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Radiation induced point- and cluster-related defects with strong impact to damage properties of silicon detectors. I. Pintilie a , E. Fretwurst b , A. Junkes b , G. Lindström b. a National Institute of Materials Physics, Bucharest, Romania
Radiation induced point- and cluster-related defects with strong impact to damage properties of silicon detectors I. Pintiliea, E. Fretwurstb, A. Junkesb, G. Lindströmb a National Institute of Materials Physics, Bucharest, Romania b Institute for Experimental Physics, University of Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany NSS, 21 October 2008, Dresden
Outline • Motivation • Goals • Electrically active centers in SCR • Techniques • Material & Irradiations • Results • Point defects • Extended defects • Summary & Conclusions NSS, 21 October 2008, Dresden
Motivation (CERN-RD48) “Defect engineering” needed for SLHC application in the tracking area to improve the detectors radiation tolerance NSS, 21 October 2008, Dresden
Radiation damage – radiation induced defects M. Moll, PhD-thesis 1999 • None of the detected defects could explain the macroscopic behaviour of the irradiated diodes • The defect models attributed the oxygen effect to the formation of a deep acceptor (V2O complex), suppressed in oxygen rich silicon NSS, 21 October 2008, Dresden
Goals • Search for still undetected defects responsible for the radiation damage, as seen at operating temperatures • Point defects, predominant after gamma and electron irradiation • Extended defects (clusters), responsible for hadron damage • Understand their formation and find ways to optimize the device performance NSS, 21 October 2008, Dresden
Electrical properties of Point Defects in the Space Charge Region (SCR) Defect´ signature – emission rates Electrons in the conduction band n EC 1) Contribution to Neff - given by the steady state ocupancy of the defect levels in SCR + N p (+) D ET / 0 (-) N A + n Holes in the valence band EV 2) Contribution to the leakage current NSS, 21 October 2008, Dresden
Charge state of electrically active defects at room temperature • Donors (+/0) EC + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + P • traps for electrons • show Poole-Frenkel effect • Contribute with (+) to Neff at RT ? + + + + + + + + + + + + Ei 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 • traps for holes • show no Poole-Frenkel effect • do not contribute to Neff at RT unless are near the midgap CiOi EV NSS, 21 october 2008, Dresden
Charge state of electrically active defects at room temperature • Acceptors (0/-) EC • traps for electrons • show no Poole-Frenkel effect • do not contribute to Neff at RT unless are near the midgap VO, V2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ei • traps for holes • show Poole-Frenkel effect • contribute with (-) to Neff at RT ? - - - - - - - - - - - - B EV NSS, 21 October 2008, Dresden
Techniques I) Deep Level Transient Spectroscopy - for NT < 10% Nd - based on measuring capacitance transients: ΔC = ΔC0 exp(-en,pt) ► emission rates - en,p(T) - position in the bandgap - ΔET - capture cross sections - n , p ► defect concentration: NT ~ 2·Nd·ΔC/C0 II) Thermally Stimulated Currents Method– improved forNT > Ndand for centers with enhanced field emission - based on measuring the current due to emission from the filled traps ► emission rates - en,p(T) - position in the bandgap - ΔET - apparent capture cross sections - n , p► defect concentration: NT NSS, 21 October 2008, Dresden
Material & Irradiations • Material • Float zone- Silicon wafers: <111>, 300 μm, 3-4 kcm, Nd~1012 cm-3 • - standard Oxidation(STFZ) - Nd~8x1011 cm-3 • - difussion oxygenated (72 h at 1150 C) (DOFZ) Nd~1.2x1012 cm-3 • MCz-Silicon wafers: <100>, 300 μm, 870 cm, Nd = 4.94x1012 cm-3 • EPI-Silicon wafers: <111> • 25 and 50 μm on 300 μm Cz-substrate, 50 cm, Nd~7.2x1013 cm-3 • 75 μm on 300 μm Cz-substrate, 169 cm • - standard Oxidation (EPI-ST), Nd = 2.66x1013 cm-3 • - diffusion oxygenated for 24 h/1100°C (EPI-DO) Nd = 2.48x1013 cm-3 • Irradiations • Co60-source at BNL, dose range 1 to 500 Mrad • 6 -15 MeV electrons: irradiation facility at KTH Stockhom, Sweden • 23 GeV protons: irradiation facility at CERN • 1 MeV neutrons: TRIGA reactor in Ljubljana/Slovenia NSS, 21 October 2008, Dresden
Results – Point Defects (Ref. 1-6) Co60- irradiation – only point defects are generated DOFZ STFZ DOFZ STFZ • Very pronounced beneficial effect of oxygen on both I and Vdep • Close to midgap acceptor correlated with [O] responsible ? NSS, 21 October 2008, Dresden
- Low irradiationdoses (but already high for DLTS) Ip center • deep acceptor(-/0) • Ea = Ec – 0.545 eV • n = (1.70.2)x10-15 cm2 - direct measurement • p = (91)x10-14 cm2 - from NTDLTS(T) ~ 90% occupied with (-) at RT STFZ DOFZ NSS, 21 October 2008, Dresden
- Higher irradiation doses (TSC) STFZ STFZ DOFZ • Ip centers • – Two levels in the gap: - a donor Ev+0.23eV (+/0) & an acceptor Ec-0.545 eV (0/-) • Supressed in Oxygen rich material and Quadratic dose dependence • generated via a 2nd order process ( V2O?) 1) V+O VO • 2) V+VO V2O NSS, 21 October 2008, Dresden
BD center – bistability and donor activity • In low doped n-type DOFZ • In medium doped n-type EPI-DO Ei BD(98K)= Ec- 0.225 eV (0/++ ) ; Ei BD(50K)= Ec- 0.15 eV (+/++ ) BD center – donor in the upper part of the gap (+ at RT) - generated in oxygen rich material - after C060- irradiation, can even overcompensate the effect of deep acceptors! The bistability, donor activity and energy levels associate the BD centers with TDD2 oxygen dimers are part of the defect structure NSS, 21 October 2008, Dresden
Impact of Ip and BD defects on detector properties DOFZ STFZ STFZ DOFZ change of Neff and leakage current well described first breakthrough in understanding the damage effects NSS, 21 October 2008, Dresden
Results – Extended Defects (clusters) (Ref. 7) • After irradiation with 1 MeV neutrons, Ф= 5x1013 cm-2 • H(116K), H(140K) and H(152K) traps for holes • E(30K) trap for electrons • H(116K) was detected previously • H(152K) ~ was attributed so far to CiOi Independent on the material NSS, 21 October 2008, Dresden
EPI-DO, 75 m,Фeq= 2.33x1014 cm-2 • 23 GeV protons The generation of E(30K) center is much enhanced relative to of the H centers ! NSS, 21 October 2008, Dresden
H(116K), H(140K), H(152K) and E(30K) - cluster related traps with enhanced field emission • The 3D-Poole Frenkel effect formalism describes the experiments Ei116K = Ev + 0.33eV, p116K =410-14 cm2 Ei140K = Ev + 0.36eV, p140K =2.510-15 cm2 Ei152K = Ev + 0.42eV, p152K =2.310-14 cm2 Ei30K = Ec - 0.1eV, n30K =2.310-14 cm2 Are acceptors in the lower part of the gap and contribute with (-) space chargeat RT Are donors in the upper part of the gap andcontribute with (+) space charge at RT NSS, 21 October 2008, Dresden
The impact of BD, E(30K), H(116K), H(140K) and H(152K) on Neff EPI-ST: Nd = 2.66x1013 cm-3; EPI-DO: Nd = 2.48x1013 cm-3; MCz: Nd = 4.94x1012 cm-3 Differences between materials given by the initial doping (Nd) and [BD], only! These are the defects responsible for the annealing of Neff at RT! NSS, 21 October 2008, Dresden
EPI-DO 75 m: Nd = 2.48x1013 cm-3 1 MeV neutrons,Ф= 5x1013 cm-2 23GeV protons,Фeq= 2.33x1014 cm-2 Larger donor generation (E(30K) and BD) after 23GeV protons than after 1 MeV neutrons (~4.5 times) ! NSS, 21 October 2008, Dresden
Summary – defects with strong impact on the device properties at operating temperature 0 charged at RT +/- charged at RT Point defects • EiBD = Ec – 0.225 eV • nBD =2.310-14 cm2 • EiI = Ec – 0.545 eV • nI =2.310-14 cm2 • pI =2.310-14 cm2 Cluster related centers • Ei116K = Ev + 0.33eV • p116K =410-14 cm2 • Ei140K = Ev + 0.36eV • p140K =2.510-15 cm2 • Ei152K = Ev + 0.42eV • p152K =2.310-14 cm2 • Ei30K = Ec - 0.1eV • n30K =2.310-14 cm2 E30K 0/+ P0/+ VO -/0 BD0/++ V2 -/0 Ip0/- H152K 0/- H140K0/- H116K0/- CiOi+/0 B 0/- extended defects Point defects NSS, 21 October 2008, Dresden
Conclusions • Direct correlation between defect investigations and device properties can be achieved! • Point defects – dependent on the material defect engineering does work • Cluster related defects – independent on the material Possibility of compensation with point defects via defect engineering NSS, 21 October 2008, Dresden
Acknowledgements • Alexander von Humboldt Foundation • University of Hamburg • Zheng Li for Co60 - gamma irradiations at BNL • Gregor Kramberger for 1 MeV neutron irradiations at Triga reactor Ljubljana • Maurice Glasser for 23GeV proton irradiations • CiS, Erfurt, for processing the diodes NSS, 21 October 2008, Dresden
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