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TOWARDS REGISTRATION - CONTINUING THE PROFESSIONALISATION OF THE WORK BASED LEARNING SECTOR Hayden Llewellyn Deputy Chief Executive. OVERVIEW. Progress of the Education (Wales) Bill How professional regulation currently operates for teachers Registration Fitness to Practice
OVERVIEW • Progress of the Education (Wales) Bill • How professional regulation currently operates for teachers • Registration • Fitness to Practice • Professional Code • Opportunities for the Work based learning sector
EDUCATION (WALES) BILL • Who? (If involved in Teaching and Learning) • School support staff • FE lecturers and support staff • WORK BASED LEARNING STAFF • Youth workers • Timescales? • Currently being considered by Children and Young Persons Committee • Act early 2014 • Establishment of Regulations 2014-15 and preparatory work • New body (Education Workforce Council) April 2015
EDUCATION (WALES) BILL • Development of Regulations (Welsh Government) • Constitution of new body • Contents of Register, who may register and legal requirements on employers • Fee arrangements • Preparatory arrangements (Welsh Government) • Shadow Council • Professional Code • Consult on fee levels • When will WBL staff be registered / regulated? • Registration and regulation prioritised – 1 to 2 years • WG keen to have workforce data • Qualifications, Induction, Professional development, Standards – future years
WHAT DOES THE GTCW DO? Regulation of the Teaching Profession in the interests of the public Advice to government and others on major teaching and learning issues Specific work on professional development or teacher recruitment
HOW DOES GTCW PROTECT THE PUBLIC? • Every teacher working in a maintained school in Wales must be registered with GTCW. Any school, LA, parent or member of the public may check the Register of Teachers • GTCW has a legal duty to investigate and hear cases against registered teachers where it is alleged that a teacher is guilty of unacceptable professional conduct, serious professional incompetence or been convicted of a relevant criminal offence • GTCW may issue a Code of Practice laying down standards of professional conduct and practice expected of registered teachers
TEACHER REGISTRATION • What registration means? • Hold QTS • DBS disclosure • No restrictions, barrings e.g. DBS barred list, GTC disciplinary order • Self declaration • Met Induction standards • Returning to teaching criteria • Payment of annual fee • Legal requirement on employer • Access – public and employer reassurance
EXAMPLES OF REGISTRATION APPLICATIONS REFUSED Failure by the applicant to declare: • A GTCE Reprimand (expired) • A dismissal by a former employer (school) • A Final Written Warning imposed by a former employer (school) Conviction: Procuring execution of valuable security by deception (3 offences) Conviction: Attempt/procuring execution of valuable security by deception (3 offences) Conviction: Obtain a money transfer by deception (6 offences) Conviction: Forging document other than prescription for scheduled drug / Obtaining service by deception (except railway fraud) (3 offences) ‘CRB Soft information’ It was disclosed by the CRB that the applicant had been sectioned under the Mental Health Act on three separate occasions Conviction: Driving a Motor Vehicle with Excess Alcohol Conviction: Failing to Provide a Specimen for Analysis (Driving or Attempting to Drive) Caution: Threatening to Damage or Destroy Property Caution: Possession of a Class B Drug – Cannabis Resin Declaration made by the applicant: • Final Written Warning by a former employer (school) for having an inappropriate relationship with a 16 year old pupil
INFORMATION ABOUT THE PROFESSION? • Gender • Age • Qualifications • Ethnic group • Disability • Welsh language • Teacher training • Employment • Geographic
WHAT CASES ARE REFERRED TO GTCW AND HOW? Criminal offences (conviction, caution, reprimand, warning, bind over, fixed penalty notice) Dismissal / resignation (allegations of unacceptable professional conduct or serious professional incompetence) Other Including from the DBS, or complaints (Parent, member of the public, fellow teacher, pupil) Employer: Local Authority, School, Supply Agency Complainant Police force The General Teaching Council for Wales Any cases involving harm or risk of harm to children are referred to the DBS Any cases involving harm or risk of harm to children are referred to the DBS
All allegations Allegations of serious professional incompetence
Teacher who showered with pupils is struck off Teacher who 'spent hours' on Facebook during class guilty of misconduct
Teacher struck off after sex with pupil, 16 A teacher who had sex with a 16-year-old school pupil has been struck off the teaching register indefinitely by a disciplinary panel. Emma Louise Ager was an English teacher at Rhymney Comprehensive School, Caerphilly, when she began the relationship with the teenager. After a prank call to her number, Ager phoned the pupil back and the pair chatted. The pupil, who appeared as a witness, claimed the teacher had "bombarded" him with phone calls and sexual text messages during their two-month relationship in March 2008. The panel was told how the pair would meet up almost daily to have sex in her car, with her telling him he would be "a legend" among his friends. Miss Ager, 34, denied the allegations, but a General Teaching Council for Wales panel found her guilty of unacceptable professional conduct. The panel chairman, Steve Powell, ruled that Ager would be subject to an "indefinite" Prohibition Order. How this registered teacher breached the Code: Key Principle: Registered teachers base their relationship with pupils on trust and respect Teachers conduct their relationships with pupils professionally and appropriately both in school and out of school Teachers ensure any communication with pupils is appropriate, including communication via electronic media
How these registered teachers breached the Code: Key Principle: Registered teachers base their relationship with pupils on trust and respect Teachers follow policies, procedures and guidelines on matters such as communication with pupils, physical pupil contact, behaviour management, inclusion, access and equality of opportunity
STRUCK OFF: Teacher falsely claimed young relative was dying of cancer to get time off work How this registered teacher breached the Code: Key Principle: Registered teachers act with honesty and integrity - Teachers comply with policies, procedures and guidelines in respect of the use of school property, facilities, finance and ICT Key Principle: Registered teachers uphold public trust and confidence in the teaching profession - Teachers adhere to lawful standards of behaviour, in a manner in keeping with their position as a member of the teaching profession A teacher who lied that a child was dying of cancer in order to get time off work has been struck off. Kelly Baker, 31, was given paid leave during her "elaborate story," which she kept going for more than a year. The teacher, who also faked 13 health problems, was given a six-month jail term suspended for two years in 2012 after admitting two counts of fraud. A General Teaching Council for Wales (GTCW) disciplinary hearing in Cardiff was told she even phoned the school on one occasion to say she could not work because the child had lost the use of their legs and fallen into a coma. She produced fake medical certificates on her home computer in a bid to back up her story. But her lies were exposed when her head teacher tried to visit the child in hospital to deliver a card. The panel said: "We have heard evidence that Miss Baker's persistent and dishonest behaviour did adversely affect the emotional wellbeing of her pupils. She abused the trust of the school authority and her colleagues and her conduct did have serious financial implications for the school”.
Talented teacher lied for ideal job How this registered teacher breached the Code: Key Principle: Registered teachers act with honesty and integrity Teachers represent themselves, their experience, professional position and qualifications honestly An "exceptionally talented" music teacher has been struck off the teaching register for lying on his CV. Marcus Hopkin applied for his "ideal job" as music teacher at Christ College in Brecon, and claimed he had a distinction in his music A-level and a qualification from the Birmingham Conservatoire. He was given the job but a year later, routine checks by the college uncovered that his qualifications were fake. Mr Hopkin had only achieved a grade C for music A-level. He also failed to complete his Associate of Birmingham School of Music (ABSM) qualification in piano performance. Mr Hopkin, 32, told the hearing: "I have no excuse for lying on my application form. I wanted to impress a prestigious employer so I falsely stated my qualifications“, and denied his behaviour amounted to professional conduct. But chairman Gareth Jones said the deception meant they had no choice but to impose the most serious disciplinary order, a Prohibition. He said: "Your actions were premeditated and deliberate, and fundamentally incompatible with the teaching profession.
CODE OF PROFESSIONAL CONDUCT AND PRACTICE The Code sets out the standards of good conduct and practice that can be expected of registered teachers in Wales. It is intended to guide teachers’ judgements and inform parents, pupils and the general public of what they can expect from registered teachers
ADVICE TO GOVERNMENT AND OTHERS Consultation Responses • WG consultation on revised Induction Regulations • WG consultation on Employment-based Teacher Training • WG consultation on Specified Work and Registration Regulations Policy and Advice • Advice to WG: Raising the bar in ITET and Early Career Development • Professional Development Framework for Teachers in Wales • Continuing Professional Development, An Entitlement for All • Chartered Teacher Programme (pilot) Research • The experiences of NQTs on the completion of ITET and Induction • Teacher Recruitment Survey & Action Plan for Teacher Recruitment and Retention in Wales Position papers • Leadership, including Headship • Regulation of the Wider School Workforce • Coherence and consistency in 14-19 Education Teacher statistics and research reports • Annual Statistics Digest • Analysis of teachers who trained on the GTP • Analysis of supply teachers in Wales • Employment tracking of NQTs 5 years after gaining QTS • An analysis of the time taken to complete the Induction period
PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT • Administer award of Qualified Teacher Status and Induction • Hear Induction Appeals • Administer funding and tracking for: • Induction • Eearly Professional Development • Masters in Educational Practice
OPPORTUNITIES FOR THE WBL SECTOR • Raise professional standards and public perception through registration and regulation • Establish minimum training qualifications for entry to the profession • Establish professional standards • Establish professional development arrangements / structures • Advise government and other stakeholders (if requested) • Promote recruitment to profession (if requested) PROFESSIONALISATION
CONTACT DETAILS The General Teaching Council for Wales Telephone 029 2046 0099 E-mail hayden.llewellyn@gtcw.org.uk Website www.gtcw.org.uk