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Determination of Albumin Concentration by MIP QCM sensor

Determination of Albumin Concentration by MIP QCM sensor. Outline. Introduction Experimental Results and discussion Conclusions. Introduction. 1.Albumin is a major plasma protein in the urine or blood which is an indication of some types of kidney or liver dysfunction.

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Determination of Albumin Concentration by MIP QCM sensor

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  1. Determination of Albumin Concentration by MIP QCM sensor

  2. Outline • Introduction • Experimental • Results and discussion • Conclusions

  3. Introduction 1.Albumin is a major plasma protein in the urine or blood which is an indication of some types of kidney or liver dysfunction. 2.The common method to determine the albumin by dye-binding method. ex.BCG( bromocresol green) or BCP(bromocresol purple).

  4. 3.However, BCG and BCP methods have poor selectivity and sensitivity,when the specimen is a protein mixture or less amount. 4.The molecular imprinting polymer has high selectivity and high sensitivity recognition site which due to the shape of molecular conformation and functional group interaction of target and monomer molecules.

  5. 5.QCM has many applications, especially on the trace analysis.

  6. Property of Albumin • Half-life: 17 to 23 day • Molecular weight: 68,000 • Isoelectric point: 4.8 • Concentration of human serum: 3.0 to 5.0 g/dl

  7. Experimental

  8. Fabrication Sequence of MIP powder Preparation of MIP crush of MIP Washing with 20 wt.% methanol and drying of MIP Screening of MIP

  9. Fabrication Sequence of MIP thin film Extend by spin coating Prepare polymerization reaction solution Washing with 20 wt.% methanol and drying MIP Determine adsorption amount by QCM system

  10. Results and discussion

  11. HPLC analysis of protein mixture

  12. HPLC analysis of protein mixture solution before of adsorption

  13. HPLC analysis of protein mixture solution After adsorption of MIP

  14. HPLC analysis of protein mixture solution After adsorption of non-MIP

  15. The Amount of Adsorption for MIP by Using HPLC

  16. The Amount of Adsorption for non-MIP determined by HPLC

  17. Calculate Adsorption amount of Albumin on the QCM ∆F: frequency of quartz crystal chip change amount. F0: initial frequency of quartz crystal chip. C : quartz material constant (-2.26*10-6 cm2/Hz*g ). ∆M: mass of absorption on the quartz crystal chip. A: surface area of chip.  : system solution density (g/cm3).  : system solution viscosity (g/cm*s) ∆F=Cfo2 ∆M/A+Cfo3/2(ρη)1/2

  18. Loading curve of Quartz Crystal Microbalance Au-NH2 electrode

  19. Loading curve of Quartz Crystal Microbalance Au-COOH electrode

  20. Loading curve of Quartz Crystal Microbalance Au-OH electrode

  21. Loading curve of Quartz Crystal Microbalance Au electrode

  22. The Amount of Adsorption for MIP by Using HPLC

  23. Conclusions The prepared MIP can obtain high selectivity and high adsorption capacity for Albumin . 2. The optima QCM electrode is Au-OH QCM electrode for this study.

  24. Thank you for your attention

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