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COMENIUS PROJECT EUROPE UNITED. 2012 – 2013 2nd part. Octhebius glaber. The Ochthebius glaber commonly known as `` the Beetle of salt´´ , it is an aquatic gorgojo , and belonging to the family Hydraenidae.
Octhebius glaber • The Ochthebius glaber commonly known as `` the Beetle of salt´´ , it is an aquatic gorgojo , and belonging to the family Hydraenidae.
Has a length of about two millimeters and his body is narrow and elongated, and it is glossy black, with brown eyes and palps.
This kind is endemic to the Iberian Peninsula , is located in four provincesone of them, Murcia. • Appears in hypersaline environments. Their food is micro snake. • It has a very fragile and alterable habitat, besides low.
Habitat Bird which nests mainly in cut limestone. Keeps some competition with the golden eagle, excluding both in their breeding grounds. Accurate open space with abundant prey (partridges, pigeons and rabbits mainly).
Distribution This species is found in the Mediterranean region and South Asia. In Spain most of the population is in the Cordilleras Subbéticas Penibetic in the Iberian and Sierra Morena, Montes de Toledo.
Population Present in most of the region, although very little. Their populations are declining. Missing in the Great Plains and in the high elevations.
The fartet • Is a fish that lives in ponds, irrigation ditches, coastal lagoons salt…both freshwater and saltwater. • Is omnivorous. Each female lays hundred to nine hundred. • The contamination and exotic fish introduction adversely affect it, taking it up as a species considered endamgered.
Chato Murciano’s training pig occurred in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, from indigenous pigs black coat belonging to the trunk Iberian race Gabana, Chato Murciano pig for the black layer, and its origin and spread the core Lorca area. Your selection center was established at the Center for Research, Training and Agricultural Experiences Lorca (CIFE).
The white variety was selected in the area of Murcia huertana with network selection in the Pool sericulture station that is within the IMIDA in Murcia. It grew out of the race swine Graffiti, also belonging to the Iberian trunk but with mixed red and white hairs in spots. About Murcia pig breeds pigs acted especially imported foreign breeds Yorkshire, Berkshire, Craonés and Alderney.
Shrub up to two meters high, with palmate leaves and berry-like fruits. Descripción
We can find it in Carrascoy, saws Cartagena, Monte Valley, Altona and Escalona etc Distribution
Interesting things: • It's kind of special interest. • It is often grown in parks and gardens. • Some plant parts are usually consumed.
Description • Tree up to 25-28 m tall, with the cup and not very dense ovoid. Leaves usually 10 x 5 cm with 7-14 pairs of nerves, lanceolate to oblong-lanceolate, the young elliptical obovate-elliptic, margins serrate, sometimes spiny-toothed
Habitat and geographical distribution • Inhabits forest formations in humid ravines and cliffs, in thermo-mesomediterranean floors with dry-subhumid ombrotype. • It is a typical Mediterranean element. In the Iberian Peninsula is located in the coastal North and Levante, Murcia reaches terminally, where they are isolated individuals, most of them with evidence of introgression with holm. • Conservation and threats
Species in recession today is ecologically and genetically displaced by Quercus rotundifolia, resulting in varying degrees of hybridization. • Quercus ilex is bound to a "genetic death" irrevocable because they produce acorns are hybridized with pollen of Q. rotundifolia. Carrascoy Individuals who are in arid environments are in worse shape, some of them have died in recent years.