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Mrs. Murphy’s U.S. History class. Geography Skills Analysis of Primary Sources The Reconstruction Era Westward Expansion and the 50 States Immigration , Industrialization, Urbanization Segregation during and after Reconstruction Progressive Movement US Expansionism
Geography Skills • Analysis of Primary Sources • The Reconstruction Era • Westward Expansion and the 50 States • Immigration, Industrialization, Urbanization • Segregation during and after Reconstruction • Progressive Movement • US Expansionism • WW I: At Home and in Europe • Transportation, Great Migration, Prohibition • Harlem Renaissance • The Great Depression and the New Deal • Pearl Harbor and WW II: Atlantic, Pacific, at Home • Postwar Rebuilding and United Nations Formation • Cold War Conflicts • Civil Rights Movement and Women’s Rights • Technology and American Life • *An SOL Test is given at the end of this course.
Class supplies: • Binder • Dividers (at least 5) • Composition book • 4. Pens/pencils • Binderneeds to be brought to history class every day. • All handouts given in class will be organized into your binder. • Dividers (please have in this order): • Formatives • Class notes • Homework • Tests and quizzes • SOL review • Composition book: (or small spiral) • Can be any color • This will be kept in class
Formatives This section will have your warm-up and exit tickets. I may also give practice tests Formatives are not calculated into your grade Formatives help monitor your understanding of material
“Warm-up” are a series of short questions given at the start of class designed to help review essential SOL material and tie it to new material being covered that day. “Exit Tickets”: are a series of short SOL objective questions given at the end of a lesson designed to help assess if students were able to grasp the essential SOL material covered.
Class notes This section will have the handouts completed in class
Tests and Quizzes All your original tests and quizzes will be returned to you. These are summative grades and will be calculated into your grade. Do not misplace these assessments. If I have posted an incorrect grade on Clarity, you need to show me your original test with the correct grade.
SOL Review We will be reviewing for the SOL test all year Yes, you heard correctly. I will be giving you periodic SOL formative assessments (remember, formatives do not get calculated into your grade, so do not panic). These assessments help us determine what information you are retainingthroughout the year.
Homework Any papers given for homework go in this section. This way you always know where you put your homework. Once we go over the homework in class, it will become class notes Don’t worry ; I always tell you which section the papers need to go in.
Please have all materials by next class, especially the composition book. We will be using itnext class. I do have some extra composition books from last year if you need one. Please see me privately if you have any concerns or questions
Class rules and expectations START OF CLASS PROCEDURE: • Step 1. Arrive prepared BEFORE the bell rings. • Step 2: Pick up the warm-up from basket upon entering the • Classroom • Step 3. If needed, pick up your composition book from class bin • upon entering the classroom • Step 4: At the bell, go to your seat and quietly begin warm-up
HAND RAISING and SIGNALING TO GET THE TEACHER’S ATTENTION: Would like to ANSWER or ASK a question: ALWAYS Raise your hand straight up in the air. Never “shout out” in class… be respectful
Homework:(formative) All homework is expected to be turned in onthe due date. How is hw. assessed.? • 4 points for completion • 2 points for 1/2 completed • 1 point for ¼ completed • “Z” if not completed at all • You are expected to make corrections to your answers • as we go over the material . HW reviewed in class will • not be accepted late. • HW that is turned in for me to “grade” may be turned in • one day late (that means the next day, NOT the next time • I see you).
Preparation for tests: • STUDY GUIDES will be given at the end of each • unit. • Warm-ups and exit tickets are an excellent • source for review • ON TEST DAY: • Come prepared and be ready to give your best effort. • You should bring a book to read if you finish the test early.
BATHROOM POLICY: • Need to usethe BATHROOM?: Fill out your agenda and hold it straight up. • Harmony requires that you have a signed agenda or pass • to go anywhere in the school.
Mrs. Murphy’s web page: • Homework, projects, study guides, test & quiz dates, Power Points, and other relevant class information will be available on my Harmony web page. • Please refer to the site for daily homework updates. • If there is something you need, that is not on the site, please see me or e-mail me; I will try to get it to you.
GET HELP IF YOU NEED IT: • I am available before school most days for help or questions. • You must let me know when you plan to come in early. • You may also get a pass to see me during your resource. • Feel free to e-mail me anytime. I am here for you, please let me help anyway I can.
Submitting work that is not your own(cheating or plagiarism) ……is grounds for immediate referral to thedean. DO NOT DO IT!
Textbooks will not be issued to every student; we will be using a class set. There is an on-line version of The American Journey text that can be accessed at home through my Harmony webpage.