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Factorization Approach for Hadronic B Decays. Hai-Yang Cheng Factorization ( and history) General features of QCDF Phenomenology CPV, strong phases & FSIs. November 19, 2004, Mini-workshop on Flavor Physics. Two complementary approaches for nonleptonic weak decays of heavy mesons:
Factorization Approach for Hadronic B Decays • Hai-Yang Cheng • Factorization ( and history) • General features of QCDF • Phenomenology • CPV, strong phases & FSIs November 19, 2004, Mini-workshop on Flavor Physics
Two complementary approaches for nonleptonic weak decays of heavy mesons: • Model-independent diagrammatical approach • Effective Hamiltonian & factorization (QCDF, pQCD,…)
Diagrammatic Approach All two-body hadronic decays of heavy mesons can be expressed in terms of six distinct quark diagrams [Chau, HYC(86)] Chiang,Gronau,Rosner,… (tree) (color-suppressed) (exchange) (or Pa) (penguin) (annihilation) All quark graphs are topological and meant to have all strong interactions included and hence they are not Feynman graphs. And SU(3) flavor symmetry is assumed.
Effective Hamiltonian • Effective Hamiltonian for nonleptonic weak decays was first put forward by Gaillard, Lee (74), and developed further by Shifman, Vainshtein, Zakharov (75,77); Gilman, Wise (79). • At scale , integrate out fermions & bosons heavier than • Heff=c()O() O(): 4-quark operator renormalized at scale • operators with dim > 6 are suppressed by (mh/MW)d-6 • Why effective theory ? When computing radiative corrections to 4-quark operators, the result will depend on infrared cutoff and choice of gluon’s propagator, etc. The merit of effective theory allows factorization: WCs c() do not depend on the external states, while gauge & infrared dep. are lumped into hadronic m.e. • Radiative correction to O1=(du)V-A(ub)V-A will induce O2=(db)V-A(uu)V-A - - - -
Penguin Diagram Penguin diagram [dubbed by John Ellis (77)] was first discussed by SVZ (75) motivated by solving I=1/2 puzzle in kaon decay • It is a local 4-quark operator since gluon propagator 1/k2 is cancelled by • (k k-gk2) arising from quark loop as required by gauge invariance • Responsible for direct CPV in K & B decays as dynamical phase can be generated when k2>4m2 (time-like) Bander,Silverman,Soni (79) • Fierz transformation of (V-A)(V+A) -2(S-P)(S+P) chiral enhancement of scalar penguin matrix elements dominant contributions in many S=1 rare B decays
QCD penguins Gilman, Wise (79) • EW penguins induce four more EW penguin operators • Effective Hamiltonian Buras et al (92)
WC c()’s at NLO depend on the treatment of 5 in n dimensions: • NDR (naïve dim. regularization) {5, }=0 • HVBM (‘t Hooft, Veltman; Breitenlohner, Maison) =mb LO NDR HV c1 1.144 1.082 1.105 c2 -0.308 -0.185 -0.228 c3 0.014 0.014 0.013 c4 -0.030 -0.035 -0.029 c5 0.009 0.009 0.009 c6 -0.038 -0.041 -0.033 c7/ 0.045 -0.002 0.005 c8/ 0.048 0.054 0.060 c9/ -1.280 -1.292 -1.283 c10/ 0.328 0.263 0.266 • Results of WCs ci(i=1,…,10) were first obtained by Buras et al (92) • For details about WCs, see Buras et al. RMP, 68, 1125 (96) • In s 0 limit, c1=1, ci=0 for i1 • c3 c5 –c4/3 –c6/3 • c9 is the biggest among EW penguin WCs
Naïve Factorization For a given effective Hamiltonian, how to evaluate the nonleptonic decay B M1M2 ? In mb limit, M2 produced in point-like interactions carries away energies O(mb) and will decouple from soft gluon effect M2 B M1 M2 is disconnected from (BM1) system factorization amplitude creation of M2 BM1 transition decay constant form factor Naïve factorization = vacuum insertion approximation
- - - - Consider B--0 and H=c1O1+c2O2=c1(du)(ub)+c2(db)(uu) - d u u b B- 0 u from O1 color allowed 0 u u d b - B- u from O2 color suppressed Neglect nonfactorizable contributions from O1,2 ~
Two serious problems with naïve factorization: • Empirically, it fails to describe color-suppressed modes for c1(mc)=1.26 and c2(mc)=-0.51, while Rexpt=0.55 • Theoretically, scheme and scale dependence of ci() doesn’t get compensation from Of as V and A are renor. scale & scheme independent unphysical amplitude from naïve factorization
How to overcome aforementioned difficulties ? • Bauer, Stech, Wirbel (87) proposed to treat ai’s as effective parameters and extract them from experiment. (Of course, they should be renor. scale & scheme indep.) • If ai’s are universal (i.e. channel indep) generalized factorization • Test of factorization means a test of universality of a1,2 • Problems: • Penguin ai’s are difficult to determine • Cannot predict CPV • How to predict ai from a given effective Hamiltonian ?
For problem with color-suppressed modes, consider nonfactorizable contributions • To accommodate DK data -0.35 • In late 70’s & early 80’s, it was found empirically by several groups that discrepancy is greatly improved if Fierz-transformed 1/Nc terms are dropped so that a1 c1, a2 c2. Note that c2+c1/Nc=-0.09vs. c2=-0.51 • [Fukugita et al (77); Tadic & Trampetic (82); Bauer & Stech (85)] • This is understandable as 1/Nc+ 0 ! • Buras, Gerard, Ruckl large-Nc (or 1/Nc) approach (86) • for charm decays has been estimated by Shifman & Blok (87) using QCD sum rules Nowadays, it is known that one needs sizable nonfactorizable effects & FSIs to describe hadronic D decays
If large-Nc approach is applied to B decays a1eff=c1(mb) 1.10, a2eff=c2(mb) -0.25 destructive interference in B-D0- just like D+K0+ A(B-D0-)= a1O1+a2O2, while A(B0D-+) = a1O1 supported by sum-rule calculations (Blok, Shifman; Khodjamirian, Ruckl; Halperin) Bigsurprise from CLEO (93): constructive interference as B-D0- > B0D-+ Generalized factorization(I)[HYC (94), Kamal (96)] with 1/Nceff=1/Nc+ determined from experiment For BD decays, Nceff 2 rather than , is positive ! _
For problem with scheme and scale dependence, consider vertex and penguin corrections to four-quark matrix elements penguin corrections Apply factorization to Otree rather than to O()
Z, Compute corrections to 4-quark matrix elements in the same 5 scheme as ci() : NDR or ‘t Hooft-Veltman Then, in general Ali, Greub (98) Chen,HYC,Tseng,Yang (99) V: anomalous dim., rV: scheme-dep constant, Pi: penguin Gauge & infrared problems with effective WCs [Buras, Silvestrini (99)] are resolved using on-shell external quarks [HYC,Li,Yang (99)]
It is more convenient to define ai=ci+ci1/Nc for odd (even) i CF=(Nc2-1)/(2Nc) • Scale independence of ai or cieff • Scheme independence can be proved analytically for a1,2 and • checked numerically for other ai’s (Vertex & penguin corrections have not been considered in pQCD approach) A major progress before 1999!
Generalized Factorization (II) Generalized factorization (II): Some of nonfactorizable effects are already included in cieff • Difficulties: • Gluon’s momentum k2 is unknown, often taken to be mB2/2. It is OK for BRs, but not for CPV as strong phase is not well determined • a6 & a8 are associated with matrix elements in the form mP2/[mb()mq()], which is not scale independent ! • a2,3,5,7,10 (especially a2, a10) are sensitive to Nceff. For example, Nceff 2 3 5 a2(=mb) 0.219 0.024 -0.131 -0.365 Expt’l data of charmless B decay a2 0.20 Nceff 2
QCD Factorization PRL, 83, 1914 (99) Beneke, Buchalla, Neubert, Sachrajda (BBNS) TI: TII: hard spectator interactions At O(s0) and mb, TI=1, TII=0, naïve factorization is recovered At O(s), TI involves vertex and penguin corrections, TII arises from hard spectator interactions M(x): light-cone distribution amplitude (LCDA) and x the momentum fraction of quark in meson M
twist-2 & twist-3 LCDAs: Twist-3 DAs p & are suppressed by /mb with =m2/(mu+md) Cn: Gegenbauer poly. with 01 du (u)=1, 01 du p,(u)=1
In mb limit, only leading-twist DAs contribute The parameters ai are given by ai are renor. scale & scheme indep except for a6 & a8 strong phase from vertex corrections
Penguin contributions Pi have similar expressions as before except that G(m) is replaced by Gluon’s virtual momentum in penguin graph is thus fixed, k2 xmb2 • Hard spectator interactions (non-factorizable) : not 1/mb2 power suppressed: i). B() is of order mb/ at =/mb d/ B()=mB/B ii). fM , fB 3/2/mb1/2, FBM (/mb)3/2 H O(mb0) [ While in pQCD, H O(/mb) ]
Power corrections 1/mb power corrections: twist-3 DAs, annihilation, FSIs,… We encounter penguin matrix elements from O5,6 such as formally 1/mb suppressed from twist-3 DA, numerically very important due to chiral enhancement: m2/(mu+md) 2.6 GeV at =2 GeV Consider penguin-dominated mode B K A(BK) a4+2a6/mb where 2/mb 1 & a6/a4 1.7 Phenomenologically, chirally enhanced power corrections should be taken into account need to include twist-3 DAs p & systematically OK for vertex & penguin corrections
Not OK for hard spectator interactions: • The twist-3 term is divergent as p(y) doesn’t vanish at y=1: Logarithmic divergence arises when the spectator quark in M1 becomes soft • Not a surprise ! Just as in HQET, power corrections are a priori nonperturbative in nature. Hence, their estimates are model dependent & can be studied only in a phenomenological way • BBNS model the endpoint divergenceby • with h being a typical hadron scale 500 MeV. • Relevant scale for hard spectator interactions • h=(h)1/2 (hard-collinear scale),s=s(h) • as the hard gluon is not hard enough • k2=(-pB+xp1)2xmB2 QCDmb 1 GeV2
ai for B K at different scales black: vertex & penguin, blue: hard spectatorgreen: total
Annihilation topology Weak annihilation contributions are power suppressed • ann/tree fBf/(mB2 F0B)/mB • Endpoint divergence exists even at twist-2 level. In general, ann. amplitude contains XA and XA2 with XA10 dy/y • Endpoint divergence always occurs in power corrections • While QCDF results in HQ limit (i.e. leading twist) are model independent, model dependence is unavoidable in power corrections
Classify into (i) (V-A)(V-A), (ii) (V-A)(V+A), (iii) (S-P)(S+P) • (V-A)(V-A) annihilation is subject to helicity suppression, in analog to the suppression of e relative to • Helicity suppression is not applicable to (V-A)(V+A) & penguin- induced (S-P)(S+P) annihilation dominant contributions • Since k2 xymB2 with x,y O(1), imaginary part can be induced from the quark loop bubble when k2> mq2/4 Gerard & Hou (91)
Comparison between QCDF & generalized factorization • QCDF is a natural extension of generalized factorization with the following improvements: • Hard spectator interaction, which is of the same 1/mb order as vertex & penguin corrections, is included crucial for a2 & a10 • Include distribution of momentum fraction 1. a new strong phase from vertex corrections 2. fixed gluon virtual momentum in penguin diagram • For a6 & a8, V=6 without log(mb/) dependence !So unlike other ai’s, a6 & a8 must be scale & scheme dependent Contrary to pQCD claim, chiral enhancement is scale indep.
Form factors • B D form factor due to hard gluon exchange is suppressed by wave function mismatch dominated by soft process • For B , k2 h2 mb. Let FB=Fsoft+Fhard • It was naively argued by BBNS that Fhard=s(h)(/mB)3/2 & Fsoft=(/mB)3/2 • so that B to form factor is dominated by soft process • In soft-collinear effective theory due to Bauer,Fleming,Pirjol,Stewart(01), • B light M form factor at large recoil obeys a factorization theorem • Writing FB(0)=+J, Bauer et al. determined & J by fitting to B data • and found J (/mb)3/2 • In pQCD based on kT factorization theorem, <<J Beneke,Feldmann (01)
In short, for B M form factor QCDF: Fsoft>> Fhard, SCET: Fsoft Fhard, pQCD: Fsoft<< Fhard However, BBNS (hep-ph/0411171) argued that Fsoft>>Fhard even in SCET We compute form factors & their q2 dependence using covariant light-front model [HYC, Chua, Hwang, PR, D69, 074025 (04)] BSW=Bauer,Stech,Wirbel MS=Melikhov,Stech LCSR=light-cone sum rule B+ +0 F0B(0) 0.25 B0 A0B(0) 0.29 CLF BSW MS LCSR FB(0) 0.25 0.33 0.29 0.31 FBK(0) 0.35 0.38 0.36 0.35 A0B(0) 0.28 0.28 0.29 0.37 A0BK*(0) 0.31 0.32 0.45 0.47 Light meson in B M transition at large recoil (i.e. small q2) can be highly relativistic importance of relativistic effects
Phenomenology: B PP BRs in units of 10-6 • For FB(0)=0.25, predicted BRs for K modes are (15-30)% smaller than expt. • A longstanding puzzle for the enormously large rate of K’. Same puzzle occurs for f0(980)K. Note that ’ & f0(980) are SU(3) singlet A LD rescattering (e.g. B DD+-) is needed to interfere destructively with +-. This will give rise to observed BR of 00 (annihilation doesn’t help)
Phenomenology: B VP • For penguin-dominated modes, VP < PP due to destructive interference between a4 & a6 terms (K) or absence of a6 terms (K*) • Br(00)=1.40.7<2.9 by BaBar & 5.1 1.8 by Belle • Final-state rescattering will enhance 00 from 0.6 to 1.30.3. The pQCD prediction 0.2 is too small • QCDF predictions for penguin dominated modes K*, K are consistently too small power corrections from penguin-induced annihilation and/or FSIs such as LD charming penguins
Phenomenology: B VV average QCDF pQCD (a) (b) QCDF results from HYC & Yang, PL, B511, 40 (a): BSW, (b): LCSR • Tree-dominated modes tend to have large BRs • BRs can differ by a factor of 2 in different form factor models • The predicted K* & K* by QCDF are too small
Direct CP violation in B decays Direct CPV: • Direct CPV (5.7) in B0 K+-was established by BaBar and Belle First confirmed DCPV observed in B decays ! 2nd evidence at Belle !! • Combined BaBar & Belle data 3.6 DCPV in B0 -+
Direct CP violation in QCDF • For DCPV in B +-, 5.2 effect claimed by Belle(03), not yet confirmed by BaBar QCDF predictions for DCPV disagree with experiment !
ACP sin sin : weak phase : strong phase • “Simple” CP violation from perturbative strong phases: penguin (BSS) vertex corrections (BBNS) annihilation (pQCD) • “Compound” CP violation from LD rescattering:[Atwood,Soni] strong weak
Beneke & Neubert: Penguin-dominated VP modes & DCPV can be accommodated by having a large penguin-induced annihilation topology with A=1, A=-55 (PP), A=-20 (PV), A=-70 (VP) Sign of A is chosen so that sign of A(K+-) agrees with data • Difficulties: • The origin of strong phase is unknown & its sign is not predicted • The predicted ACP(K+)=0.10 is in wrong sign: expt= -0.510.19 • Annihilation doesn’t help explain tree-dominated modes 00 & 00 necessity of another power correction: FSI
FSI as rescattering of intermediate two-body states [HYC, Chua, Soni; hep-ph/0409317] • Strong phases O(s,1/mb) • FSI is assumed to be dominated by rescattering of two-body intermediate states with one particle exchange in t-channel. Its absorptive part is computed via optical theorem: • Strong coupling is fixed on shell. For intermediate heavy mesons, • apply HQET+ChPT (for soft Goldstone boson) • Cutoff must be introduced as exchanged particle is off-shell • and final states are hard • Alternative: Regge trajectory [Nardulli,Pham][Falk et al.] [Du et al.] …
Form factor is introduced to render perturbative calculation meaningful • = mexc + rQCD (r: of order unity) • or r is determined form a 2 fit to the measured rates • r is process dependent • n=1 (monopole behavior), consistent with QCD sum rules Once cutoff is fixed CPV can be predicted Dispersive part is obtained from the absorptive amplitude via dispersion relation subject to large uncertainties and will be ignored in the present work
Final-state rescattering effects on decay rates • Penguin-dominated B K, K’, K*, K, K, K* receive significant LD charm intermediate states (i.e. charming penguin) contributions. Such FSIs contribute to penguin-induced annihilation topologies • Tree-dominated B 00 is enhanced by LD charming penguins to (1.30.3)10-6 to be compared with (1.91.2)10-6: (1.4 0.7)<2.9 10-6 from BaBar & (5.11.8)10-6 from Belle • Charming penguin contributions to B 00 are CKM suppressed. • B0D00 and its strong phase relative to B0D-+ are well accounted for by FSI non-negligible annihilation E/T = 0.14 exp(i96) B0D-sK+ can proceed only via annihilation is well predicted • FSI can be neglected for tree-dominated color-allowed modes
Final-state rescattering effects on DCPV • Strong phases are governed by final-state rescattering. • Signs of DCPV are in general flipped by FSIs.
References for QCDF QCDF by BBNS: NP, B591, 313 (00): B D NP, B606, 245 (01): B K, NP, B651, 225 (03): B P’ NP, B675, 333 (03): B, Bs PP, VP & DCPV QCDF by Du et al.: PR, D64, 014036 (01): B PP (a detailed derivation of ai) PR, D65, 074001 (02): B PP PR, D65, 094025 (02): B VP PR, D68, 054003 (03): Bs PP,VP K.C. Yang, HYC: PR, D63, 074011 (01) : B J/K PR, D64, 074004 (01) : B K PL, B511, 40 (01) : BVV