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President Marv Foote

Committee Structure 2010 - 2011. President Marv Foote. Past President Richard Edwards. President Elect Jim Aronitz. Secretary Jill McCaughey. Treasurer Steve Moore. Director Club Service One Ernie Hauser. Director Club Service Two Skip Gibson. Director Community Service

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President Marv Foote

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Committee Structure 2010 - 2011 President Marv Foote Past President Richard Edwards President Elect Jim Aronitz Secretary Jill McCaughey Treasurer Steve Moore Director Club Service One Ernie Hauser Director Club Service Two Skip Gibson Director Community Service John Bullock Director International Service Dan Turner Director Vocational Service Frank Faria Director Membership Rob Rakochey

  2. Club Service One DIRECTOR Ernie Hauser TILLER Warren Lafountain George Waite Elena Edwards ROSTER Skip Gibson Jill McCaughey ATTENDANCE Lawrie Fisher Tom Whittle George Waite David Thompson Jim Mukerjee 50/50 SALES Joe Toole Ted Giles PROPERTIES Bob Hansell SET-UP/TAKE DOWN Bob Hansell Henry Chorney Larry Dornan Bud Watson Marv Foote Conrad Loban George Waite Joe Toole Bob Bryden Pat Ryan Jim Mukerjee GREETERS Bob Hansell Conrad Loban Joe Toole Bob Bryden Skip Gibson Pat Ryan Jim Mukerjee Ernie Hauser Henry Chorney Larry Dornan Dan Turner Bud Watson Marv Foote SING-SONG/KEYBOARD Jill McCaughey ROTARY FOUNDATION Bud Watson George Waite SERGEANT-AT-ARMS Ernie Hauser Skip Gibson David Thompson Doris Roland Steve Gasser Joe Toole Ron Stickley Jim Aronitz FIRESIDE Jim Mukerjee Noel Rae PROGRAMS/ SPEAKERS Larry Dornan Elena Edwards Noel Rea Ernie Hauser

  3. Club Service Two DIRECTOR Maria Serban PRESIDENT’S BALL Dan Turner STAMPEDE BBQ Skip Gibson John Robinson GOLF TOURNAMENT Pat Ryan COUNTRY CHRISTMAS Joe Toole FAMILY CHRISTMAS Rob Rakochey SENIOR’S LUNCHEON Pat Ryan DINNER AUCTION Rob Rakochey Martin Bunting POT LUCK / SOCIAL Doris Roland INTEGRITY AWARDS Bob Bryden

  4. Community Service DIRECTOR John Bullock WORK PARTIES Bob Hansell CASION George Waite CALGARY ROTARY FOUNDATION Bud Watson PROJECT EVALUATION Tally Abougoush (CHAIR) SALVATION ARMY KETTLES John Bullock STAMPEDE PARADE John Bullock CALGARY FOOD BANK John Bullock PROJECT EVALUATION Ernie Hauser John Bullock Lawrie Fisher Dan Turner Cliff Tymynski Joan Peters (in training) Bud Watson

  5. International Service DIRECTOR Dan Turner POLIOPLUS / MICROCREDIT Earl Zumwalt STUDENT YOUTH EX. Larry Dornan Maria Serban Cliff Tymynski GSE Bud Watson PEACE PARK Jill McCaughey RYLA / RYPEN David Thompson INTERNATIONAL PROJECTS Steve Gasser Tom Whittle Ton Stickley Gerry Darichuk TurgayOhut Laverne Bissky Maria Serban

  6. Vocational Service DIRECTOR Frank Faria DISTRICT CONFERENCE Frank Faria BUCHANAN SCHOOL Doris Roland Constance Chamberlain SCHOLARSHIPS Bob Bryden Larry Dornan CRAFT TALKS Larry Dornan

  7. Membership DIRECTOR Rob Rakochey MEMBERSHIP Rob Rakochey Frank Faria Pat Lipovski Richard Edwards Jim Aronitz Maria Serben Steve Moore PUBLIC RELATIONS Ralph Hawkins SICK AND VISITING MENTORING Jill McCaughey Ralph Hawkins Steve Moore RECOGNITION AWARDS Doris Roland

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