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The effects of smoking

The effects of smoking. A smoking cigarette gives you:. Nicotine Carbon monoxide Tar Carbon. Carbon Inflames the airways Triggers asthma Linked to bronchitis Affects the ciliated cells. Normal cells lining the windpipe and bronchus have tiny hairs. Sticky mucus traps dust and microbes.

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The effects of smoking

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The effects of smoking

  2. A smoking cigarette gives you: • Nicotine • Carbon monoxide • Tar • Carbon

  3. Carbon Inflames the airways Triggers asthma Linked to bronchitis Affects the ciliated cells

  4. Normal cells lining the windpipe and bronchus have tiny hairs. Sticky mucus traps dust and microbes. The hairs moves it out of the lungs. Tar can damage these cells so lung infections are common.

  5. Nicotine Chemical in tobacco plant cells Addictive – affects the way the brain works Stimulant drug

  6. Carbon monoxide Poisonous gas Absorbed by red blood cells Stops them carrying oxygen

  7. Tar A mixture of chemicals Affects the ciliated cells Condenses in the lungs Linked to cancer Linked to heart disease Linked to circulation problems

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