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« Unity in Diversity: Russia and the English-Speaking World ». « Electronic and Paper Dictionaries: What is the Future » Kirov Teachers’ Training College, Kirov 201 3. Our team:.
«Unity in Diversity: Russia and the English-Speaking World» «Electronic and Paper Dictionaries: What is the Future» Kirov Teachers’ Training College, Kirov 2013
Our team: • The teacher-tutor on the subject (Klepinina O.U. , Kirov Teachers’ Training College); • The social partner (Malysheve E.A. the head –master of the Scientific Library named after Herzen , The Department of Foreign Literature); • Mass media partner (Shitova A., the editor of college paper “Positive”); • Our students ( Nagisheve A., Group E-5, Plusnina J.,Group E-5, Nikulin I,Group T3-a)
Kinds of Dictionaries • academic dictionaries ( give academic norms, describing lexical system of a given language) – references (contain active words); • encyclopaedia(describe a thing or reality) – general dictionary( describe words); • thesaurus (describe all the words even once mentioned in the language)- general dictionary( describe words); • explanatory (show the vivid connection of words)-ideographic dictionary; • explanatory (show the vivid connection of words)-translator; • non-historic- historic dictionaries.
Kinds of Dictionaries (I use) Names of all the things existing in the Universe are in the dictionaries. Anatol France, a French writer, said : “ Dictionaries are the whole Universe in the alphabetical order”.
Using of the Dictionaries • A book or paper dictionary has some disadvantages, for example: it is very heavy and big ( a small one is very poor), if one uses medical dictionary he will find the word with only medical meaning not general and vice versa. • But nearly all the asked students point out the wide range of meanings of a word and the higher quality of translation using this dictionary. To make our analysis more accurate we compare the number of sold electronic and book dictionaries in the shops and electronic and book dictionaries used in the libraries. The figures show the equality of the dictionary using at the lesson or on-line, but book dictionaries are more often asked in the libraries .
The Quality of Translation • The next step of our analysis is to measure the quality of the translated text . So, 18 students were asked to translate the text in 10 minutes. Nine of them use electronic dictionary ABBY Lingvo 12, the other nine use paper dictionaries . Having analyzed the results based on the main criteria , that is equivalence translation norm, genre and stylistic norms, the norms of the interpreter speech , pragmatical norms, conventional norms and the most important – communicational equivalence- the latteк translation is better.
So, all these criteria and norm of translation are not in paper or electronic dictionaries, but only the process of our thinking, which can become more intense and quicker using different kinds of dictionaries. Electronic and Paper Dictionaries are methods of quality interpretation.
The list of sources and literature • Англо-русский толковый словарь по вычислительной технике/ перевод с английского. - М: ЭКОМ Паблишерз, БИНОМ Лаборатория знаний, 2007.-591с. • Мюллер В.К. Большой англо-русский словарь / В.К.Мюллер Изд-8-е, стереотипное. – М.: Цитадель - трейд: РИПОЛ КЛАССИК: Дом XXI век, 2008. - 832с. • Dictionary of English Surnames by P.H.Reaney. Lttd.D Ph. D. FSA, London and New York, 2001. • Dictionary of British Place-Names. A.D. Mills. Oxford Paperback References, 2003. • A pronouncing Dictionary of American English by John S. Kenyon, Thomas A. Knott, 2000. • Dictionary of American Slang. Harold Wentworth and Stuart Berg Flexner, 2000. • Longman , Language Activator. The World’s First Production Dictionary, 2007. • Encyclopedia of Water. David E. Newton, Greenwood Press Westport, Connecticut, 2003. Electronic resources • Explanatory 1.51 • FVords 1.12.17 • Reword 3.0 • Словари YAXY.RU 1.0 • Краткий словарь русского компьютерного жаргона 1.03 • Японско-русский словарь JARDIC Pro 5.2.1 • Dictionarist 1.0 • Электронный словарь Многоязычный МультиЛекс Делюкс 7.2 • Электронный словарь Португальский МультиЛекс 7.2 • Электронный словарь Испанский МультиЛекс 7.2Электронный словарь Итальянский МультиЛекс 7.2 • Электронный словарь Немецкий МультиЛекс 7.2 • Электронный словарь Французский МультиЛекс 7.2 • Электронный словарь Английский МультиЛекс Делюкс 7.2 • Электронный словарь Английский МультиЛекс 7.2 • ABC-page 2.2 • Multi-Dic 4.1 Gigapack • Interpretatio 2.01 • Энциклопедический словарь PR и рекламы 2.0 • Большой словарь оружия 2.0