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The technique of offset printing involves the formation of an image or type on a printing plate and this plate in turn prints the image or the type onto the printing material. Offset printing is useful for commercial or business purposes where printouts are required in large amounts like for example, in printing magazines, books, newspapers or booklets and brochures.<br>
Take a Quick look at Offset Printing
The technique of offset printing The technique of offset printing involves the formation of an image involves the formation of an image or type on a printing plate and this or type on a printing plate and this plate in turn prints the image or plate in turn prints the image or the type onto the printing material. the type onto the printing material. Offset printing is useful for Offset printing is useful for commercial or business purposes commercial or business purposes where printouts are required in where printouts are required in large amounts like for example, in large amounts like for example, in printing magazines, books, printing magazines, books, newspapers or booklets and newspapers or booklets and brochures. brochures.
➢ Advantages: ✓Offset Offset printing production productionof ofprinting ✓Images Images and and typed good good quality quality.. The blanket blanketfeature featurethat ✓For Forproducing producinggood is isfast fastand andcheap ✓In In offset offset printing printing there surface surfaceand anddue ✓The Theamount amountof of ink on onthe thefountain fountainroller printing is is an an extremely printingplates typed information information printed The reason reason for for such thatconforms conformseasily goodquality qualityprints cheap.. there is is not dueto tothis thisreason, inkbeing beingused rollerwith withscrew extremely efficient platesis isnot efficient form notonly onlyeasy printed are such quality quality print easilyto tothe thesurface printsin inbulk, bulk,offset form of of printing easybut butalso alsopretty are extremely extremely sharp print is is that surfaceof ofthe offsetprinting printingis isa agood printing and prettyfast sharp and that offset theprinting printingmaterial and using using this fast.. and clear clear.. The offset printers printers have material.. goodtechnique techniqueto touse this technique, technique, the the The images images are have a a rubber are of of rubber useas asit it not direct direct contact reason,offset offsetprinters usedcan canbe becontrolled screwkeys keys..The contact between printershave havelonger controlledin inan anoffset Thedensity densityof ofcolor between the longerprinting offsetprinter colorapplied the print print plate printingplate printerby byadjusting appliedcan canalso plate and platelife and the life.. adjustingthe alsobe bealtered altered.. the printing printing theink ink
➢ Disadvantages: ✓The The infrastructure infrastructure around constant constantproduction productionof ofprinting around an an offset printingplates offset printer printer needs platesinvolves involveshigh needs to to be be set set up up and highcost cost.. and the the ✓Offset Offset printers due due to to chemical print printin inthe printers often chemical oxidation thenon non- -image imageareas often contain contain anodized oxidation slowly slowly become areas.. anodized aluminum aluminum printing become highly highly sensitive printing plates sensitive and plates that and tend tend to to that ✓Though Thoughprint resolution resolution is is not rotogravure rotogravureprinting printquality qualityis isvery not as as good printing. veryhigh, high,in incase good as as those caseof ofimages those printed printed using imagesthat using photogravure photogravure or or thatare areprinted, printed,the the
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