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Explore Luke 19:11-28 and discover the importance of working while waiting for Jesus' return. Learn about the rewards for the faithful and the consequences for the unfaithful. Join us at Grace Bible Church, where we strive to make disciples of Jesus Christ and glorify God.
Grace Bible ChurchGlorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ
Working While WaitingLuke 19:11-28 Jesus has been healing people and teaching as He traveled from Galilee through Perea to Jericho Pharisees sought to discredit Jesus, but in the end, only exposed their own ignorance and hypocrisy
Working While WaitingLuke 19:11-28 The rich young ruler was not willing to give up worldly wealth for heavenly riches and follow Jesus Zaccheus is the proof that God does the impossible in saving sinful people Jesus’ main focus has been to prepare His disciples for what happens after they reached Jerusalem
Nearing JerusalemLuke 19:11 This parable is an expansion of the teaching session Jesus had at Zaccheus’ home
6+ miles to Jericho 2 miles to Zaccheus + stay with him 17 miles to Jerusalem & 3,000 ft gain in elevation 2 miles to Bethany Total = 27 + miles + ministry
Nearing JerusalemLuke 19:11 It is more probable this is the next morning after Jesus stayed at Zaccheus’ home The parable is prompted by being close to Jerusalem and their expectations of the coming kingdom
A Charge to His SlavesLuke 19:12-13 Their own rulers gained power as described in the parable (Archelaus & Antipas) The nobleman gives money to each of 10 slaves and charges them to “do business” with it
A Charge to His SlavesLuke 19:12-13 A mina = 100 denarii = 100 days wages - just over 3 months The nobleman is a parallel for Jesus who would go to His Father to receive His kingdom
A Charge to His SlavesLuke 19:12-13 The slaves parallel those who belong to the Messiah - Jesus purchased us with His blood (Acts 20:28) The citizens who hate the noblemen parallel those that will oppose Jesus’ kingdom
Rewards for the Faithful Luke 19:15-19 The master returns after receiving his kingdom, and calls his slaves to report on their work The first slave humbly reports a gain of 10 minas. He is commended and is given authority over 10 cities
Rewards for the Faithful Luke 19:15-19 Faithfulness and ability are rewarded - in this case with responsibility, authority and freedom The second slave humbly reports a gain of 5 minas. He is commended and is given authority over 5 cities
Rewards for the Faithful Luke 19:15-19 We are to be faithful with whatever the Lord entrusts to us - gifts, ministry and empowerment (1 Cor. 12) We are to be diligent and humble recognizing that it is the Lord at work giving the increase
Rewards for the Faithful Luke 19:15-19 God gives rewards beginning with inheriting the kingdom - Matthew 25:34; John 12:2-3 We are to lay up our treasures in heaven - Matthew 6:19-20; 19:27-30
Rewards for the Faithful Luke 19:15-19 Crown of Life - James 1:12 Imperishable Wreath - 1 Cor. 9:25 Crown of Exultation - 1 Thess. 2:19 Crown of Righteousness - 2 Tim. 4:8 Crown of Glory - 1 Peter 5:2
Rewards for the Faithful Luke 19:15-19 Do not be weary in well doing for your toil is not in vain - Gal. 6:9; 1 Cor. 15:58
Consequences for the UnfaithfulLuke 19:20-24 This slave fails to carry out his master’s commands with the excuse of being afraid of his master His own words proved he was worthless being disobedient and lazy He had the money taken away and lost what personal relationship he had with the king
Applying the ParableLuke 19:25-27 The faithful will gain even more, and the unfaithful will lose what they have Christians will not be condemned (Rom. 8:1), but their deeds will be judged - 2 Cor. 5:10; 1 Cor. 3:12-15 The faithful slave parallels believers whose deeds are likened to gold, silver & precious stones
Applying the ParableLuke 19:25-27 The unfaithful slave parallels those whose deeds are worthless so they suffer loss - saved, but as by fire An encouragement to faithful service and warning against laziness and failure
Applying the ParableLuke 19:25-27 The enemies of the nobleman parallel those who reject Jesus as Messiah, the gospel - 1 Thess. 1:8-10 Take to heart the Lord’s promises and be ready for His return - (1 John 2:28)
Jesus concluded this parable of encouragement and warning - and then began the 17 mile walk to His future
Grace Bible ChurchGlorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ