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Recipe for Mutual Respect Project: 6th Grade - Created by Michal Ben Ishay & Edna Keren Yeshua

Teach 6th graders about mutual respect through a fun project. Understand the concept, watch a video, choose values, create a recipe in Word or PowerPoint using chosen values, and decorate with pictures or animations. Follow guidelines and checklist for evaluation. Good luck!

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Recipe for Mutual Respect Project: 6th Grade - Created by Michal Ben Ishay & Edna Keren Yeshua

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Presentation Transcript

  1. A Mini Project for the 6th Grade“Mutual Respect” Created By: Michal Ben Ishay, 066022138 Edna Keren Yeshua, 029350360

  2. What is Mutual Respect? Mutual respect means that people have respect for one another. For example: you respect me, and in return I respect you back. We can respect our friends in many ways: * listening to one another * sharing feelings * helping each other * showing love and care * being responsible for our actions * being honest (saying the truth) How can we get Mutual Respect? Press this link, and watch a video on respect. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=duvXpJ3e6KE

  3. A Task: A Recipe for Cooking Up Respect A. Press this link, and go over the list of different values. http://humanityquest.com/index.asp Use the on-line dictionary to understand words that you don’t know. מילון מורפיקס לתרגום מילים:http://morfix.mako.co.il/ B.Choose 5-7 values. You can use the list in the link above. C. Use a Word Document or Power Point . Write a title: A Recipe for Cooking up Respect. D. Look at the recipe format on the next page, and use the values that you chose. Write at least 6 sentences in your recipe. E. Decorate the recipe with at least 3 pictures or animations. Use these sites: http://www.heathersanimations.com/ or http://images.google.co.il/imghp?hl=iw&tab=wi

  4. An Example of a Recipe See another example on page 39 in Highlight A Recipe for “Cooking up” Respect Michal Ben Ishay , ו'1 What you need: 1 cup of love 2 cups of patience 1 cup of tolerance ½ a cup of forgiveness 1 teaspoon of understanding How to make it: Mix the love, patience, tolerance, forgiveness and understanding together! Enjoy !

  5. Important Guidelines: • The project should be done individually. • Due date: January 19th , 2010 • The project should be sent to this E-mail address: michal_benishay@walla.com • Evaluation – use the checklist on the next page to evaluate your work.

  6. Pupil’s Checklist לשימוש התלמיד

  7. - Teacher’s Rubricלשימוש המורה

  8. Good Luck !

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