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GROWING SUCCESS. Activities to Support School Improvement Planning Related to Assessment, Evaluation and Reporting. Presentation #2 – September 2010. GROWING SUCCESS THEMES. Assessment for, as and of Learning - Slides 4 -11 Professional Judgement - Slides 13, 14
GROWING SUCCESS Activities to Support School Improvement Planning Related to Assessment, Evaluation and Reporting Presentation #2 – September 2010
GROWING SUCCESS THEMES • Assessment for, as and of Learning - Slides 4 -11 • Professional Judgement - Slides 13, 14 • Communication with Parents - Slides 16, 17 • Fundamental Principles - Slides 19, 20 • Learning Skills and Work Habits - Slides 22 - 27 • Achievement Charts – Slides 29, 30 • Evaluation- Slides 32, 33 • Academic Honesty - Slides 35, 36 • Late and Missed Assignments- Slides 38, 39 • Elementary Progress Report - Slides 41 - 44 • Students with Special Education Needs – Slides 46 - 50 • English Language Learners - Slides 52, 53
GROWING SUCCESS Assessment for, as and of Learning
GROWING SUCCESS Key Theme: Assessment for, as and of Learning “The primary purpose of assessment and evaluation is to improve student learning.” Growing Success, Chapter 5 p. 35
GROWING SUCCESS Key Theme: Assessment for, as and of Learning
GROWING SUCCESS Key Theme: Assessment for, as and of Learning Assessment for Learning: The ongoing process of gathering and interpreting evidence about student learning for the purpose of determining where students are in their learning, where they need to go, and how best to get there. The information gathered is used by teachers to provide feedback and adjust instruction and by students to focus their learning. Assessment for learning is a high-yield instructional strategy that takes place while the student is still learning and serves to promote learning. Growing Success, Glossary p. 144
GROWING SUCCESS Key Theme: Assessment for, as and of learning Assessment as Learning: The process of developing and supporting student metacognition. Students are actively engaged in this assessment process: that is, they monitor their own learning; use assessment feedback from teacher, self, and peers to determine next steps; and set individual learning goals. Assessment as learning requires students to have a clear understanding of the learning goals and the success criteria. Assessment as learning focuses on the role of the student as the critical connector between assessment and learning. Growing Success, Glossary p. 143
GROWING SUCCESS Key Theme: Assessment for, as and of Learning Assessment of Learning: The process of collecting and interpreting evidence for the purpose of summarizing learning at a given point in time, to make judgments about the quality of student learning on the basis of established criteria, and to assign a value to represent that quality. The information gathered may be used to communicate the student’s achievement to parents, other teachers, students themselves, and others. It occurs at or near the end of a cycle of learning. Growing Success, Glossary p. 144
Activity View the Dr. Lorna Earl “Purposes of Assessment” webcast http://www.edugains.ca/resourcesAER/PrintandOtherResources/EarlVideo/index.html?movieID=1 and describe the characteristics and purposes of each: • Assessment for Learning • Assessment as Learning • Assessment of Learning What is the teacher’s role when assessing for, as andof learning? What is the student’s role when assessing for, as andof learning?
Activity View the Descriptive Feedback Videos: http://www.edugains.ca/newsite/assessment/aervideo/descriptivefeedback.htm Feedback - The Most Powerful Tool • What Constitutes Effective Feedback? • Effective Feedback Requires Purposeful Planning • Connecting to Learning Goals and Success Criteria Questions to Consider: Where are we now? Where do we need to focus our attention? Why? What are possible school action steps to address our selected needs? How will we monitor our progress on these school action steps?
Activity • What is our understanding of learning goals? • What is our understanding of success criteria? • What is our understanding of descriptive feedback? • What strategies are we using to address learning goals, success criteria and descriptive feedback in our class programs? Consider a JIGSAW activity for this discussion– each group of 3 takes one of the 3 key areas. The groups disperse to create ‘key area’ groups to read and discuss ‘their term’. The original group of 3 comes back together to share their findings. Then the home group discusses the final question together.
GROWING SUCCESS Professional Judgement
GROWING SUCCESS • Key Theme: Professional Judgement • The professional judgement of educators at all levels, as well as on educators’ ability to work together and to build trust and confidence among parents and students. • The continuing efforts of strong and energized professional learning communities to clarify and share their understanding of policy and to develop and share effective implementation practices. • Creative and judicious differentiation in instruction and assessment to meet the needs of all students, and on strong and committed leadership from school and system leaders, who coordinate, support, and guide the work of teachers. Growing Success, Introduction p. 2
Activity Deconstruct the definition - “Professional Judgement”. The instructional strategy of deconstruction involves selecting key words in the statement/prompt/learning goal and brainstorming (mind mapping) common understandings of the terms. Professional Judgement: Judgement that is informed by professional knowledge of curriculum expectations, context, evidence of learning, methods of instruction and assessment, and the criteria and standards that indicate success in student learning. In professional practice, judgement involves a purposeful and systematic thinking process that evolves in terms of accuracy and insight with ongoing reflection and self-correction. Growing Success, Glossary p. 152
GROWING SUCCESS Communication with Parents
GROWING SUCCESS Key Theme: Communication with Parents We know that parents have an important role to play in supporting student learning. Studies show that students perform better in school if their parents or guardians are involved in their education. This is the basis for the principle that students and parents should be kept fully informed about the student’s progress. It is essential that schools have procedures in place to ensure that parents are aware of the expectations for their child in the various grades. Growing Success, Chapter 1 p. 8
Activity • How do we create the conditions for student success by ensuring that parents have the information they need to interpret their child’s report card and to work with us to improve their child’s learning? • What are possible action steps that we can include in the “Community, Culture, & Caring - Parent Engagement” sections of the School Improvement Plan for Student Achievement (SIPSA)?
GROWING SUCCESS Fundamental Principles
GROWING SUCCESS Key Theme: Fundamental Principles • Are fair, transparent, and equitable for all students • Support all students including those with special education needs, English Language Learners, and those who are First Nation, Metis, or Inuit • Are carefully planned to relate to the curriculum expectations and learning goals • Are communicated clearly to students and parents • Are ongoing, varied in nature, and administered over a period of time to provide multiple opportunities for students to demonstrate the full range of their leaning • Provide ongoing, descriptive feedback that is clear, specific, meaningful and timely • Develop students’ self-assessment skills Growing Success, Chapter 1, p. 6
Activity • Which fundamental principles have we been most successful at implementing? • Which fundamental principles need further attention? • What action steps could be selected for our School Improvement Plan for Student Achievement (SIPSA) to address these needs?
GROWING SUCCESS Learning Skills and Work Habits
GROWING SUCCESS Key Theme: Learning Skills and Work Habits The development of learning skills and work habits is an integral part of a student’s learning. To the extent possible, however, the evaluation of learning skills and work habits, apart from any that may be included as part of a curriculum expectation in a subject or course, should not be considered in the determination of a student’s grades. Assessing, evaluating, and reporting on the achievement of curriculum expectations and on the demonstration of learning skills and work habits separately allows teachers to provide information to the parents and student that is specific to each of the two areas of achievement. Growing Success, Chapter 2 p. 10
GROWING SUCCESS Key Theme: Learning Skills and Work Habits “We want our schools to continue to be safe and to be models of effective human relationships, where students learn about and put into practice attributes such as respect, responsibility, fairness, and empathy. We want students to develop self-discipline and the personal management skills that will make their communities, workplaces, and lives the best that they can be. Together, we can make this happen.” Finding Common Ground: Character Development in Ontario Schools, K-12
GROWING SUCCESS Embedding the HPEDSB Growing with Character Attributes into everything we do: CARING COOPERATION HONESTY HUMOUR INTEGRITY RESPECT RESPONSIBILITY TRUSTWORTHINESS Together we work to model, teach, and expect demonstrations of the learning skills and work habits.
GROWING SUCCESS Key Theme: Learning Skills and Work Habits • It is expected that teachers will work with students to help them develop the following learning skills and work habits: • Responsibility • Organization • Independent Work • Collaboration • Initiative • Self-regulation Growing Success, Chapter 2 p. 10
Activity • How will we work with students to help them develop the six learning skills and work habits? • How could these new learning skills and work habits contribute to a safer, more respectful, and fully inclusive learning environment?
Activity • How do we currently instruct, assess, and evaluate learning skills? • How much evidence do we collect? • How often? • How is the evidence documented (e.g., teacher, student)? • What other strategies might we consider? • How might we use the sample behaviours (Growing Success p. 11)?
GROWING SUCCESS Achievement Charts
GROWING SUCCESS Key Theme: Achievement Charts • The achievement charts are alive and well!! CELEBRATion time!! • They are used as a framework within which to assess and evaluate student achievement of the expectations. • Across all 4 categories, students should be given numerous and varied opportunities to demonstrate achievement.
Activity • How are we currently using the achievement charts? • What are the opportunities (e.g., they are aligned across subject areas)? • What are next steps around our use of the achievement charts? • How do you demonstrate balance among the categories of the achievement chart? Growing Success, Chapter 3, p. 20 -25
GROWING SUCCESS Key Theme: Evaluation • Student evidence for evaluation is collected over time from observations, conversations, and student products. Using multiple sources of evidence increases the reliability and validity of the evaluation of student learning. • Assignments for evaluation may include rich performance tasks, demonstrations, projects, and/or essays. Assignments for evaluation must not include ongoing homework that students do in order to consolidate their knowledge and skills or to prepare for the next class. • To ensure equity for all students, assignments for evaluation and tests or exams are to be completed, whenever possible, under the supervision of a teacher. Report card grades reflect a student’s most consistent level of achievement, with special consideration given to more recent evidence.
Activity How are we addressing the following: • Collecting evidence over time • Using multiple sources of evidence • Ensuring equity for all students • Having work completed under the supervision of the teacher • Considering the most consistent level of achievement – using more recent evidence
GROWING SUCCESS Academic Honesty
GROWING SUCCESS Key Theme: Academic Honesty • In all schools of the HPEDSB “academic honesty” means that we approach school work in a manner that demonstrates the character attributes of trustworthiness and integrity. • Teachers must make it clear to students that they are responsible for providing evidence of their learning within established timelines, and that there are consequences for cheating, plagiarizing, not completing work and submitting work late.
Activity How can we take a proactive role in encouraging academic honesty? When using a progressive discipline approach, what factors will need to be considered for determining possible consequences? What is our common understanding about a possible range of consequences?
GROWING SUCCESS Late and Missed Assignments
GROWING SUCCESS Key Theme: Late and Missed Assignments • In all schools of the HPEDSB we approach completion of school work in a manner that represents the character attributes of cooperation, responsibility, and caring. • It must be made clear to student early in the school year that they are responsible for providing evidence of their achievement of the overall expectations within the time frame specified by the teacher, and in the form approved by the teacher. Growing Success, p. 43
Activity How can we take a proactive role in encouraging work completion? What is our common understanding about ensuring equity for all students? How will we ensure consistency in our approach to missed and late assignments?
GROWING SUCCESS Elementary Progress Report
GROWING SUCCESS Key Theme: Elementary Progress Report The Elementary Progress Report includes a conference form which is to be completed: • By phone OR • In person with the following in attendance: • Student/parent(s)/teacher Conferences will take place within two weeks of the Progress Reports being sent home.
Activity View segments of the LNS DVD “Student-led Conferences”. Suggestions (titles as they appear on the DVD Menu): • Student-led Conferences • Grade 3 Conference #3http://stream.hpedsb.on.ca/CST/growing_success/Grade3.html • Grade 7/8 Conference http://stream.hpedsb.on.ca/CST/growing_success/Grade78.html • Informing Practice • Learning Intentions and Success Criteriahttp://stream.hpedsb.on.ca/CST/growing_success/Learning_intentions_and_success.html • Print resources (access through My Computer, right click on DVD and click Open)
GROWING SUCCESS Key Theme: Elementary Progress Report • The indicators progressing very well, progressing well, and progressing with difficulty are to be used for the Progress Report for Grades 1-8. • Further clarification regarding comments in the subject areas will be forthcoming. • Subject comments should be formative in nature and therefore do not require qualifiers associated with the achievement chart (representative of levels 1, 2, 3, and 4).
Activity - Review the scenario below and discuss how this teacher might determine which indicator to use and how to comment on the student’s progress in mathematics. John is in Ms. Lee’s grade 5 class. Ms. Lee has worked through 2 math strands (number sense, measurement) and started a third (geometry). John has experienced difficulty understanding measurement concepts (specifically with explaining differences between area & perimeter), he seems to grasp some of the key concepts related to number sense, and because of the consistent use of manipulatives in geometry, he is excelling in this area. In order to determine which indicator Ms. Lee will use on the progress report, Ms. Lee has decided to consider the mathematical processes. She noticed that John was able to arrive at a reasonable solution however was challenged when asked to provide proof for his solutions. • Considerations: • The Progress report is meant to be formative in nature, NOT indicative of a student’s achievement of the overall expectations
GROWING SUCCESS Students with Special Education Needs
GROWING SUCCESS Key Theme: Students with Special Education Needs Assessment for students with special education needs should be an on-going and continuous process that is an integral part of the daily teaching and learning process. Teachers, with support of an in-school team, begin by considering the student’s strengths and needs and his or her instructional level. Teachers use a variety of educational assessments and tools (observation, portfolio, tests, self-assessment, intervention plan, projects), to monitor and improve student learning.
Activity • Using Continuous Assessment as an Intervention Model
Activity Select a scenario to review. Using the checklists and intervention plan providedfrom Using Continuous Assessment as an Intervention Model resource guide, determine next steps for the teacher and the in-school team to support this student. HPEDSB Using Continuous Assessment as an Intervention Model Resource Guide p. 30 - 42