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Faculty of Arts University of Karachi Nisar A. Memon August 24, 2005

Delve into the historic perspective and current challenges faced by Pakistan in governance, foreign policy, and national development. Explore ways to bring about positive change in the country's governance landscape.

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Faculty of Arts University of Karachi Nisar A. Memon August 24, 2005

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  1. Governance Challenges in Pakistan: Past, Present and Future Faculty of Arts University of Karachi Nisar A. Memon August 24, 2005

  2. Governance Challenges in Pakistan: Past, Present and FutureGovernance ……. Historic Perspective Pre Independence: Movement 40s & 50s: Political instability 60s:Controlled democracy 70s:Country divided 80s: Islamic influence in polity 90s:Highest political maneuvering 2000:Controlled with elected govts. >Weak political institutions<2

  3. Governance Challenges in Pakistan: Past, Present and FutureGovernance(continued) Constitution Preamble,Fundamental Rights &Principles of Policy- Wherein the State shall exercise its powers and authority through the chosen representatives of the people; - Wherein the principles of democracy, freedom, equality, tolerance and social justice, as enunciated by Islam, shall be fully observed; - ‘principles of social justice’ & ‘egalitarian society’ Articles & Amendments: - Article 1: Federal Republic - Article 9: Security of life and liberty - Article 19: Freedom of speech and expression and press - 4th Schedule: Federal & Concurrent Legislative List3

  4. Governance Challenges in Pakistan: Past, Present and FutureGovernance(continued) • Elements / Aspects / Areas • State Institutions • Legislative • Parliament • Provincial Government\ • Local Government • Executive • Civil & Military • Judiciary • Media • Feudal, Urban & Mullah 4

  5. Governance Challenges in Pakistan: Past, Present and FutureGovernance …Foreign Policy Foundations of our Foreign Policy by Quaid-I-Azam…….“Our foreign policy is one of friendliness and goodwill towards the nations of the world.We do not cherish aggressive designs against any country or nation. … utmost contribution to the promotion of peace and prosperity among the nations of the world…. Upholding th principles of the United Nations Charter.” Phases………. 1947-53: Explorations &friendship with all 1953-62: Alignment with the West 1962-71: Transition 1972-79: Bilateralism and nonalignment 1980-90: Afghanistan and Partnership with US 1990-2001: Post-Cold War Era & Pakistan’s Dilemmas 2001Onwards: Pakistan & Counter Terrorism 5

  6. Governance Challenges in Pakistan: Past, Present and FutureChallenges…….International • Bilateral: India, USA, China, Afghanistan, Iran • Regional: SAARC, SCO, AMED • World Forums: UN, OIC, WB • Image: • Terrorist / Extremist • Democracy • Human Rights • Minorities - Protection • Women- Rapes / Votes • Nuclear proliferation6

  7. Governance Challenges in Pakistan: Past, Present and FutureChallenges…….National • Economy: • Sustain macro economic achievements • Strengthen Micro economics • Poverty Alleviation Programs • Control Inflation & Price Hike • Politics: • Decency, free from coercions and state interference • Provincial Harmony: Federal & Concurrent Lists • Social: • Extremism: President’s Enlightened Moderation Strategy • Basic amenities: Education, Health, Safe Drinking Water • Law & Order: Batta’s, Theft (Mobiles,ATMs), Murders & Rapes • Security • Internal Dissent7

  8. Governance Challenges in Pakistan: Past, Present and FutureAGENDA for CHANGE Governance Challenges in Pakistan: Past, Present and FutureAGENDA for CHANGE • Strengthen: All Institutions • Focus: On EDUCATION • Develop: Merit based society • Acquire: Knowledge and learn • Engage: In Research • Unite: irrespective of ethnic origin, language, religion, religious sect, region etc • Agree on National Agenda • All Parties, All Regions, ALL PEOPLE • Zero Tolerance for Corruption • Can we do it?8

  9. Governance Challenges in Pakistan: Past, Present and FutureMOVE FORWARD>>>>> Governance Challenges in Pakistan: Past, Present and FutureAGENDA for CHANGE • Can we do it? ……... YES, YES, YES. • How? • Resolve by us all • Leadership in all areas • Who? • U: • Acquire education and live knowledge based life • Open mind: Research & Study Groups • Shun violence • Government at all levels to practice good governance • UR Elected Representatives: • Liaison with U……..Senator from Karachi & & & 9

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