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Chapter 27. Bacteria and Archaea. Fig. 27-2. 2 µm. 5 µm. 1 µm. (a) Spherical (cocci). (b) Rod-shaped (bacilli). (c) Spiral. Cell-Surface Structures.
Chapter 27 Bacteria and Archaea
Fig. 27-2 2 µm 5 µm 1 µm (a) Spherical (cocci) (b) Rod-shaped (bacilli) (c) Spiral
Cell-Surface Structures • An important feature of nearly all prokaryotic cells is their cell wall, which maintains cell shape, provides physical protection, and prevents the cell from bursting in a hypotonic environment • Eukaryote cell walls are made of cellulose or chitin • Bacterial cell walls contain peptidoglycan, a network of sugar polymers cross-linked by polypeptides
Archaea contain polysaccharides and proteins but lack peptidoglycan • Using the Gram stain, scientists classify many bacterial species into Gram-positive and Gram-negative groups based on cell wall composition • Gram-negative bacteria have less peptidoglycan and an outer membrane that can be toxic, and they are more likely to be antibiotic resistant
Fig. 27-3 Carbohydrate portion of lipopolysaccharide Outer membrane Peptidoglycan layer Cell wall Cell wall Peptidoglycan layer Plasma membrane Plasma membrane Protein Protein Gram- positive bacteria Gram- negative bacteria 20 µm (b) Gram-negative: crystal violet is easily rinsed away, revealing red dye. (a) Gram-positive: peptidoglycan traps crystal violet.
Reproduction and Adaptation • Prokaryotes reproduce quickly by binary fission and can divide every 1–3 hours • Many prokaryotes form metabolically inactive endospores, which can remain viable in harsh conditions for centuries
Fig. 27-9 Endospore 0.3 µm
Prokaryotes can evolve rapidly because of their short generation times
Fig. 27-10 EXPERIMENT Daily serial transfer 0.1 mL (population sample) New tube (9.9 mL growth medium) Old tube (discarded after transfer) RESULTS 1.8 1.6 Fitness relative to ancestor 1.4 1.2 1.0 10,000 0 5,000 15,000 20,000 Generation
Concept 27.2: Rapid reproduction, mutation, and genetic recombination promote genetic diversity in prokaryotes • Prokaryotes have considerable genetic variation • Three factors contribute to this genetic diversity: • Rapid reproduction • Mutation • Genetic recombination
Transformation and Transduction • A prokaryotic cell can take up and incorporate foreign DNA from the surrounding environment in a process called transformation • Transduction is the movement of genes between bacteria by bacteriophages (viruses that infect bacteria)
Fig. 27-11-4 Phage DNA A+ B+ A+ B+ Donor cell A+ Recombination A+ A– B– Recipient cell A+ B– Recombinant cell
Conjugation and Plasmids • Conjugation is the process where genetic material is transferred between bacterial cells • Sex pili allow cells to connect and pull together for DNA transfer • A piece of DNA called the F factor is required for the production of sex pili • The F factor can exist as a separate plasmid or as DNA within the bacterial chromosome
The F Factor as a Plasmid • Cells containing the F plasmid function as DNA donors during conjugation • Cells without the F factor function as DNA recipients during conjugation • The F factor is transferable during conjugation
Fig. 27-13 F plasmid Bacterial chromosome F+ cell F+ cell Mating bridge F– cell F+ cell Bacterial chromosome (a) Conjugation and transfer of an F plasmid Recombinant F– bacterium A+ Hfr cell A+ A+ A+ F factor A– A+ A– A+ A– A– F– cell (b) Conjugation and transfer of part of an Hfr bacterial chromosome
R Plasmids and Antibiotic Resistance • R plasmids carry genes for antibiotic resistance • Antibiotics select for bacteria with genes that are resistant to the antibiotics • Antibiotic resistant strains of bacteria are becoming more common
The Role of Oxygen in Metabolism • Prokaryotic metabolism varies with respect to O2: • Obligate aerobes require O2 for cellular respiration • Obligate anaerobes are poisoned by O2 and use fermentation or anaerobic respiration • Facultative anaerobes can survive with or without O2
Nitrogen Metabolism • Prokaryotes can metabolize nitrogen in a variety of ways • In nitrogen fixation, some prokaryotes convert atmospheric nitrogen (N2) to ammonia (NH3)
Metabolic Cooperation • Cooperation between prokaryotes allows them to use environmental resources they could not use as individual cells • In the cyanobacterium Anabaena, photosynthetic cells and nitrogen-fixing cells called heterocytes exchange metabolic products Video: Cyanobacteria (Oscillatoria)
Fig. 27-14 Photosynthetic cells Heterocyte 20 µm
Fig. 27-16 Domain Eukarya Eukaryotes Korarcheotes Euryarchaeotes Domain Archaea Crenarchaeotes UNIVERSAL ANCESTOR Nanoarchaeotes Proteobacteria Chlamydias Spirochetes Domain Bacteria Cyanobacteria Gram-positive bacteria
The use of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) has allowed for more rapid sequencing of prokaryote genomes • A handful of soil many contain 10,000 prokaryotic species • Horizontal gene transfer between prokaryotes obscures the root of the tree of life
Chapter 28 Protists
Overview: Living Small • Even a low-power microscope can reveal a great variety of organisms in a drop of pond water • Protist is the informal name of the kingdom of mostly unicellular eukaryotes • Advances in eukaryotic systematics have caused the classification of protists to change significantly • Protists constitute a paraphyletic group, and Protista is no longer valid as a kingdom
Fig. 28-01 1 µm
Concept 28.1: Most eukaryotes are single-celled organisms • Protists are eukaryotes and thus have organelles and are more complex than prokaryotes • Most protists are unicellular, but there are some colonial and multicellular species
Structural and Functional Diversity in Protists • Protists exhibit more structural and functional diversity than any other group of eukaryotes • Single-celled protists can be very complex, as all biological functions are carried out by organelles in each individual cell
Protists, the most nutritionally diverse of all eukaryotes, include: • Photoautotrophs, which contain chloroplasts • Heterotrophs, which absorb organic molecules or ingest larger food particles • Mixotrophs, which combine photosynthesis and heterotrophic nutrition
Protists can reproduce asexually or sexually, or by the sexual processes of meiosis and syngamy
Endosymbiosis in Eukaryotic Evolution • There is now considerable evidence that much protist diversity has its origins in endosymbiosis • Mitochondria evolved by endosymbiosis of an aerobic prokaryote • Plastids evolved by endosymbiosis of a photosynthetic cyanobacterium
Fig. 28-02-1 Red alga Cyanobacterium Primary endosymbiosis Heterotrophic eukaryote Over the course of evolution, this membrane was lost. Green alga 1 µm
Fig. 28-02-2 Plastid Dinoflagellates Secondary endosymbiosis Apicomplexans Red alga Cyanobacterium Primary endosymbiosis Stramenopiles Plastid Heterotrophic eukaryote Secondary endosymbiosis Over the course of evolution, this membrane was lost. Euglenids Secondary endosymbiosis Green alga Chlorarachniophytes
The plastid-bearing lineage of protists evolved into red algae and green algae • On several occasions during eukaryotic evolution, red and green algae underwent secondary endosymbiosis, in which they were ingested by a heterotrophic eukaryote
Five Supergroups of Eukaryotes • It is no longer thought that amitochondriates (lacking mitochondria) are the oldest lineage of eukaryotes • Our understanding of the relationships among protist groups continues to change rapidly • One hypothesis divides all eukaryotes (including protists) into five supergroups
Fig. 28-03a Diplomonads Excavata Parabasalids Euglenozoans Dinoflagellates Apicomplexans Alveolates Ciliates Chromalveolata Diatoms Golden algae Brown algae Stramenopiles Oomycetes Chlorarachniophytes Rhizaria Forams Radiolarians Red algae Chlorophytes Archaeplastida Green algae Charophyceans Land plants Slime molds Gymnamoebas Amoebozoans Entamoebas Nucleariids Unikonta Fungi Opisthokonts Choanoflagellates Animals
Fig. 28-03b Diplomonads Excavata Parabasalids Euglenozoans
Fig. 28-03c Dinoflagellates Apicomplexans Alveolates Ciliates Chromalveolata Diatoms Golden algae Brown algae Stramenopiles Oomycetes
Fig. 28-03d Chlorarachniophytes Rhizaria Forams Radiolarians
Fig. 28-03e Red algae Chlorophytes Green algae Archaeplastida Charophyceans Land plants
Fig. 28-03f Slime molds Amoebozoans Gymnamoebas Entamoebas Nucleariids Unikonta Fungi Opisthokonts Choanoflagellates Animals
Ciliates • Ciliates, a large varied group of protists, are named for their use of cilia to move and feed • They have large macronuclei and small micronuclei • The micronuclei function during conjugation, a sexual process that produces genetic variation • Conjugation is separate from reproduction, which generally occurs by binary fission
Fig. 28-11 Contractile vacuole Oral groove Cell mouth Cilia 50 µm Micronucleus Food vacuoles Macronucleus (a) Feeding, waste removal, and water balance MEIOSIS Haploid micronucleus Diploid micronucleus Compatible mates The original macronucleus disintegrates. Diploid micronucleus MICRONUCLEAR FUSION Key ConjugationReproduction (b) Conjugation and reproduction
Diatoms • Diatoms are unicellular algae with a unique two-part, glass-like wall of hydrated silica • Diatoms usually reproduce asexually, and occasionally sexually
Fig. 28-13 3 µm
Video: Diatoms Moving • Diatoms are a major component of phytoplankton and are highly diverse • Fossilized diatom walls compose much of the sediments known as diatomaceous earth Video: Various Diatoms
Alternation of Generations • A variety of life cycles have evolved among the multicellular algae • The most complex life cycles include an alternation of generations, the alternation of multicellular haploid and diploid forms • Heteromorphic generations are structurally different, while isomorphic generations look similar
Fig. 28-16-2 Sporangia 10 cm MEIOSIS Sporophyte (2n) Zoospore Female Developing sporophyte Gametophytes (n) Zygote (2n) Mature female gemetophyte (n) Male Egg FERTILIZATION Sperm Key Haploid (n) Diploid (2n)
Some protists are parasitic • Plasmodium causes malaria • Pfesteria shumwayae is a dinoflagellate that causes fish kills • Phytophthora ramorum causes sudden oak death