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Chapter 19

Chapter 19. America and the World. Imperialism. During most of the 19th century, the US practiced isolationism Britain, France, Germany and other nations built world empires through a process called imperialism which was used to gain wealth and power. Reasons for Imperialism.

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Chapter 19

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  1. Chapter 19 America and the World

  2. Imperialism • During most of the 19th century, the US practiced isolationism • Britain, France, Germany and other nations built world empires through a process called imperialism which was used to gain wealth and power

  3. Reasons for Imperialism • Imperialism provided for prestige, military strength and wealth • The focus on wealth often resulted in exploitation when the settling countries took advantage of the natives

  4. Reasons for Imperialism • Another reason for imperialism was to assist the natives. This focus on providing food and health care is called humanitarianism. • Missionaries led this movement and were influenced by Dwight L. Moody, who helped start the Student Volunteer Movement for Foreign Missions which focused on evangelizing the world

  5. Spanish-American War • The US became involved in the Spanish-American War in 1898 which affected imperialism • Cubans were upset about the treatment they got from Spain and wanted the US to help

  6. Yellow Press • Cuban revolutionaries encouraged yellow journalism which changed stories to make them more exciting • Newspapermen William Randolph Hearst and Joseph Pulitzer competed to have the best stories

  7. American Investment • The US was also interested in Cuba because of American businessmen who had sugar plantations there • They wanted President William McKinley to help

  8. Causes for War • Dupuy de Lome, the Spanish minister to the US had written a critical letter about McKinley • The U.S.S. Maine, anchored in Havana had also exploded and killed 250 Americans • The US issued the Teller Amendment which said they did not want to add Cuba to its territory

  9. Battles • Theodore Roosevelt led a division of the army called Rough Riders • The US first attacked Spanish forces at the Battle of Manila Bay • Roosevelt then led his men to victory at San Juan Hill

  10. Cuba • Even though the US had promised Cuba independence, they passed the Platt amendment which had strict rules giving the US control • It also allowed for a naval base at Guantanamo Bay • Walter Reed and William Gorgas helped limit yellow fever in Cuba

  11. The Philippines • After getting freedom from Spain, many Filipinos wanted freedom and were upset after not getting it • Emilio Aguinaldo led the fight against American troops for 2 1/2 years

  12. The Panama Canal • The US helped Panama get independence from Colombia and singed the Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty. • This was named after Secretary of State John Hay and the foreign minister of Panama • The Panama Canal was opened in 1914

  13. Theodore Roosevelt • Roosevelt created the “big stick” policy which focused on showcasing America’s strength • He also issued the Roosevelt Corollary which allowed the US to be a police power in the world

  14. Dollar and Moral Diplomacy • William Howard Taft created dollar diplomacy which gave money to countries that followed the wishes of the US • Woodrow Wilson changed this into moral diplomacy which focused on negotiation in foreign affairs

  15. Asia • Many countries had divided China up into spheres of influence and began to set up colonies • The US wanted China to be open to everyone and an Open Door Policy • Some Chinese were upset with foreign influence and formed the Boxers to fight against them • The Boxer Rebellion focused on Chinese Christians and foreigners

  16. The US and Japan • Roosevelt viewed Japan as a threat and wanted a balance of power in Asia. • He got Russia and Japan to agree and won the Nobel Peace Prize because of this

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