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Which Is Better To Move Into New Or To Extend The Old? @ https://kolkatapackersmovers.in/<br>
WHICH IS BETTER TO MOVE INTO NEW OR TO EXTEND THE OLD? Packers and Movers in Kolkata Therearetonsofreasonswhereyou think “we needmorespaceinourhouse" it can be because of growing family, visitingfriends and relativesorperhapsyou would like to have a separatespacefor your home business. On a financial aspect decidingwhether to movein new houseor to extend theoldoneis bit difficult but theansweris clear you live in a flat and want to have a morespaceor want to shift to a new locality, you only have to considermovingcost,forremovalquotesyou can contact PackersAnd Movers Kolkata to Bhopal too. Extension will add value and space to yourhome but still costis to be consider though. It’s important to know whichoption will benefit youthemost and for that #PackersandMoversKolkata have put together the pros and cons, so to make the right decision. Accordingthesurvey41% people will prefer to haveextensionrather than move to new house and other35%believeinmoving and remaining24%areunsure.Thisis may be because people normally resistthechanges and preferthe place theyare living infromyearsfromthesecurity point of view and awareness about the surrounding, but in the end it’s all depend on you. Is It Better To Move Into New? “Forsome people it is not sensible to extend” take an example- youhave3bedroomshouseworth around25 Lakh and ifyou extend it around300squarefeet, that might costyouaround3 lakh 50 thousand to 5 Lakh. It’sworthy to investmuch only ifyou willing to stay for a long period but ifyou already have planned forshiftinginthenearfuture then noneed to invest any money will be the best option. • dealers and many ancillary expense to acquire a householdpropertyinthemovingcostdon’t also forget to addcostof selling youroldhouse like costyouhaveincurredforit'sadvertisement, broker,improvement extra, but doyou know you can save a lot ifyouhireprofessional and reasonable Movers for your moving just like Packers and Movers Kolkata. Of coursemovingis also not a costfriendlyoption it involves, stamp duty, brokercharges,
• If we estimated cost of moving then it will goes like this: • For property survey it will be around Rs 50,000 • Conveyance will be around Rs 5,000 to 7,000. • Estate agents will be around Rs 90,000 to 1,80,000. • Stamp duty will be 10% of the purchase cost. • Removal Company charges which will vary according to the distance and hour. • Cost of deposit which can be 5% or 20% of the cost of purchase. Considering above thefactorsyouhave to estimate the overall expensesyouhave to incurfor movingin new home.Also while moving to a new homedon’t put yourgoodsindanger,savethem from uncertainties by availing Top Packers and Movers Kolkata Local Insurance services. Is It Better To Extend? Offcourse extending onyourhomeis a costeffectiveoption but that isdependonthe number of factors, it is not always fixed that extension will pay you back. TheLocation and Demandofyour property plays a vital role while selling any property and guarantee that youraddition will definitely pay you back. In India people think adding a shop will be more financially feasible to
therehouse. Ya! You have lot to do,so leave your packing and moving work inthe reliable and experienced Packers and Movers Kolkata hand. Housecostfor an extension vastly dependsof location, size and the type ofextensionyouare planning for.Sometimes it ismoresensible to extend rather than buying because costofpurchasing a new houseismore than costof building, but also youhave to seethe potential of getting back what youhaveinvested like for an caseifyouhave4bedroom with no parking orgardenor a house with large living space and small bedrooms than insuchcase selling yourproperty could facesome problems, so even if you thinking to spend a lot of years there don't spend much on extension. Cost involved when you dealing in extension project: • Property survey will take around 15,000 to 21,000. • Planning permission will cost around 25,000. • Extension per square meter will cost around 75,000 to 85,000. • Architect fees will be 5 to 10% of extension cost. Beforeyou begin with extensionprojectyouhave to get permissionfor it unless youhave single storey. Alsocost may varyaccording to the state so be sure to aware yourself with the state law beforeyou extend. While consideringthecostofextensionaddthe monthly rentyouhave to pay for shifting to a new place for a temporaryperiod till yourhouse get completed. Foryourhousehold shifting if you require any help you can ask for it from Packers And Movers Garia Bt kolkata. Opinion: Extension is a easy and costeffectiveoptionwhichsaveyoufrom selling and buying hectic’s but if you not planning to stay at your house for a longer period then don't invest. Source url :https://blog.kolkatapackersmovers.in/2019/09/which-is-better-to-move-into-new-or- to-extend-the-old.html