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Do Now, on loose leaf paper, silently 10 mins :

Do Now, on loose leaf paper, silently 10 mins :. Convert 3.054 x 10 ^ 2 from scientific notation Convert 678000000000 to scientific notation Convert 0.0000099 to scientific notation Compute (2 X 10 ^ 5) ( 2 X10 ^ 4) Compute (15 X 10 ^ 6) / (3 X 10 ^ 3).

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Do Now, on loose leaf paper, silently 10 mins :

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Do Now, on loose leaf paper, silently 10 mins: • Convert 3.054 x 10 ^ 2 from scientific notation • Convert 678000000000 to scientific notation • Convert 0.0000099 to scientific notation • Compute (2 X 10 ^ 5) ( 2 X10 ^ 4) • Compute (15 X 10 ^ 6) / (3 X 10 ^ 3)

  2. Come to the board to show your answer… • Snaps to those that came up!

  3. Let’s Look at Some Data!! • A1: 58% High scorers: Devonte, Amir, Destiny, and Zion • A2: 47% High scorers: Diamond, Cortoria, Bria, and Kali • A4: 65%: High scorers: Willie, Titi, Edward, Marterio, Maurice, Priscila, and Fredo. • B2: 75% High scorers: Bria, Christian, Jamesha, Apriana, Kyla, and Teiayana


  5. Why Do Humans MAKE Things? The Engineering Design Process

  6. Think-Pair-Share • Why do you think humans make things? Turn to your shoulder partner and share. • CFU

  7. Class Update • Unit 1 test will be next week. • Remember, I don’t make reviews.. • First binder check will be next week = needs to be updated to receive full credit.

  8. Simple Steps of EDP • Is a series of steps that engineers use to guide them as they solve problem • Engineers don’t follow to rigid step by step process, it can begin at any point and go any direction because it is cyclic.

  9. ASK • What is the problem? • What have other done? • What are the constraints?

  10. Imagine • What are some solutions? • Brainstorm ideas. • Choose the best one.

  11. Plan • Draw a diagram • Make a list of materials you will need

  12. Create • Follow you plan and create it! • Test it!

  13. Improve • Talk about what works, what doesn’t, and what could work better. • Modify your design to make it better. • Test it again!

  14. The Marshmallow Challenge • Why do you think it is important to have the ability to work with other people? Why is this important in science?

  15. The Marshmallow Challenge! • The task is simple: in eighteen minutes, teams must build the tallest free-standing structure out of 20 sticks of spaghetti, one yard of tape, one yard of string, and one marshmallow. The marshmallow needs to be on top. • Use your notes on EDP to guide you…

  16. Reflection • Who had the best structure? Let’s compare. • What worked well? What didn’t? Why? • What would have you done differently? • What challenges did your group face? Was there an easier part? • How does this activity relate to the importance of collaboration in science? • How do we learn from our failures?

  17. Homework. • EDP worksheet • Identify a problem within Memphis or nationally that you would like to solve. Have it written down on loose leaf paper and detailed on WHY you want to create a resolution.

  18. Exit Ticket • List and explain the 5 cyclic steps of EDP and WHY it is used.

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