black pens • 2 Inch Binder • Loose leaf paper (5) • Dividers for Binder • Several packs of post it notes • 1 Box of Colored Pencils or Markers • 1 Flash Drive • 2 pair Scissors / intermediate • Backpack • 2 packs of index cards • 2 pocket folders • Highlighters • 2 packs of Graph Paper • Pack of Glue Sticks • Binder Pencil Pouch (Not Pencil Box) • 2 Composition Books • Agenda Book with spaces large enough to • write assignments and has holes to fit in binder • All supplies should be replenished when they run out. Please check with your child to see that they have the tools they need for a successful year.
Pre-Order Now!!!!!! Diary of a Wimpy kid 7 The third wheel * Don’t forget each month’s dollar deals!!
Study Island Study Islandis a leading academic software provider of standards-based assessment, instruction, and test preparation e-learning programs. MSA Preparation • The Study Island Maryland Standards Mastery and MSA Preparation Program is specifically designed to help elementary school students master the content outlined in the Maryland Voluntary State Curriculum (VSC) and Core Learning Goals and Common Core State Standards. Study Island offers elementary school math, reading, science, and social studies programs. Common Core Benchmarking • The Study Island Common Core State Standards Benchmarking Program for grades 3 through 5 enables teachers to get a snapshot of student proficiencies in relation to the Common Core State Standards.
Reading Summer Packets 1. Read any Roald Dahl book and complete a story cube 2. Read any biography and complete a biocube 3. Read a book of your choice and complete a story cube So you may be wondering how do I create a story cube/biocube. Follow the directions below: • Go to the following link: http://www.readwritethink.org/files/resources/interactives/cube_creator/ • Then choose which cube you are creating either a biocube or story cube. • Follow the directions on the screen • Print out and put together your cube.
Math Summer Packet Master the basic facts in Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division. Knowing My Basic Facts Helps Me… • Finding the mean 14. Add Decimals • Finding the median 15. Subtract Decimals • Finding the range 16. Multiply Decimals • Multiply Whole Numbers 17. Divide Decimals • Add Whole Numbers 18. Solve Word Problems/Real World Problems • Subtract Whole Numbers 19. Finding Perimeter • Divide Whole Numbers 20. Finding the Area • Add Fractions 21. Finding the Volume • Subtract Fractions 22. Evaluating Expressions • Multiply Fractions 23. Solving Equations • Divide Fractions • Reduce Fractions • Convert Fractions to Decimals
Communication • Email robert.banks@pgcps.org barbra.thomas@pgcps.org stephanie.gobbo@pgcps.org dionne.canady@pgcp.org • Telephone - 301-702-3931 • Notes home • Allenwood Website http://www1.pgcps.org/allenwood
We look forward to working with you and your child this school year. Please feel free to contact any of us if you have any questions! See you on Monday at 7:30!