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Protist Fungi Review

Protist Fungi Review . Question . What is the phylum name for an organism that has a gullet, eyespot, pellicle and flagella? . Answer . Phylum: Euglenophyta. Question . What phylum causes algal blooms? How does it work? . Answer . Phylum Pyrrophyta which produce neurotoxins. .

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Protist Fungi Review

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Protist Fungi Review

  2. Question What is the phylum name for an organism that has a gullet, eyespot, pellicle and flagella?

  3. Answer • Phylum: Euglenophyta

  4. Question • What phylum causes algal blooms? How does it work?

  5. Answer • Phylum Pyrrophyta which produce neurotoxins.

  6. Question • Phylum Rhodophyta are also called Red algae. Give me three characteristics of this phylum

  7. Answer • Live in great depths of water • Have accessory pigment: phycobilin • Multicellular • Produce carageenan

  8. Question • This fungus reproduce asexually and sexually. They have rhizoids, stolon, and sporangia.

  9. Answer • Phylum Zygomycota

  10. Question • What is a fungus-like protist that have multiple nuclei, but have no cell walls? Give phylum name and common name.

  11. Answer • Myxomycota & Acellular Slime Molds

  12. Question A D B C

  13. Answer • A: Gullet • B: Flagella • C: Eyespot • D: Pellicle

  14. Question • What phylum does a diatom belong in?

  15. Answer • Phylum Bacillariophyta

  16. Question • What is the difference between the function of a macronucleus and a micronucleus? (Don’t say size difference)

  17. Answer • Macronucleus holds the genome/ DNA • Micronucleus has the sperm/eggs

  18. Question • A paramecium is a common organism in what phylum?

  19. Answer • Phylum Cilophora

  20. Question • Give me the three plant like protist that are multicellular . Give me the phylum name and their common name.

  21. Answer • Chlorophyta: green algae • Rhodophyta: red algae • Phaeophyta: brown algae

  22. Question • Give me an example of each plant like protist that are multicellular.

  23. Rhodophyta: Irish moss • Phaeophyta: Giant kelp, Sargassum, Fucus • Chlorophyta: Volvox, ulva

  24. Question • What is the phylum name for a fungus that photosynthesizes?

  25. Answer • None

  26. What do fungus like protists lack that true fungi don’t have?

  27. Cell wall made out of chitin

  28. Which of the fungi only reproduce asexually?

  29. Answer • Deuteromycota

  30. Question • Give two examples that are in the phylum zygomycota.

  31. Answer • Bread mold, Athlete's foot

  32. Question • What animal-like protist has a contractile vacuole and pseudopods?

  33. Answer • Sarcodines

  34. Question • Name one disease that could be caused by animal like protists.

  35. Answer • Malaria (sporozoans) • African Sleeping Disease (zooflagellates)

  36. Question What plant like protists store food as oil and not starch?

  37. Answer • Phylum Chrysophyta

  38. Question • What is it called when hyphae form a web and work together?

  39. Answer • Mycelium

  40. Question • What characteristics classify fungi?

  41. Answer • How they reproduce.

  42. Question • What are two types of mutualistic fungi?

  43. Answer • 1. Lichen • 2. Mycorrhizae

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