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Laser range finder is a set of different tools that are used to accompany the LIDAR technology. Check out the long distance module with compact design, laser module with varied temperature range, and compact laser module to measure upto 30m, high speed lDM module which gives strong output under ambient light condition. These entire laser range finder sensors are designed symmetrical with one-or two features in difference. Rest the purpose and quality of work is similar. <br>To Know More Visit: https://www.precaster.com.tw/eng/4-benefits-of-using-laser-range-module-for-lidar
CHARACTERISTICS OF HIGH RELIABLE LASER DISTANCE SENSOR: A laser distance sensor, in general, utilizes a laser source with integrated optics to calculate the time utilized by a narrow beam of pulsed light for reaching an object and reflecting back to the sensor. Laser distance sensors are an ideal tool to measure distance. In order to ideally select the type of light-based distance sensors for your application, one needs to understand in detail the requirements properly. So, if you are looking for a highly reliable laser distance sensor, you will get it at an affordable price from Precaster Enterprises Co., LTD. KEY CONSIDERATIONS FOR BUYING LASER SENSORS: Price: Although it may not be the most important characteristic from a technical point of view, it is still an important consideration. When your project is of low budget, then there is no reason to spend hefty bucks on buying expensive laser sensors. Further, sometimes the better sensor can overkill or may be complex for the needs it fulfills. Maximum Distance: It is the most common factor that customers value the most. But comparing sensors based on maximum distance
does not come easy as it is not based on buying something that has the highest number. Many sensors could estimate their maximum range at 90% reflectivity on a flat, smooth, and perpendicular surface. The tests further differ when done indoor and outdoor such as the results could differ due to the interference of light. Minimum Distance: Although the minimum distance factor is often ignored, the sensors are capable of sensing the minimum distance as well. On placing the object closer than the actual distance, the sensors use various mediums of calculating the distance value depending upon the technology used and design choices made by the manufacturer. Further, depending upon the design and technology used, some laser sensors display minimum distance, while others indicate zero. Accuracy: The accuracy denotes how correct the measurement recorded by the sensors is in comparison to the real distance being measured. It also is dependent on numerous factors distance being a critical one. The sensors typically have two ranges fixed, one for short ranges and variable one for longer ranges. It is also dependent on the reflectivity of the target. Resolution: The resolution refers to ways the data is reported back. The data is typically reported back in the same unit as the accuracy. The resolution is critical to processing the data in a measurable way. No doubt, sensors report data in an explicit unit but have an accuracy measured at another unit. But in real cases, it should be measured in the same units. Interface: Another important consideration is the interface. It is critical as it ensures you are able to communicate with your sensors. Always ensure the interface that the sensor uses is compatible with the interface and capability of your system. CONCLUSION: There are many general and technical factors that you should consider before buying a laser sensor. Again many sensors have different power requirements, and when the exact power requirement is not met, the laser sensor may not respond properly.
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