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Radiology 2WW

Radiology 2WW. Dr Mandy Williams Head and Neck Radiology Cons UHB April 2019. Numbers of scans. Increasing numbers of USS and MRI generally inc 2ww. USS/ Biopsy needed ( 2019 data) Jan-70 (18) Feb -53 (13) March-69 (31)

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Radiology 2WW

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  1. Radiology 2WW Dr Mandy Williams Head and Neck Radiology Cons UHB April 2019

  2. Numbers of scans • Increasing numbers of USS and MRI generally inc 2ww. • USS/ Biopsy needed ( 2019 data) • Jan-70 (18) • Feb -53 (13) • March-69 (31) • Total as 2ww 192 USS with 62 bx ( 32% needed biopsy/FNA). 68% no biopsy

  3. USS non 2wwUrgent- • Jan 79 16Bx • Feb 74 15 • March 43 11 • Total 196 42 ( 21%)

  4. Routine USS • Jan 130 12bx • Feb 105 8 • March 113 11 • Total 348 32 biopsies ( 9%)

  5. USS • Total USS Jan-March 2019 • 736 neck USS of which 192 2ww 26% • 135 biopsies-53 as 2ww 45%

  6. MRI neck • 2 types depending on history. • If no mass seen on FNE or felt / low suspicion. • MRI neck ( 20 min scan) • If mass seen/ felt or clinical suspicion high MRI neck with gad. 40 min scan with additional sequences.

  7. MRI neck/gad2ww MRI neck MRI neck with gad Total • Jan 18 23 41 • Feb 53 24 77 • March 42 42 84 • Total 113 89 202

  8. MRI neck-low suspicion. • Total Jan-March-113 • Suspicious features/ malignancy-6. • One known parotid mass, others incidental findings or large tonsils. • One hypopharyngeal cancer with nodes. • Malignancy pick up rate 1/113- <1%

  9. MRI neck with gad-suspicious findings on FNA/ history. • Total scans Jan –March 89 • Total with suspicious findings- 49 • 55% abnormal- some of these staging MRI for known cancer.

  10. Summary • Very low pick up of unexpected cancers for patients with normal ENT examination and you request an MRI neck. • ? Downgrade these patients to urgency 5 and take OFF the 2ww pathway. Advising them in clinic they Don’t have cancer.

  11. USS • 68% of 2ww neck USS are normal and many others have FNA of low risk salivary cancers and thyroid nodules. • If low risk again suggest these patients are taken off the pathway. • Clinical examination is good for neck lumps. • If you think it is a lipoma/ sebaceous cyst/ thyroglossal cyst –it will be on USS too.

  12. High risk patients • Often wait too long for investigations. • If mass present then should have USS/MRI/CT within a week and panendoscopy. • This is achievable if we remove non urgent 2WW off this pathway at clinic stage and tell the patient they Do NOT have cancer and do the scans urgently ( 3-4 weeks). Most wont need follow up in clinic either.

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