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Regional Employment Trials Program 2018-2020

Information for Employment Facilitators on the Regional Employment Trials (RET) Program. Support local stakeholders in designing and implementing tailored solutions in 10 selected disadvantaged regions.

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Regional Employment Trials Program 2018-2020

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  1. Regional Employment Trials Program 2018-2020 Information for Employment Facilitators

  2. Regional Employment Trials (RET) Program Overview Support local stakeholders to design and implement tailored solutions 10 selected disadvantaged regions One Employment Facilitator per selected region $1 million Local Employment Initiative Fund (LEIF) Partnerships with Employment Services Providers

  3. RET program will operate in 10 regions The five RDA regions that are part of this tender are: • Far South Coast – NSW • Northern Inland – NSW • Murraylands and Riverland – SA • Yorke and Mid North – SA • Wide Bay Burnett – QLD The other RDA regions with existing Employment Facilitators are: • Gippsland – VIC • Melbourne (North Western and Western Melbourne ERs) –VIC • Peel – WA • Tasmania (North and North Western Tasmania ERs) • Townsville and North West (Townsville ER) – QLD

  4. Timeline

  5. RDA Committees Enhance the development of Australia's regions National network of 52 committees Facilitating economic development by creating local jobs, attracting investment and driving innovation Local focus, input, knowledge and community contacts Committees propose, review and recommend local employment related projects for funding

  6. Role of Employment Facilitators Employment Facilitator role requirements include: • supporting the delivery of the RET Program by working with stakeholders in the RDA region to improve local employment opportunities • promoting awareness of the program • working as an adviser to the relevant RDA Committee • keeping abreast of ongoing and future local developments and opportunities • identifying, developing and supervising the progress of projects funded through the LEIF, and overseeing and assisting in the management of funded projects 

  7. Employment Facilitators will be locally based • Employment Facilitators are expected to: • be familiar with their RDA region • maintain a physical office space within their RDA region • engage in extensive travel within the RDA region • identify potential project partners from existing Employment Services Providers

  8. Interaction with existing programs • Identify programs already in place in the region • Examples of existing programs could include: • Regional Jobs and Investment Packages • Try, Test and Learn fund • Local and state government programs

  9. RET Program Employment Facilitators Must reside in the RDA Region or relocate Job sharing arrangements may be considered Companies, organisations, partnerships and consortia can apply Sub-contracting of the position will be considered provided the relevant information is provided

  10. Local Employment Initiative Fund (LEIF) $1 million per region for co-funded projects Proposals must be endorsed by the local RDA committee The Business Grants Hub will evaluate endorsed proposals Department of Jobs and Small Business is final approver

  11. Project focus • Sustainable initiatives include: • Employment and Work Experience • Training • Addressing skills mismatch • Mentoring services • Assisting labour market • Helping displaced workers • Project co-funding can include in-kind contributions

  12. Interaction with Employment Services Providers RET program supports ongoing employment services efforts and activities At least one Provider will partner with each funded project Providers can submit project proposals

  13. Relocation assistance The RET program provides earlier access for eligible job seekers to Relocation Assistance to Take Up a Job (RATTUAJ) which will encourage labour mobility. This provides payments to job seekers to help them move to take up a job.

  14. Process for a LEIF Project Proposal Proposal Developed RDA Committee assesses proposal RDA approved proposals submitted by the proponent online to Business Grants Hub Hub endorsed proposals sent to Department Department assesses and approves funding

  15. More Information • For more details on what will be expected of Employment Facilitators – please refer to the: • Request For Tender • Draft Contract • Further information on Regional Development Australia Committees can be found at www.rda.gov.au

  16. Probity and Purchasing—Overview • Purchasing objectives • Probity principles • Communication protocol • Evaluation process • Lodgement of response • Closing date and time RFT Chapters 4-7

  17. Purchasing Objectives and Rules • Commonwealth Procurement Rules and probity • Value for money principles: • responses to the selection criteria • diversity • benefit to the Australian economy • risk • high quality service delivery RFT Section 5.1

  18. Communication Protocol • Purpose • ensure consistent messaging • minimise risk of improper assistance • maintain probity • manage complaints • Respondent Questions • Employment Services Purchasing Hotline • answers made available to all RFT Page iii & Appendix A

  19. Eligibility to Apply • Eligible: • organisations (including state, territory and local governments) with a current ABN • Group Respondents • may use subcontractors • sole traders with a current ABN • individuals with a current ABN • foreign companies – if registered under Part 5B.2 of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) • Not Eligible: • Australian Government departments, agencies, employees or agents RFT Chapter 4

  20. Other Requirements • No collusive bidding • One response per Respondent per RDA Region • exception: subcontractors • Declare conflicts of interest RFT Sections 4.7, 4.8 & 6.3.4

  21. Evaluation Process (1) Receipt of responses Registration and conformance checks Evaluation of responses against Selection Criteria Contact by the Department if necessary RFT Chapter 5 & Appendix F

  22. Selection Criteria Chapter 3 of the Request for Tender (RFT) details the Selection Criteria Respondents are required to address. Selection Criterion 1 – Capacity to deliver • Organisations - address section 3.2.1 of the RFT • Individual/Sole Trader - address section 3.2.2 of the RFT • Character limit = 15,000 Selection Criterion 2 – Strategy to deliver in RDA region(s) • All Respondents - address section 3.2.3 of the RFT • One response for each RDA region tendering • Character limit = 25,000 RFT Section 3.2

  23. Evaluation Process (2) • Up to two Referee Endorsements • Responsibility of Respondents • read the documentation • complete the forms fully and accurately • keep a copy RFT Sections 3.3 & 7.1.1

  24. Evaluation Process (3) • Financial viability • Recommendations • Final decision • expected to be notified early September 2018 RFT Chapter 5

  25. Contracting with the Department Execution of Contracts – including insurance requirements Offers of business No double funding RFT Chapter 6 & Appendix G

  26. Lodgement of Responses (1) Electronic lodgement conditions Notice published on AusTender (tenders.gov.au)but responses must be lodged through 360Pro Lodge using the correct forms No attachments unless specifically requested Addenda—changes, corrections, additions Incomplete or non-competitive responses RFT Chapter 7

  27. Lodgement of Responses (2) NO late submissions will be accepted Respondents must allow sufficient time to complete and submit a response prior to the closing date and time Responses are encouraged to be submitted well before the closing date and time RFT Chapter 7

  28. Key Dates RFT Page ii *There will be no obligation on the Department to respond to questions received after this time.

  29. Further Information • Request for Tender pack 360Pro – tinyurl.com/360Pro-employment AusTender – tenders.gov.au • Employment Services Purchasing Hotline Email: espurchasing@jobs.gov.au • Employment Services Purchasing Information website jobs.gov.au/purchasing • Responses to the Request for Tender to be lodged on 360Pro – tinyurl.com/360Pro-employment • Probity/Integrity Concerns Email: luke.dejong@jobs.gov.au RFT Appendix A & E

  30. Questions espurchasing@jobs.gov.au jobs.gov.au/purchasing

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