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Comenius Project. 2010-2012 PHYSICAL AND SPORTS ACTIVITIES IN DIFFERENT ENVIRONMENTS. Basketball. Historical (evolution).
Historical (evolution) In early December 1891, Dr. James Naismith, a Canadian, wrote the basic rules for a brand new game, The game, which Naismith called "Basket Ball", incorporated rules taken from a children's game - "Duck on a Rock". The first official game was played with nine players in a YMCA gymnasium on January 20th 1892.
The game quickly spread through the USA and Canada. Teams abounded throughout the 1920s. There were hundreds of men's professional basketball teams in towns and cities all over the United States. Squads such as the Original Celtics, the New York Renaissance Five and the Harlem Globetrotters played up to two hundred games a year on their national tours. It is at this time that basketball culminates as both a professional sport and a popular outdoor game.
In 1946, the Basketball Association of America was founded. The first game was played in Ontario, Canada between the Toronto Huskies and New York Knickerbockers. In 1949, the BAA merged with the National Basketball League to form the National Basketball Association (NBA).
The Romanian Federation of Basketball and Volleyball was founded in 1931. After 1944, with the establishment of the communist regime, basketball becomes more popular. In 1946, Romania participates at the first “Balkan Competitions”.
Romania has scored memorable performances at different international competitions among the years, the most important one being the fifth place received at the Global Championship in Edmonton, Canada, in 1991.
Equipment and Field or track
The attire worn by the players has to be light and comfortable so that it does not obstruct performance in any way. As for trainers, ankle length, a good cushion and good ventilation are all required perks for a pair that will protect players from ankle twisting, blisters or massive sweating.
Participants – mixed teams of parents, teachers and high school students Place – school sports hall SCHOOL, LIFE, PLAY – A PERMANENT CHALLENGE Activity – basketball match
REASON: Children follow their parents and teachers as models OUTCOMES: - long-term motivation - participation - success for our children in sport and life
*A player shall not run with the ball, deliberately kick or block it with any part of the leg, or strike it with his fist. However, to accidentally come into contact with or touch the ball with any part of the leg is not a violation. *The game shall consist of four periods of ten minutes. * There shall be intervals of play of two minutes between the first and second period, between the third and fourth period and before each extra period.
*A player shall not dribble a second time after his first dribble has ended unless between the two dribbles he has lost control of a live ball on the playing court because of: • a shot for a field goal. • a touch of the ball by an opponent. • a pass or fumble that has touched or been touched by another player.
*Player falling, lying or sitting on the floor It is legal when a player falls and slides on the floor while holding the ball or, while lying or sitting on the floor, gains control of the ball. It is a violation if the player then rolls or attempts to stand up while holding the ball.
*Once a defensive player has established an initial legal guarding position, he may move to guard his opponent. He may not prevent him from passing by extending his arms, shoulders, hips or legs in his path. *Charging is illegal personal contact, with or without the ball, by pushing or moving into an opponent’s torso.
*Holding is illegal personal contact with an opponent that interferes with his freedom of movement. This contact can occur with any part of the body. • *Pushing is illegal personal contact with any part of the body in which a player forcibly moves or attempts to move an opponent with or without control of the ball.
A game start is somewhat of a ritual. The teams’ two centers come face to face in the center of the court. The referee throws the ball upwards, between them, and it is their job to push the ball so that their team will get possession. The ball may not be held, or hit with the fist or head, only pushed.
Positions in the team • As the title suggests, this is meant to show what kind of men each basketball team is looking for, and what qualities each position requires: • The point guard, also known as the "1", is the team's general and the best ball handler on the team; • The shooting guard, also known as the "2", is usually the team's best shooter; • The small forward, also known as the "3", is typically somewhat shorter, quicker and leaner than power forwards and centers; • Also known as the "4" position and abbreviated as "PF", the power forward plays a role similar to that of the center, down in the "post" or "low blocks"; • The center, also referred to as the "5" or the "pivot", usually plays near the baseline, close to the basket (referred to as the "bottom of the key" or the "low post").He is also the tallest man on the team.
ELBOW TO ELBOW Get a partner that is standing near the goal. Move to either elbow and your partner feeds you the ball, then square up and shoot. Right after you have released you turn, run and touch half court and come back to the other key. Then your partner feeds you the ball again and you repeat.
STEP AND PASS • Start off with a line in the middle of the foul line and another line on the out-of-bounds line. Start with the ball at the foul line. Face each other, then start to side step down the court giving each other a chest pass every 2 or 3 steps. Do not let the ball hit the ground! • Instead of just a chest pass, also try a bounce pass and a over the head pass.
Probably the most famous teams around the world are The Boston Celtics and, of course, L.A. Lakers.
All over the world there are great teams which unfortunately aren’t as advertised as the ones in the U.S.A., but this doesn’t mean that they are less valuable. For example, the best Romanian teams are CSU Ploiesti – men and CSM Craiova – women, who have won many important games and also championships.
When it comes to Romanian basketball players, the first one that comes into our minds is Gheorghe Muresan (also known as Magic Ghita) a 7 ft. 7 in. tall man. He is the tallest basketball player able to play in the NBA
Antonio Alexe played his entire career in the Romanian and Hungarian basketball leagues. He became Romanian champion 3 times, before dying in a tragic car accident, in 2005. ConstantinPopa went overseas to play for the University of Miami in the NCAA Division 1, becoming the tallest player ever in the history of the school. Although he never played in the NBA, he had a successful career in the Continental Basketball Association, before returning to Europe.
Another important player is Andrei Folbert, who is considered to be the Best Romanian Basketball Player because of his charisma and amazing basketball skills. He has even been nicknamed “The Hope” by his supporters.
In every country there are many competitions and “all star games”, but what we shouldn’t forget is that behind every good player there is a great coach and many hours of practice and sacrifices as well. Fame, money… these are just bonuses because they are doing what they love - fulfilling a dream. • So, enjoy this wonderful game, and don’t forget that fair-play applies in all sports, even basketball.
Producedby: • Bianca Barbu - “FratiiBuzesti” National College, Craiova, Romania • Andrada Barbu - “FratiiBuzesti” National College, Craiova, Romania • Adina Licsor - “FratiiBuzesti” National College, Craiova, Romania • MihaiNitu - “FratiiBuzesti” National College, Craiova, Romania • Dragos Oancea - “FratiiBuzesti” National College, Craiova, Romania • StaicuCristian Marian- “FratiiBuzesti” National College, Craiova, Romania • BirjovanuCarrol - “FratiiBuzesti” National College, Craiova, Romania • Costea Maria – Madalina - “FratiiBuzesti” National College, Craiova, Romania • DimulescuCristiana - “FratiiBuzesti” National College, Craiova, Romania • DraghiciAdrian - “FratiiBuzesti” National College, Craiova, Romania • Gogescu Fiona – Teodora - “FratiiBuzesti” National College, Craiova, Romania • IvanescuRenatoConstantin - “FratiiBuzesti” National College, Craiova, Romania • KevorchianAndreea – Gabriela - “FratiiBuzesti” National College, Craiova, Romania • NicaAlexandruLucian - “FratiiBuzesti” National College, Craiova, Romania • RadulescuAdrian- “FratiiBuzesti” National College, Craiova, Romania