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THE HEALTH PROMOTING SCHOOLS INITIATIVE IN GAUTENG PROVINCE. Presented by PAT BANDA HPS conference 14 September 2006 University of the Western Cape. Background. There are 2300 schools in Gauteng and of these 1429 are primary schools

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  1. THE HEALTH PROMOTING SCHOOLS INITIATIVE IN GAUTENG PROVINCE Presented by PAT BANDA HPS conference 14 September 2006 University of the Western Cape

  2. Background • There are 2300 schools in Gauteng and of these1429 are primary schools • Our problems are the same as everyone else’s problems: Bullying, violence, gambling, teenage pregnancy, malnutrition, etc.

  3. Background cont. • No Health Promoting Schools have yet been launched • We have a number of schools that have gone it alone, through sheer determination of their management. We salute their efforts and hope to certificate them this year.

  4. Background cont. These schools are engaged in a number of health promotion projects such as: • Vegetable Gardens • Feeding Schemes and food parcels for learners • Collection of glass/paper/plastic for recycling and fund raising • Scholar patrols and road safety • Water-saving schemes • School safety programmes • Physical activity projects

  5. Current situation • 14 schools have been identified, in township and rural areas, to pilot HPS with JICA funding, for 3 years from when the contract is signed • At least one of these schools falls into each of our 12 Education districts • No more than 4 schools fall into anyone of the 6 Health districts

  6. GAUTENG PROVINCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

  7. Current situation cont. • A baseline study was conducted on 12 of the 14 schools to highlight each one’s specific strengths and needs

  8. Current situation cont. • Planning has been finalised and problems/needs are devided into 5 programmes: • Nutrition and Physical activity • Safety and Security • HIV/AIDS • Hygiene and Sanitation • Access to services

  9. Current and future projects • School Nutrition Program in partnership with DOLE South Africa and Johannesburg Fresh Produce Market from May 2006 until March 2007 • Peer education is being looked into by Mr. S Masilela who spent 7 weeks in Japan sponsored by JICA • “Clean it up” (Environmental & Hygiene project focus on the promotion of clean env. Sanitation, water, etc….

  10. Private Schools • A questionnaire was distributed to 300 private schools to assess their Health Promotion status. • 62 responded • The schools are being visited with the aim of supporting their health promotion initiatives and accrediting them when they are ready

  11. Opportunities • Finally moving • Principals and educators are extremely keen • Chief Director at GDE has been assigned to ensure cooperation • JICA focus a great amount of time and money on educational and learning material

  12. Constraints • Budget • We are going to have to do a lot with a little after the 14 school are launched

  13. Thank you

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