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Cancer is one of the leading causes of mortality globally, and many research studies have focused in the last decade on developing novel therapeutics to lessen the negative effects of existing treatment.<br>Continue Reading: https://bit.ly/3ymSvaG<br>For our services: https://pubrica.com/sevices/research-services/<br>
RECENTTECHNOLOGIES AND FUTURE PERSPECTIVES IN CANCERTHERAPIES AnAcademicpresentationby Dr.NancyAgnes,Head,TechnicalOperations,Pubrica Group: www.pubrica.com Email:sales@pubrica.com
Today'sDiscussion Outline Introduction NaturalAntioxidantsinCancerTherapy TargetedTherapyandImmunotherapy GeneTherapyforCancerTreatment ThermalAblationandMagneticHyperthermia RadiomicsandPathomics Conclusion
Introduction Cancer is one of the leading causes of mortality globally,andmanyresearchstudieshavefocused in the last decade on developing novel therapeutics tolessenthenegativeeffectsofexistingtreatments. Tumorsbecomeextremelyheterogeneousas cancer progresses, resulting in a mixed population of cells with varying molecular characteristics and therapeuticresponses. Contd...
This variability may be seen at both a geographic and temporal level, and it is a significant element in the establishment of resistance phenotypes, which is aided by a selection pressure applied during drug administration. Typically, cancer is treated as a single, worldwide disease,andtumorsareviewedasagroupofcells. Asaresult,athoroughknowledgeofthese complicatedeventsiscriticalfordeveloping accurateandeffective treatments. Contd...
Nanomedicineprovidesadiverseplatformof biocompatible and biodegradable technologies for deliveringtraditionalchemotherapeuticmedicines invivo,boostingtheirbioavailabilityand concentration surrounding tumor tissues, as well as theirrelease profile. Nanoparticlescanbeusedforavarietyof purposes,fromdiagnosticto therapy.
Natural Antioxidants in CancerTherapy Exogenousassaultstothehumanbody,such asultraviolet(UV)rays,airpollution,and tobacco smoke, cause the creation of reactive species, particularly oxidants and free radicals, whichareresponsibleforthestartofmany diseases,includingcancer. These molecules can be formed as a result of drug delivery in the clinic, but they can also be formedspontaneouslyinsideourcellsand tissues by mitochondria and peroxisomes, as wellasmacrophagemetabolism,during normalphysiologicalaerobicactivities. Contd...
DNA (genetic changes, DNA double strand breaks, and chromosomal abnormalities) and other bio-macromolecules, such as lipids and (membrane peroxidation and necrosis) proteins (substantially affecting the regulation oftranscriptionfactorsand,asaresult,of importantmetabolicpathways)canbe damagedbyoxidativestressandradical oxygenspecies. Contd...
Targeted Therapy and Immunotherapy The low specificity of chemotherapeutic medicinesforcancercellsisoneofthekey difficultieswithconventionalcancer treatments. In fact, most medications have severe side effects because they act on both healthy and sickorgans. Clinical Researchersare working hard to figureouthowtotargetonlythetargetedsite. Contd...
Becauseoftheirenhancedpermeabilityandretentioneffect(EPR), nanoparticles have sparked a lot of attention because of their tendency to aggregatemore in tumortissues. The small size of nanoparticles, as well as the leaky vasculature and poor lymphaticdrainageofneoplastictissues,areusedinthispassive targetingmethod. Passive targeting, on the other hand, is difficult to regulate and can result inmultidrug resistance (MDR). Contd...
Active targeting, on the other hand, improves tumor cell uptake by targetingspecificreceptorsthatareoverexpressed onthecells. Nanoparticles,forexample,canbefunctionalizedwithligandsthatattach tospecificcellsorsubcellularlocationsinanunambiguousmanner.
GeneTherapy for Cancer Treatment Genetherapyentailsinsertingahealthycopyof a faulty gene into the genome in order to treat a specificcondition. Aretroviralvectorwasusedtotransferthe adenosine deaminase (ADA) gene to T-cells in patients with severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID)forthe firsttime in1990. Further study revealed that gene therapy might be used to cure a variety of human uncommon andchronicdiseases,aswellas,most significantly,cancer. Contd...
Approximately 2,900 gene therapy clinical trials arenowunderway,withcanceraccountingfor 66.6percentofthem. Differentstrategiesareunderevaluationfor cancer gene therapy: 1) targeted silencing of oncogenes, 2) expression of pro-apoptotic and chemo-sensitisinggenes3)expressionof genes able to solicit specific antitumour immune responsesand4)expressionofwildtype tumoursuppressorgenes.
Thermal Ablation and Magnetic Hyperthermia Theterm"thermalablationoftumors" referstoasetofproceduresthatuse heat (hyperthermia) or cold (hypothermia) toeliminatecanceroustissues. Cellnecrosisisreportedtooccurat temperaturesaslowas-40°Candas highas 60°C. Cellnecrosisisreportedtooccurat temperaturesaslowas-40°Candas highas 60°C. Contd...
Furthermore, cancer cells have been demonstrated susceptibletohightemperaturesthanhealthycells. The production of ice crystals upon cooling causes to be more hypothermic ablation,whichdestroyscellmembranesandeventuallykillscells. Thechosencoolingagentisargongas,whichmaycoolsurrounding tissuesto -160°C. Contd...
Also, because nitrogen has a higher heat capacity than argon, gasesat theircritical point canbe used. However,thetechnologyforcontrollinganddirectingthemisstillin itsinfancy.
RadiomicsandPathomics The term "radiomics" refers to the high-throughput quantification of tumor features basedon medical image analysis. Pathomics, on the other hand, is dependent on the creation and analysis of high- resolutiontissue images. Many Clinical research projectsare focusing on the development of novel image processing techniques in order to extrapolate information through quantification anddisease classification. To detect disease phenotypes, flexible databases are necessary to accommodate large amounts of data from gene expression, histology, 3D tissue reconstruction (MRI),andmetaboliccharacteristics(positronemissiontomography,PET).
Conclusion Inrecentyears,cancerresearchhasmade significantprogresstowardmoreeffective,precise, andlessintrusivecancertreatments. While nanomedicine in combination with targeted therapyimprovedthebiodistributionofnewor alreadytestedchemotherapeuticagentsaround thespecifictissuetobetreated,additional techniques, such as gene therapy, siRNA delivery, immunotherapy,andantioxidantcompounds, providecancerpatientswithnewoptions. Contd...
Thermal ablation and magnetic hyperthermia, on the other hand, are potential alternatives to tumor resection. Finally, radiomics and pathomics techniques aid in thehandlingoflargedatasetsgeneratedby cancer patients in order to enhance prognosis and outcomes.
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