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AMC Information

AMC Information. Today more than 2500 bank integrations on a Scandinavian and European level . Competences : Java og .Net Oracle Database SQL Datase Mircrosoft ERP systemer (Dynamics AX, C5, XAL). AMC Information /2.

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AMC Information

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  1. AMC Information • Today more than 2500 bank integrations on a Scandinavian and European level. • Competences : Java og .Net Oracle DatabaseSQL DataseMircrosoft ERP systemer (Dynamics AX, C5, XAL)

  2. AMC Information /2 • Danish based consultancy and development house specializing in banking integration . • Has its original source in the MBS community. • Founded in '93 with sales in XAL and C5. Today 2 solid leg to stand on: Bank Integration with ERP systems generally through XTendLink and certified consultant house in MBS technology. Delivers banking solutions, respectively. Oracle, SAP and MBS any many other proprietary systems.

  3. AMC Services • AMC Hotline. – Dedicatedtelephone assistance • AMC Service agreement - 4 hour reaction time, within one bank day. • All supported bank formats are maintained. • AMC consultant assistance: offers the highest level of knowledge and specialization within the industry. • AMC Workshop.

  4. AMC Banking for Microsoft Dynamics AMC Banking is probably the most developed and most well-integrated banking solution for Microsoft ERP solutions

  5. Overall AMC Banking Functionality • Receives payment files with debtor payments • Auto matching of payments based on OCR and unstructured debit bank transfers. • Automatic Account reconciliation based on bank statements (files from the bank). Automatic posting of bank records. No patch updates due to changes in the bank formats. • Fast implementation. • Several types of returnfiles from the bank - if the bank supports them and makes them availableFuture proof and flexible banking integration

  6. Sales Process

  7. Sales process Diagnostic DatasheetsClassic/ Enterprise Questionnaire To becompleted by the customer and send to AMC for evaluation. List of supported banksAssessed in relation to questionnaire. YouTubeVideoer Dialog on expectations. Introdutory bank dialog.

  8. Customer Benefits /1 • Future-proof AMC update and maintain its Solutions in close cooperation with banks • Consistentroutines The system automatically handles payments across different banks. • All processes is handled in a well-known environment - easily, safely and automatically. • Approval, incoming payments, deposits and reconciliation is handled electronically with AMC Banking, cross different banks, countries and payment formats

  9. Customer Benefits /2 – Savings in time and money • Automation means faster payment processes and a minimum number of errors • All local payment files can be transferred via the same banking software – Benefits from country-specific local payment types, transmission speed and price. – The benefits of domestic payments can also be achieved in other currencies. • Less cross-border payments and separate banking connections. • Automated and preset background processing of the user interfaces and data communication • No need for extensive system investment.

  10. Customer Benefits /3 • Efficient processes and integration – Only one user interface (AMC XTendLink) • Centralized solution and the highest possible IT security • Consistent processes and one comprehensive solution • Interfaces and connections to other systems • Fluent XML-conversion – Local (Denmark, Finland, Sweden, and Norway) files can be transferred into C2B (ISO 20022) XML format by using the new Single point of entry channel.

  11. Battlecard

  12. Supported Banks A complete list canbedownloaded from our website: www.amcbanking.com/supported-banks

  13. SEPA • AMC has allready released support for SEPA(Single European Payments Area) in all XTendlinksupported products. • The ISO 20022 UNIFI (Universal Financial Industry) is supported in XtendLink. • ISO 20022 supports inter-bank transfers as well as transfers between banks and customers. • AMC has planed release of SEPA direct debit facilities in AMC Direct Debit

  14. 2 Versions AMC Banking is probably the most developed and most well-integrated banking solution for Microsoft ERP solutions

  15. AMC BankingClassic XTENDLINK Home Banking MicrosoftDynamics File Based Paymul Internet webservice File based AMC Banking2009 Selectedsupported banks Finsta, Cremul

  16. AMC Banking Enterprise MicrosoftDynamics XTENDLINK FTP, SFTP, WEBSERVICES Paymul webservice FTP, SFTP, WEBSERVICES AMC Banking2009 Contr, Bansta, Finsta, Debmul, Cremul Selectedsupported banks

  17. Creditor Payments • Payment of creditors formed in standard Dynamics . • Communicate payments and payment types from all Danish, Swedish and Norwegian, and several banks in other countries. • Secure communications with banks

  18. CreditorPayments /2 Yellow: The journal is in a state where it awaits a return file from bank. Orange: The journal is in a state where the next step must be carried out by the user. Red: The journal contains one or more errors Green: The journal is posted

  19. Automatic Reconciliation /1 • Kreditor Betalinger

  20. Automatic Reconciliation /2

  21. Kreditor Betalinger

  22. Kreditor Betalinger

  23. Additional information • Live demonstration: check out YOUTUBE videos.(links on www.amcbanking.com) • Hotfixes, manuals and other relevant stuff: http://www.amcbanking.dk/download/ • Prices:http://www.amcbanking.dk/ax-price/dynamics-ax-prices/

  24. Integrating banks in multiple ways and levels XTendLink supports all leading ERP systems

  25. AMC XTendLink Scenario 1. Hosted og localXTendLink ERP System XTENDLINK FTP, SFTP, WEBSERVICES Paymul webservice FTP, SFTP, WEBSERVICES ERP Standard bank modul Contr, Bansta, Finsta, Debmul, Cremul Selectedsupported banks

  26. AMC XTendLink Scenario 2. One Payment Gateway, cross banks and countries and different ERP systems CompanyDenmarkLocal ERP XTendLink Payments Convertinglocal payment formats Data from Bank Retrieving andconvertingreturn data from the bank. Local Bank formats or ISO 20022 XML Company 2subsidiary FX. UK Local ERP N Return data e.g MT940 orlocal formats Company 2subsidiary FX. Germany Local ERP Selectedsupported banks

  27. AMC XTendLink Scenario 3. Upload solution 1) Create new user: http://service01.amcbanking.dk:8020/login2) Create any bankfile and upload it.3) Download the converted bank file and upload the file to your banksystem.

  28. XTendLink User Interface

  29. Chooseyour Bank For a complete list Please visit amcbanking.com

  30. Upload/Status Point to the file for convertion

  31. Validation

  32. Status

  33. References .

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