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Statistics and Research Methods. An Introduction. The Objectives of this Course:. Develop students’ skills and knowledge in research methods. To generate ideas that will help students in choosing research topics. To provide students with the skills of drafting research proposal.
Statistics and Research Methods An Introduction
The Objectives of this Course: • Develop students’ skills and knowledge in research methods. • To generate ideas that will help students in choosing research topics. • To provide students with the skills of drafting research proposal. • Develop student skills in data collection, analysis and hypothesis testing. • To improve student skills and knowledge in writing and presenting research projects.
References • Saunders, M., Lewis, P. and Thornhill, A. (2003) Research Methods for Business Students, Third Edition Prentice Hall. • الرفاعي، أحمد (1998) مناهج البحث العلمي، تطبيقات إدارية واقتصادية، دار وائل للنشر، عمان. • عبيدات، محمد وآخرون (1997) منهجية البحث العلمي، القواعد والمراحل والتطبيقات، دار وائل للنشر، عمان. • عبيدات، ذوقان وآخرون (1998) البحث العلمي، مفهومه وأدواته وأساليبه، دار الفكر للطباعة والنشروالتوزيع، عمان. • زويلف، مهدي وتحسين الطراونة (1998) منهجية البحث العلمي، دار الفكر للطباعة والنشر والتوزيع، عمان. • - اللحلح، أحمد عبد الله وأبو بكر، مصطفى محمود (2001) البحث العلمي: تعريفه- خطواتة- مناهجه- المفاهيم الإحصائية. الدار الجامعية. • - عليان، ربحي مصطفي وغنيم، عثمان محمد (2000) مناهج وأساليب البحث العلمي: النظرية والتطبيق. عمان: دار صفاء للنشر والتوزيع. • بو حوش عمار و الذنيبات محمد (1989) مناهج البحث العلمي: أسس و أساليب. الأردن: مكتبة المنارة. • مقداد، محمد والفرا ماجد (2004) مناهج البحث العلمي والتحليل الإحصائي في العلوم الإدارية، الطبعة الأولى، مكتبة الطالب الجامعة الإسلامية، غزة.
Course Contents • General introduction • Formulating and clarifying the research topic • Critically reviewing the literature • Deciding on the research approach and choosing a research strategy. • Writing research proposal. • Selecting samples • Using secondary and primary data. • Analysis of qualitative data and hypothesis testing. • Writing and presenting your research.
Formulating and clarifying the research topic • Before you start your research you need to have at least some idea of what you want to do. • This is the most important step. Why? It is the starting point of your research. • Base of research topic you will be able to choose the most appropriate: Research strategy, data collection and analysis techniques.
Attributes of a good research topic • It meets the examination body’s requirements at university. • You are capable of undertaking.: excite your imagination, you feel comfortable, you can develop the skills needed, time available, Availability of financial resources, gaining access to data you need. Avoid sensitive topics: financial performance. • It is important to choose topic that can be linked to theory. • Clearly defined research question and objectives. • It is important to consider your career goal.
Techniques of Generating and refining research ideas • Rational thinking: • Examining your own strengths. • Looking at past project titles. • Discussion • Searching the literature. • Creative thinking: • Keeping a notebook of ideas. • Exploring personal preferences using past projects.
Techniques of Generating and refining research ideas • Creative thinking: • Keeping a notebook of ideas. • Exploring personal preferences using past projects. How to do it? First: Select 6 project that you like and answer the following questions: • What do you like about the project? • What is good about the project? • Why is the project good? Second: Select 3 projects that you do not like and answer the following: • What do you dislike about the project? • What is bad about the project? • Why is the project bad? 3. Brainstorming
The importance of theory in writing research question • Theory Definition: “a formulation regarding the cause and effect relationships between two or more variables, which may or may not tested”. • There is probably no word that is more misused and misunderstood in education than the word ‘theory’. • The specific meaning of theory: It refers to situations where if A introduced B will be the consequence
Critically reviewing the literature • Why reviewing the literature? • Helps in generate and refine research topic. • It is part of your research project proper. • To highlight researches that have be overlooked. • To discover explicit recommendations for further research. • To avoid repeating work that has been done already. • Gaining insights into the aspects of your research variables and concepts. • To choose the proper techniques and strategies to conduct your research. • Your work has value in relation to other people’s work (is it the same or different from them).
Contents of critical review of literature • Key academic theories within your chosen area. • Up to date your knowledge of your chosen area. • To show how your research relates to previous published research. • To assess strengths and weaknesses of previous works. • To justify your arguments by referring to previous research. • Through clear references, to enable those reading your research to find the original work you cite. • Literature review can be single chapter; series of chapters; throughout the project report as you tackle various issues.
Evaluating your literature review • Does your review start at more general level before narrowing down? • Does literature covered relate clearly to your research question? • Have you covered the key theories of recognized experts in the area? • Have you covered the key literature? • Have you summarized, compared and contrast the work of the key writers? • Is the literature you have covered is up to date? • Have you been objective in your discussion of other works? • Have you included other references that counter to your own opinion?
Defining parameters • Meaning: within which you need to search. Include define: • Subject area, e.g., marketing. • Business sector, e.g., sector. • Geographical area. • Publications and literature typpe. • Theories.