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ACTIVITIES UPDATE. Tony Frost Wide range of topics on EWTA website. ACTIVITIES UPDATE. EU Standards and Regulations Comité Européen de Normalisation (CEN) in Bruxelles CEN/TC164 – Technical Committee for Water Supply WG13 Water conditioning equipment inside buildings – 10 product standards

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  1. ACTIVITIES UPDATE Tony Frost Wide range of topics on EWTA website

  2. ACTIVITIES UPDATE EU Standards and Regulations • Comité Européen de Normalisation (CEN) in Bruxelles • CEN/TC164 – Technical Committee for Water Supply • WG13 Water conditioning equipment inside buildings – 10 product standards • EWTA now an observer status member of TC164 • Main issue now - Construction products in contact with drinking water (CPDW)

  3. ACTIVITIES UPDATE CPDW • Single EU scheme – EAS (European Acceptance Scheme) – abandoned • Progress continues under the CPD – Construction Products Directive (DG Enterprise) • Latest version Mandate (M/136) issued by Commission – now includes water conditioning equipment • It instructs CEN on preparation of: • Supporting standards – identify test procedures for assessment of CPDW (WG3 activity since early 1990’s) • Harmonised standards – product standards which embody the requirements for compliance with CPDW for that specific product (annex Z)

  4. ACTIVITIES UPDATE CPDW The main activity within WG13 and TC164 • Potential Benefits • Common testing methods • Possible mutual acceptance of results • Reduced trade barriers & costs • Disadvantages/obstacles • National certification schemes will still apply • Acceptance levels are not specified • Interpretation of test results may vary • Still much to be resolved

  5. ACTIVITIES UPDATE The 4 MS Initiative • In absence of the EAS, regulators from France, Germany, The Netherlands and UK collaborating • Objective is to produce common test methods and procedures • Target is mutual acceptance between 4MS • Declaration of intent • May also be adopted by other MS’s • Progress has been made with common positions, development of Positive Lists, etc • Feed back to the Commission for inclusion in ongoing efforts by DG Enterprise • Approach is incremental rather than sudden transition

  6. ACTIVITIES UPDATE EU DIRECTIVES AND REGULATIONS • Recast RoHS Directive • Conformity declaration and CE marking required • Enforced by 2013 • Eco design • 2009/125/EC - Ecodesign Requirements for Energy Related Products • CPD to CPR • Comes into force on 31st July 2013 • Includes 7th essential requirement - sustainability • CE marking mandatory in all countries

  7. ACTIVITIES UPDATE National Standards & Regulations Revision of Italian Decree 443 • 2006 revision contained a number of unnecessarily restrictive requirements for POU/POE • Lobbying the Commission resulted in their rejection of the revision • Further revision posted on TRIS – October 2010 • Concern - “Agreement” between state and regions • Further lobbying – Commission alerted • Outcome awaited

  8. ACTIVITIES UPDATE Spanish standard - AENOR PNE 149101 • Published November 2010 • Informed CEN February 2008 • Regulatory status unclear • Conflicts with DWD • Permits some parameters to exceed DWD • Conflicts with standstill agreement. • Letter to Commission • Aqua Europa raised with TC164 –> WG3 & WG13

  9. ACTIVITIES UPDATE WHO Ca/Mg in Drinking Water • 2000 - WHO investigation into reconstitution of desalinated water  2005 diverted to treated supplies • 2006 - Baltimore symposium • Evidence of health benefit is weak and centred on Mg • Background document issued in January 2010 focused on softening, RO and distillation systems for drinking • Revision following industry representation now more balanced – includes bottled water, rain water, soft, etc • reflected in latest GDWQ • But reference to chloride in softened water, corrosivity “not necessarily increased” and “recommended values” for nutrients in drinking water

  10. ACTIVITIES UPDATE Mineracqua Publicity in Italy • Testing conducted on jug filter by Mineracqua • Incorrect and misleading criticisms of filtered water publicised in July following tests conducted without industry consultation • EWTA contacted the Commission Training and certification • Interest in developing certifications scheme for water treatment equipment suppliers and installers • Possibly in conjunction with WQA

  11. ACTIVITIES UPDATE Thankyou Any Questions

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