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Editing And Proofreading Your Research Paper - Pubrica

Grammatical errors have a severe negative impact on your research work. They tend to present incorrect information, and therefore,they must be edited and proofread before the final copy is submitted to your supervisor.<br><br>Continue Reading: https://bit.ly/36lySUJ<br>For our services: https://pubrica.com/services/editing-and-translation/<br>

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Editing And Proofreading Your Research Paper - Pubrica

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  1. EDITINGAND PROOFREADINGYOUR RESEARCHPAPER AnAcademicpresentationby Dr.NancyAgnes,Head,TechnicalOperations,Pubrica Group: www.pubrica.com Email:sales@pubrica.com

  2. Today'sDiscussion Introduction StrategiestoHelpIdentifyErrors TheEditingProcess StrategiesforProofreadingyourPaper ProofreadingProcess OtherAreastoCheck Conclusion

  3. Introduction Grammaticalerrorshaveaseverenegative impactonyour researchwork. They tend to present incorrect information, and therefore,itisvitalthattheyareeditedand proofread before the final copy is submitted to yoursupervisor. Editingand proofreading Servicesare essential tothe writingprocess. Contd...

  4. Theyprovideeffectivenessandclaritytoyourideas. Well,whatmakeseditingdifferentfromproofreading? Whileeditingrequiresyoutorereadyourdrafttocheckformore importantissues,includingorganization,paragraphstructure,and content, proofreading is done focusing on finding and correcting errors in writing,grammar, and language.

  5. Strategies to HelpIdentify Errors Instead of workingfrom a computer screen, use a printout Proofreadingfromaprintoutallowsyoutosimply hop around to where errors may have been repeated throughout the work [e.g., misspelt the name of a person], as well as saving your eyes from the strain ofstaringat acomputer screen. Readoutloud Thisisparticularlyusefulfordetectingrun-on sentences and missing words, but you'll also pick up on other issues that you might not have seen while readingthe textaloud. Contd...

  6. This will also assist you in taking on the reader's comprehendthearticleasyourintendedaudiencewould. role, allowing you to Themethodpreventsyoufromskippingoverpotentialerrorsandletsyouread throughyour document atyour own leisure. Everypunctuationmarkinyourpapershouldbecircledorhighlighted This compels you to pay close attention to each mark you make and consider whyyou used itin each sentenceor paragraph. Contd...

  7. If you frequently misuse or overuse a punctuation mark, such as a comma or semi-colon,this is avery useful method. Usetheexaminefunctionofthecomputertodiscovererrors Using your word processor's search [find] tool can help you find errors more quickly. Forexample,supposeyourepeatedlyusethesamephraseorqualifier. Inthatcase,youcansearchforthosewordsorphrasesanddecidewhetherto eliminatethemor replacethem witha synonymoneach occasion.

  8. TheEditing Process Editingisaskillthatyouneedtolearn.Thereare manywaysbywhichyoucandevelopeditingskill. Organization:Whenorganizingyouracademic writing, there should be a clear introduction and a properconclusion toit. ParagraphStructure:Eachparagraphshould haveatopicsentencetointroduceitscentralidea. Contd...

  9. Thereshouldbecleartransitionsbetweensentencesaswellasbetweenparagraphs tomake your flow coherent. Main Ideas: There should be a focused thesis statement. Main ideas should be connectedwiththethesis statementandbe supportedbyclear evidence. Clarity:Clearevidenceandproperdefinitionsimprovetheclarityofyourideas. AvoidRedundancy:Lookfortherepetitionofwords,accuratesentencestructure, andthe correct use oftechnical terms. Contd...

  10. Strategiesfor Proofreading yourPaper BeforeYouProofread Revisethelargeraspectsofthetext. Ifyoustillneedtoworkontheoverallfocus, development, and organisation of the paper, or if you need to re-arrange or change individual portions [the actofrevising],don'tproofreadforthegoalof making corrections to the sentence and word level [theact ofediting]. Eliminate unnecessary words before looking for mistakes. Contd...

  11. Ifamoreconcisephrasewillsuffice,strivetoavoid employinginflateddictionthroughoutyourwriting. Overly complicated terminology are more simple,clearlanguage. sentence difficult constructs and to proofread than Identifyandreplaceemptyorrepetitivesentencesat thesame time. Reviewyourlistofreferences. Contd...

  12. Examine the sources you used in your paper and double-check that you referenced them correctly in yourbibliography. Makesurethetitlesinyourbibliographyare mentionedin thetext aswell. Before you start editing your paper, make sure there areno omissions.

  13. Proofreading Process Proofreadingfollowsafteryouedityourpaper. Lookforerrorsandmakethenecessaryrevisionsto improveyour writing. Proofreading,too,requirescertainskills. Readandrereadyourwork:It is notpossible tofind allerrors inone go. First,readyourwritingaloud. Contd...

  14. Second,slowdowntheprocess,andbemorefocused. By dividing your writing into sections, you can increase your focus and find the mistakes. Highlight Common Errors: By this, you will understand where you commonly makemistakes, and canavoid it in future.

  15. OtherAreas toCheck Ensuretheformalstyleofwriting. • Avoidusingthepassivevoice. • In scientific writing, use tables and figures to enable readerstointerpret andvisualizedata. • Tablesshouldincludethefollowing: • Acleartitle • ClearHeadingsforcolumns • Definedbodyofdata • Contd...

  16. footnotesorreference • Figures present data in a visual format such as photos, charts, graphs, diagrams, amongothers. • Similartotables,figuresneedtorecognizethedatatheyconveyclearly. Figuresshould include thefollowing: • Captionsortitlesthatreflectthetopic. • Contd...

  17. Figuresarelistedbynumberingeachoneofthemforeasyreference. • Figuresshouldbeclearandeasytoview. • Ifyoufollowthetipsgivenabove,youshouldbeabletowriteanaccurate,error-free academicpaper.

  18. Conclusion Proofreadingisthelastwritingprocessbeforethe author submits the article for publication. It is the stage ofverification,bytheauthor,orbyanotherperson. Thus, it is not only important to check grammar and spelling, it is also highly advised to ensure that the idea ofthewriter/authorisinagreementwithwhatthey wantstocommunicatewith theaudience. Contd...

  19. Inotherwords,thatthearticle/workisclearlywrittenforitsintendedtargetaudience.Inotherwords,thatthearticle/workisclearlywrittenforitsintendedtargetaudience. Pubricausealmostalloftheeditingstrategiesandprovidebestproofreadingservice foryour research papers.

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