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Hadronic 3-body B decays. Hai-Yang Cheng Academia Sinica, Taipei. FPCP2008, Taipei, May 6, 2008. Introduction. Many three-body B decays have been observed with rates ~10 -5 useful for extracting CKM angles, CP violation
Hadronic 3-body B decays Hai-Yang Cheng Academia Sinica, Taipei FPCP2008, Taipei, May 6, 2008
Introduction • Many three-body B decays have been observed with rates ~10-5 • useful for extracting CKM angles, CP violation • Most of quasi-2-body B decays (B→VP,SP) are extracted from Dalitz plot analysis of 3-body decays A(B→P1P2P3)= resonant + nonresonant (NR) • NR signal is less than 10% in D decays. Is NR component also small in B decays ? • There is no any theoretical study addressing both resonant and NR effects. Some works are based on flavor symmetry • Chua, Soni, and I (2007) have applied the factorization approach to study the dynamics of 3-body decays Gronau, Rosner focus on charmless B→PPP
Two striking features: • Large NR fractions in penguin-dominated modes Nonresonant fraction (%) KKK: 90% K: 35-40% by Belle, 5% by BaBar K0: 12-15% : 14% NR contributions are essential in penguin-dominated B decays One of our goals is to identify the origin of NR signals
NR amplitude in charm decays is usually treated as a constant over Dalitz plot. However, this is no longer true in B decays due to large energy release. Both BaBar & Belle employ the parametrization • to study the NR component in B→KKK decay, but differ in the NR analysis in B→K: BaBar adopted the LASS parametrization which is an effective range NR component + Breit-Wigner form for K0*(1430) • difficult to disentangle resonant & NR effects due to interference Recall that NR accounts for (95±7)% of D+→K-++in old experiments. With + included by E791, NR fraction is reduced to (8.6±0.8)%, confirmed recently by CLEO. David Asner (Friday): DP in D decays
New broad scalar resonances fX(1550) & fX(1300) A broad scalar resonance fX(1500) [or X(1550) by BaBar] has been seen in K+K+K-, K+K-KS, K+K-- at energies ~1.5 GeV. It cannot be identified with f0(1500), otherwise it will decay to +- five times more frequently than to K+K-. Its nature is not clear. Production puzzle: The fraction of fX(1500) in K+K+K- is ~120% by BaBar and 63% by Belle, whereas it is 4% in K+K-KS by BaBar Belle BaBar B+→K+K+K- B0→K+K-K0 Likewise, fX(1300) was seen in K++- and K0+-.Its mass& width are consistent with f0(1500)
Three factorizable amplitudes for B0→K+K-K0 • current-induced process: <B0→K0><0→K+K-> • transition process: <B0 →K-K0><0→K+> • annihilation process: <B0→0><0→K+K-K0> b→s b→u
almost pure NR b→u • Early attempt: Apply HMChPT to evaluate form factors r and Wise, Yan et al. Donoghue et al. (1992) Bajc,Fajfer,Oakes,Pham; Deandrea et al. (’99) K- K0 K- B0 +,r r B- B0 K0 K0 K- K0 +,-,r B0 B*0s B- r B0 B*0s K-
NR rates for B→KKK,K, will become too large For example, Br(B0→K+K-K0)NR=7710-6 larger than total BR=2510-6 ⇒HMChPT is applicable only to soft mesons ! • Ways of improving the use of HMChPT have been suggested before • We now propose to write NR amplitude as Fajfer et al. Yang, HYC,… -- HMChPT is recovered in soft meson limit, p2, p3→0 -- The parameter NR» 1/(2mB) is constrained from B-→+--
b→s V=, , ,…, S=f0(980), f0(1370), f0(1500), fX(1500),… Decay constants for scalar mesons have been evaluated using QCDSR Chua,Yang,HYC
<K+K-|qq|0> is related to the kaon’s e.m. form factors ch, x1, x2 fitted from kaon e.m. data Chua,Hou,Shiau,Tsai motivated by asymptotic constraint from QCD counting rules Brodsky, Farrar NR NR is constrained by KSKSKS rate and K+K- mass spectrum
B0→K+K-K0 BaBar: PRL, 99, 161802 (2007) NR rates: 88% from b→s (via <KK|ss|0>) and 3% from b→u transitions
BaBar: PRD, 74, 032003 (2006) Belle: PRD, 71, 092003 (2005) B-→K+K-K- BR(10-6) 1st theory error: NR 2nd theory error: ms, NR, form factors 3rd theory error: • The predicted NR rate agrees with Belle • The large fraction of X0(1550), 121% by BaBar and 63% by Belle, is entirely unexpected, recalling that it is only 4% in K+K-K0
B-→K-+- Evidence for direct CP violation in B→0K: ACP=(30±11+11-5)% by Belle, PRL 96, 251803 (2006) ACP=(44±10+6-14)% by BaBar, arXiv:0803.4451 9.3±1.0+6.9-1.7 BaBar & Belle have very different results for NR fractions: ~4.5% by BaBar, ~34% by Belle calculable for the first time BaBar Belle • K0*(1430): LASS parametrization Relativistic Breit-Wigner K0*(1430) resonance with an effective range NR component • NR: phase space (constant amplitude) exponential total nonres= NR(p.s.)+NR(LASS) arXiv: 0803.4451
Difficulties for extracting NR component by BaBar: • Substantial mixing of NR & K0*(1430) due to LASS shape • Part of LASS is really NR and should be added to phase-space NR piece Total NR=NR(LASS) + NR(p.s.) This leads to a better agreement with Belle, NR fraction is enhanced from 4.5% to 17.5% No perfect agreement due to different models for NR K mass shape
Why is NR rate large in K++- ? • SU(3) symmetry ⇒ • ⇒ similar NR rates are expected in K++- and in KKK. • Why is NR fraction ~ 40% in K-+- but ~ 90% in K+K-K- ? resonant poles in KKK: , f0(980),… resonances in K: K*, K*0(1430), , f0(980),… ⇒ K has a total rate larger than KKK by a factor 2
BaBar: arXiv:0711.4417 Belle: PLB, 599, 148 (2004) B0→K-+0 BaBar: LASS + nonres Belle: performed with simplified technique for DP; interference between quasi-two-body amplitudes was not taken into account Just as DP analysis of B-→K-+-, it is necessary to include NR(LASS) to get total nonres for BaBar.
B-→K+K-- dominated by b→u tree and b→d penguin Decay rate is small and consistent with the limits set by BaBar & Belle. Recently, BaBar [PRL 99, 221801 (2007)]obtained Br(B+→K+K-+)=(5.0±0.5±0.5)10-6 • broad peak at ~1.5 GeV in KK mass • no peak at ~ 1 GeV due to
B→ • dominated by intermediate mesons • Since <|qq|0> is suppressed by penguin Wilson coefficients, NR amplitude arises mainly from B→ transition⇒ NR is suppressed ⇒ can be used to fix the NR parameter +-- B→+-0 is predicted to have a rate (Br=26.3£10-6) larger than +-- as it receives +, - and 0 resonant contributions
Quasi-two-body B decays We compute B→P1P2P3 and then apply narrow width approximation (B→ RP3; R→P1P2)=(B→RP3) Br(R→P1P2) R: V,S and to determine the rates of quasi-two-body B decays: B→VP,SP
VP modes Br(-++-+)=24.0±2.5 Br(-++-+)=24.0±2.5 • QCDF predictions are from Beneke and Neubert • Unless specified, expt’l BRs are extracted from 3-body Dalitz plot analysis
SP modes • QCDF predictions are from Chua, Yang, HYC. Assumption of Br(f0(980)→+-)=0.50 has been made • f0(980)K rates are well accommodated, K*0(1430) rates are too small by a factor of 2~3 compared to the data due to destructive interference between a4 & a6 terms charming penguin ? Lesniak et al [arXiv:0710.2469] penguin annihilation ?
b→sqq tCPV measurements Sf= ± sin2eff from b→ccs 2-body: HYC,Chua,Soni;Beneke 3-body: CCS Also pQCD, SCET Naïve b→s penguin average: 0.68±0.04, 0.56±0.05 (if f0K0 excluded), 0.0.1, 2.2, 2.6 deviation from b→ccs average
CP asymmetries in K+K-KS & KSKSKS See C.K. Chua talk • sin2b=O(+0.1) is naively expected in K+K-KS due to color-allowed tree contribution, tied to NR amplitude • DS, ACP are small in KsKsKs: no b→u tree diagram sin2=0.6800.025 (all charmonium), 0.695+0.018-0.016 (CKM fit)
sin2eff=sin2eff-sin2charmonium Chua,Soni,HYC, PR,D76,094006 (2007) theory expt sin2(K+K-KS) =0.041+0.028-0.033 0.05±0.11 sin2(KSKSKS) =0.039+0.027-0.032 -0.10±0.20 sin2(KS00) =0.049+0.027-0.032 -1.200.41 sin2(KS+-) =0.038+0.031-0.032 sin2theory is always positive and less than O(0.1)
Conclusions • It is important to understand the NR amplitudes in 3-body decays. We have identified two NR sources: • We found large NR signal in K modes. • Total NR issue should be clarified • Contribution of fX(1500) to K+K+K- should be clarified. • Intermediate vector & scalar meson contributions to 3-body decays are identified. The total rates of 3-body B decays are calculated for the first time. • m.e. of scalar density <KK|ss|0>, <K|qs|0>, BR 2010-6 • tree transition, BR 210-6
Different topological decay amplitudes HYC, Yang (02’) Tree bu Penguin bs, d K, KKK: b → s penguin , KK: b → u tree & b → d penguin
Factorizable contributions Creation Tree bu Transition Annihilation Penguin bs, d
CP-odd K+K-KS decay spectrum b→s b→u b→s b→u • The b→s transition prefers a small m(K+K-) Low mKK peak due mainly to KS • The b→u transition prefers a small m(K+K0) and hence large m(K+K-) ⇒ tiny interference between b→s & b→u transitions
CP-even K+K-KS decay spectrum CP-even+CP-odd b→s b→u • low mKK peak: f0(980)KS + NR • peak at mKK 1.5 GeV due to X0(1550)