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Welcome to First Grade. First Grade Teachers. Misty Avery Falon Crossland Charity Daniel Tina Kersey Leslie McCabe Lindsey Strong Heather Tenuto. Building a community RESPECT Growing Learners Teamwork Responsibility Encouragement Viking Voyage. Language Arts
First Grade Teachers Misty Avery Falon Crossland Charity Daniel Tina Kersey Leslie McCabe Lindsey Strong Heather Tenuto
Building a community RESPECT Growing Learners Teamwork Responsibility Encouragement Viking Voyage
Language Arts Shared reading, guided reading, and independent reading Modeled writing, shared writing, and independent writing Word study, phonics, phonemic awareness, word analysis, syllables, and spelling Vocabulary and word meaning Fluency- automaticity or reading fluidity Comprehension – gaining meaning from text
Guided Reading The children work in small reading group based on their reading needs. We have Instructional Assistants working alongside the teachers during this small group instruction.
Writing Writer’s Workshop allows students to spend time writing for real purposes about things that interest them, experimenting with the various genres. English, spelling, handwriting, and other mechanics can be taught within writing workshop. Students learn the craft of writing through practice, conferencing, and studying the craft of authors. The ultimate goal is to develop life-long writers.
Math We use a variety of instruction methods: Whole group and Small group activities Math Manipulatives, Tubs & Games Calendar
Our Science and social studies are integrated throughout reading and writing and uses a hands-on, student centered and inquiry-based approach to investigate Earth, Physical, and Life sciences.
Top Questions and Procedures Homework Monthly Calendar Work turned in weekly Completed in composition book Weekly spelling words Monthly Optional Enrichment project Monthly Newsletter First Thursday of every month Daily Folders Please check each day PTA Thursday info Specials Rotations 7 day schedule
Lunch Mylunchmoney.com Ice-cream sales/75 cents Lunch extras • Snack • Please send a healthy snack and water with your child everyday.
Transportation Changes need to be emailed to Linda Bell (lbell@forsyth.k12.ga.us) and teacher by 1:00. If you have not received a response from us please contact the front office. Transportation changes must be in written form. No phone calls will be accepted.
Volunteers: Academic work with children needs to be kept confidential. Individual and small group help. For the good of the whole class…
VCE School Counseling Department The Counseling Department at VCE has been awarded the RAMP status. This award recognizes schools that are committed to delivering a comprehensive, data driven school counseling program and an exemplary educational environment. • What do Elementary School Counselors Provide? • Support for academic concerns • Instruction in decision making & goal setting • Guidance in developing and maintaining peer relationships • Instruction in career awareness • School Counseling for students in crisis • Parent workshops • How do School Counselors provide this to Students? • Specials Rotation - Classroom Guidance Lessons • Small Group guidance for referred students (i.e. study skills, friendship) • Individual meetings with students • Parent and/or Teacher conferences • Referrals to outside agencies Anne Ogilvy Barry Eber Grades 1, 3, 5 Grades K, 2, 4 Mrs. Ogilvy: Grades 1, 3, 5 ext#180156 Mr. Eber: Grades K, 2, 4 ext#180284 Mentoring Parenting Classes
Olweus Bullying Prevention Program At VCE • The efforts of this program are designed to improve peer relations and make the school a safer and more positive place for students to learn and develop. This is the most researched and best-known bullying prevention program available today. • Olweus Day is every Friday in which all students K-5 receive a classroom lesson about preventing bullying. • VCE's Olweus kick off week will be October 1st • 5th. Additional information is forthcoming.
Upcoming Events September 19thFundRun Kickoff September 20th Picture Day September 25thWatchDOG Pizza Kickoff 6:00 PM September 28thFundRun
If you would like additional information on: Volunteering in the classroom Specific Classroom procedures Please email your child’s teacher Specific questions concerning your child will be addressed at conferences.
Please go by the media center or room 295 to complete the parent survey.