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Biochemistry Basics: Organic Molecules and Building Blocks

Learn about the four types of organic molecules - Carbohydrates, Lipids, Proteins, Nucleic Acids - and their respective building blocks in biochemistry. Understand the functions and sources of these molecules in living organisms.

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Biochemistry Basics: Organic Molecules and Building Blocks

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  1. Review Biochemistry Tutorial Enjoy! Next Downloaded from www.pharmacy123.blogfa.com

  2. Biochemistry Biochemistry is the chemistry of living organisms. All living things are organic: carbon-based Next Downloaded from www.pharmacy123.blogfa.com

  3. There are four types of organic (carbon-based) molecules: Carbohydrates Lipids (fats) Proteins Nucleic Acids Next Downloaded from www.pharmacy123.blogfa.com

  4. The four types of organic molecules are: • Carbohydrates, proteins, nucleic acids, and sugars • Carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, nucleotides • Carbon, lipids, nucleic acids, proteins • Carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, nucleic acids Downloaded from www.pharmacy123.blogfa.com

  5. Try Again! Downloaded from www.pharmacy123.blogfa.com

  6. Right! Carbs, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids are the four types of organic (carbon-based) molecules. All the organic molecules are polymers, meaning that they are large molecules built from smaller ones. Each type of organic molecule has a specific building block. Next Downloaded from www.pharmacy123.blogfa.com

  7. These are the building blocks: • Carbohydrates: monosaccharides • Lipids: Fatty acids • Proteins: amino acids • Nucleic Acids: nucleotides Next Downloaded from www.pharmacy123.blogfa.com

  8. Which pair of organic (carbon-based) molecule is paired with the wrong building block: • Carbohydrates: monosaccharides • Nucleic acids: amino acids • Lipids: fatty acids • Proteins: amino acids Downloaded from www.pharmacy123.blogfa.com

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  10. Right! The building block for nucleic acids is actually nucleotides. Notice the first 5 letters are the same for each. Now let’s read about each category of organic molecules Next Downloaded from www.pharmacy123.blogfa.com

  11. Carbohydrates • Carbohydrates come from plants and include starches, sugars, and fiber • Carbs provide quick energy and give structure to plants Next Downloaded from www.pharmacy123.blogfa.com

  12. Carbohydrates Carbohydrates are polymers of monosaccharides (sugars) that form a ring-shaped structure Next Downloaded from www.pharmacy123.blogfa.com

  13. What kind of organisms do carbohydrates come from? • Animals • The sun • Plants Downloaded from www.pharmacy123.blogfa.com

  14. Try Again! Downloaded from www.pharmacy123.blogfa.com

  15. Right! Plants make carbohydrates though photosynthesis. What are the functions of carbohydrates? • Energy and plant structure • To change the rate of chemical reaction • To build muscle Downloaded from www.pharmacy123.blogfa.com

  16. Try again! Proteins build muscle! Downloaded from www.pharmacy123.blogfa.com

  17. Try again! Enzymes are proteins that change the rate of chemical reactions Downloaded from www.pharmacy123.blogfa.com

  18. Right! Carbohydrates provide quick energy, especially for athletes before a race or game, and provide structure for plants, like the stringy fibers in celery and the bark in trees. Next Downloaded from www.pharmacy123.blogfa.com

  19. Monosaccharides are the building block of sugars. • When two monosaccharides are bonded together, a disaccharide is formed • Many monosaccharides bonded together form a polysaccharide. Carbs are polysaccharides Next Downloaded from www.pharmacy123.blogfa.com

  20. Which of the following is not a carbohydrate? Downloaded from www.pharmacy123.blogfa.com

  21. Try Again! This is a monosaccharide! Downloaded from www.pharmacy123.blogfa.com

  22. Try Again! This is a disaccharide! Downloaded from www.pharmacy123.blogfa.com

  23. Try Again! This is a polysaccharide! Downloaded from www.pharmacy123.blogfa.com

  24. Right! Carbohydrates are made of rings. Proteins have the N-C-C backbone shown in this picture. What is the structure shown here: • A monosaccharide • A disaccharide • A polysaccharide Downloaded from www.pharmacy123.blogfa.com

  25. Try Again! Downloaded from www.pharmacy123.blogfa.com

  26. Right! Disaccharide means “two sugars” and this has two rings • Carbs are found in many types of food, mostly in fruits, vegetables, and starches (bread, pasta, rice…) • Reagents can be used to find out if certain carbohydrates are in specific foods Next Downloaded from www.pharmacy123.blogfa.com

  27. Testing for Carbohydrates • Testing for simple sugars: Add Benedicts reagent (blue) to the food and heat in a water bath. A positive test will turn red/orange. • Testing for starches: iodine will turn black when added to a food sample that contains starch. • Foods positive for simple sugar include fruits, sweets, milk Next Downloaded from www.pharmacy123.blogfa.com

  28. Testing for Carbohydrates • To test for starch, iodine is added to the food. If the reagent changes to black, then starches must be present. • Starchy foods include breads, rice, beans, pasta, rice, crackers. Next Downloaded from www.pharmacy123.blogfa.com

  29. If you add iodine to a food substance and it turns black, then the food must contain: • Simple sugars • Starches • Protein • Lipids Downloaded from www.pharmacy123.blogfa.com

  30. Try Again! Downloaded from www.pharmacy123.blogfa.com

  31. Right! Iodine is the solution used to test for starches. If you add Benedict’s solution to a sample and heat it, what color will it turn if it contains simple sugars? • Blue • Black • Red/orange Downloaded from www.pharmacy123.blogfa.com

  32. Try again! Downloaded from www.pharmacy123.blogfa.com

  33. Right! • Benedict’s + heat red/orange = simple sugars Next Downloaded from www.pharmacy123.blogfa.com

  34. Lipids Lipids include fats & oils. Their function is to store long-term energy in the body. Next Downloaded from www.pharmacy123.blogfa.com

  35. Fatty acids are the building blocks of lipids. A fatty acid is a chain of carbons with hydrogen attached to each side. Fatty acids that are full of hydrogen are “saturated” – these are the unhealthy fats, like crisco, butter, and lard Fatty acids that are missing at least one hydrogen are “unsaturated” – these are kinked, and are healthy (oils). Next Downloaded from www.pharmacy123.blogfa.com

  36. What is the building block of lipids? • Monosaccharide • Amino acids • Nucleic acids • Fatty acids Downloaded from www.pharmacy123.blogfa.com

  37. Try again! • Monosaccharides are the building blocks of carbohydrates Downloaded from www.pharmacy123.blogfa.com

  38. Try again! • Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins Downloaded from www.pharmacy123.blogfa.com

  39. Try again! • Nucleic acids are one of the four main types of organic molecules (along with lipids, proteins, and carbs). Downloaded from www.pharmacy123.blogfa.com

  40. Right! Fatty acids are the building blocks of lipids. Which type of fatty acid is this? • A oil • A saturated fat • An unsaturated fat Downloaded from www.pharmacy123.blogfa.com

  41. Try again! Downloaded from www.pharmacy123.blogfa.com

  42. Right! Each carbon in a saturated fat is attached to two or more hydrogen. These are the unhealthy solid fats. What is the main function of lipids? • Long-term energy storage • Quick energy • Muscle building Downloaded from www.pharmacy123.blogfa.com

  43. Try again! • Quick energy is the function of Carbohydrates Downloaded from www.pharmacy123.blogfa.com

  44. Try again! • Muscle building is a function of proteins Downloaded from www.pharmacy123.blogfa.com

  45. Right! The body stores lipids as fat that can be broken down for energy when no sugars are available. Which below is not a lipid? Downloaded from www.pharmacy123.blogfa.com

  46. Try again! • Remember that the building block of lipids are fatty acids Downloaded from www.pharmacy123.blogfa.com

  47. Try again! • Remember that lipids have carbon backbones with hydrogen attached from both sides Downloaded from www.pharmacy123.blogfa.com

  48. Right! This is a disaccharide, which is a carbohydrate. Now we are going to move on to proteins! Next Downloaded from www.pharmacy123.blogfa.com

  49. Protein • Muscle, enzymes • Made from amino acid chains • Found in meat, beans, dairy Next Downloaded from www.pharmacy123.blogfa.com

  50. Building Blocks of Protein • Proteins are made from amino acids • There are 20 possible amino acids • The amino acids in a protein are joined together by peptide bonds Next Downloaded from www.pharmacy123.blogfa.com

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