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Helicity amplitudes and electromagnetic decays of strange baryon resonances. Tim Van Cauteren , Jan Ryckebusch,. SSF, Ghent University. Bernard Metsch, Herbert-R. Petry. HISKP, Bonn University. Arxiv:nucl-th/0509047. Outline. Motivation. Bonn constituent-quark model.
Helicity amplitudes and electromagnetic decays of strange baryon resonances Tim Van Cauteren, Jan Ryckebusch, SSF, Ghent University Bernard Metsch, Herbert-R. Petry HISKP, Bonn University Arxiv:nucl-th/0509047
Outline • Motivation. • Bonn constituent-quark model. • Helicity amplitudes. Results for: • (J=1/2, 3/2) L*L and L*S0 • (J=1/2, 3/2) S0*L and S0,±*S0,± • Conclusions and outlook.
u-channel Diagram • Photon couples to Y(*) in u-channel of kaon production from the nucleon. • The EM form factors of this g*-Y(*) vertex are not known experimentally. Can we compute these form factors ?
Uncertainties in the Isobar Model p(e,e’K+)L • Usual ansatz for the unmeasured EM form factors: dipoles with cutoffs 0.4 < L < 1.0 GeV. • Uncertainties up to 50%. • Can we reduce these uncertainties ? S. Janssen et al., Phys. Rev. C67, R052201 (2003). R. M. Mohring et al. (Hall C, JLab), Phys. Rev. C67, 055205 (2003).
Bethe-Salpeter Equation • The Bethe-Salpeter amplitudes can be calculated from the integral equation with interaction kernels as integral kernels. • We use instantaneous forces : a 3q confining interaction and a 2q residual interaction, the ‘t Hooft instanton induced interaction.
Helicity Amplitudes (HA’s) Definitions
L* (J = 1/2) L* L(1116) L* S0(1193) (MeV) (MeV)
L* (J = 3/2) L* L(1116) L* S0(1193) -0.038 -0.070
L* : Conclusions • The first excited state of a certain spin and parity couples considerably stronger to a photon with intermediate virtuality Q2 than to a real photon. • The lowest-lying L*‘s with certain quantum numbers decay preferably the the L(1116); the 2nd and 3rd excited states decay preferentially to the S0(1193). • The computed widths for the S01(1405) L(1116) and S01(1405) S0(1193) EM decays are larger than the experimentally known values. This lends support to the special structure of this resonance. • The width for the S01(1670) S0(1193) EM decay turns out to be rather large.
S0* (J = 1/2) S0* L(1116) S0* S0(1193)
S±* (J = 1/2) S+* S+(1193) S-* S-(1193)
S0* (J = 3/2) S0* L(1116) S0* S0(1193)
S±* (J = 3/2) S+* S+(1193) S-* S-(1193)
S* : Conclusions • The first excited state of a certain spin and parity can couple considerably stronger to a photon with intermediate virtuality Q2 than to a real photon. • The EM decay width of a S±* to the S± ground state can be considerably larger for the S0* to the S0(1193), e.g. for the P11(1660). • Very large widths are reported for the S11(1620), decaying electromagnetically to the L and S ground states.
Conclusions + Outlook • The computed helicity amplitudes show which hyperons and hyperon resonances couple more or less strongly to real and virtual photons. • One can predict which hyperon resonances will contribute preferentially to the p(e,e’K)L and which to the p(e,e’K)S process, and this for Q2 up to 6.0 GeV2. • Some S* resonances can contribute significantly to the p(e,e’K0)S+, but not to the p(e,e’K+)S0 process. • Further work: implementation of helicity amplitudes into an isobar model; GPD’s.
Kaon Electroproduction p(e,e’K)Y • An electron interacts electromagnetically with a proton, resulting in the creation of a kaon and hyperon. • A kaon is a strongly interacting boson (=meson) with a strange valence (anti-)quark. • The lepton part is described by QED, the hadron part by QED and QCD model.
Conclusions (1) • The p(e,e’K)Y process is most easily described in terms of hadrons isobar model. • The input parameters (coupling constants, form factors) are properties of the hadrons involved in the reaction, and they are not always known experimentally. This induces a large degree of uncertainty. • This holds particular true if the involved hadron is a hyperon or hyperon resonance, for which the experimental information concerning their electromagnetic properties is rather poor. • To controle the induced uncertainties, the unmeasured electromagnetic properties of Y(*)’s can be computed in the Lorentz-covariant Bonn constituent quark model.
Qg F2/F1 • Perturbative QCD predicts that g=2 for the proton, yet measurements show that g is around 1. • For the L hyperon, the computed ratio is constant in the interval 2.0<Q2<6.0 GeV2 for g around 1.4. • Prediction of g=2 is based on helicity conservation for massless quarks. • Constituent quark masses are too large to be considered zero, especially the strange-quark mass (ms=660 MeV).
Outline • Introduction • Baryons & quarks • Strange baryons or hyperons • Kaon electroproduction p(e,e’K)Y • Tree-level isobar model • Bonn constituent quark model • Computed electromagnetic properties • Form factors for the octet hyperons • Helicity amplitudes for the electromagnetic transitions L*L, L*S0, S0*L and S0,±*S0,±. • Conclusions
Baryons Nucleus • Baryons interact strongly. • Baryons are fermions. • The number of baryons is conserved. • The most known baryons are the proton and neutron, the main constituents of nuclei. • Baryons are made up of quarks and gluons. Atom Baryon
Quarks • Quarks come in six different flavours with different masses. • For the baryons considered in this work, only the three lightest quarks (u,d,s) play a role. • Non-exotic baryons are composites of three valence quarks, gluons, and quark/antiquark pairs (sea quarks).
The Baryon Octet • The valence quarks are responsible for the ordering of the lightest baryons with spin ½ according to two quantum numbers Y and T3. • Strange baryons, or hyperons, have at least one strange (s) valence quark. • The lightest hyperons are the L, the S-triplet and the X-doublet.
The Tree-Level Isobar Model (1) • The reaction dynamics of the p(g*,K)Y process can be described with isobar (hadronic) degrees of freedom. • The formalism is that of perturbative relativistic quantum field theory for point-like particles Feynman diagrams. • At tree-level (lowest order), the dynamics involve : • An electromagnetic vertex (g*-hadron coupling). • A strong vertex. • A propagating hadron (baryon, kaon or one of their resonances).
The Tree-Level Isobar Model (2) s-channel u-channel t-channel • The sum of the Born terms (upper row) is gauge invariant. • The terms corresponding to exchanged resonances are separately gauge in variant.
Baryon Resonances • In Quantum Physics, a system of (interacting) particles induces a spectrum. • Due to confinement, one has a bound-state spectrum. • The excited states of the baryon spectrum are called baryon resonances. • If the (non-exotic) baryon resonance contains at least one strange valence quark, one speaks of a hyperon resonance. • The kaon electroproduction reaction p(e,e’K)Y is well-suited to study both nonstrange and strange baryon resonances.
Form Factors • Both the hadronic and the electromagnetic (EM) vertex can be modified with form factors to parameterize the finite extension of the particles involved. • These form factors serve as input for isobar models. • Not all form factors are measured experimentally. This effects the quality of the isobar-model results for the p(e,e’K)Y process.
Constituent Quark Model (CQM) • Degrees of freedom are ‘constituent quarks’ (CQ’s) valence quarks surrounded by cloud of gluons and quark-antiquark pairs. • Quantum numbers of the hyperon (generally hadron) are determined by the CQ quantum numbers and the interactions between them. • Baryons contain three CQ’s. Mesons contain one CQ and one anti-CQ. • Effective interactions between CQ’s.
Form Factors • F1 and F2 are the Dirac and Pauli form factors. • Related to the Sachs form factors GE and GM.
L, S0, S+, S- Dot-dashed lines from: H.-Ch. Kim et al., Phys. Rev. D53, 4013 (1996). Dotted lines from: A. Silva, private communication. (chiral quark/soliton model)
Helicity Asymmetries (2) • At higher Q2, the photon preferentially couples to the CQ’s. • For resonances in a predominantly S=1/2 SUsf(6) state: • Process (a) gives the main contribution to the A1/2. The photon couples to the CQ. • Process (b) gives the main contribution to the A3/2. The photon couples to the baryon. • For resonances in a predominantly S=3/2 SUsf(6) state: • Process (a) still gives the main contribution to the A1/2. The photon couples to the CQ. • Process (c) now gives the main contribution to the A3/2. The photon couples to the CQ.
Static Properties Magnetic moments (mN) Magnetic ms radii (fm2) Electric ms radii (fm2) exp calc calc calc Adamovich et al. : 0.91 ± 0.32 (stat.) ± 0.40 (syst.) fm2 Eschrich et al. : 0.61 ± 0.12 (stat.) ± 0.09 (syst.) fm2
Octet Hyperons • The magnetic form factors are dipole-like with cutoff masses ranging from 0.79 GeV for the S+ to 1.14 GeV for the L. • The electric form factors of the neutral hyperons differ substantially from the neutron electric form factor. • Computed magnetic moments are in excellent agreement with experimental values. • Also the electric radius of the S- hyperon is well-reproduced.