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November 5, 2013 Fall Institute

November 5, 2013 Fall Institute. Who are you?. Elementary Middle School High School First name District What your Bachelors degree was is?. Welcome from NLS. One of 23 state-wide PLS Responsibilities set by NYS regulations Interlibrary loan Maintain Union Catalog

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November 5, 2013 Fall Institute

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Presentation Transcript

  1. November 5, 2013Fall Institute

  2. Who are you? • Elementary • Middle School • High School • First name • District • What your Bachelors degree was is?

  3. Welcome from NLS • One of 23 state-wide PLS • Responsibilities set by NYS regulations • Interlibrary loan • Maintain Union Catalog • Continuing education and professional development activities • Share information

  4. Welcome from SLS • One of 41 state-wide SLS • Responsibilities set by NYS regulations • Interlibrary loan • Maintain Union Catalog • Continuing education and professional development activities • Share information • Collect a Member Plan, a self-assessment tool which includes staffing, resources, reporting and communication

  5. How is your Public Library collaboration? • Small groups • How do you collaborate with your Public Library • Report out

  6. Our website http://www.nassauboces.org/nsls or http://www.nassauboces.org/nbsls

  7. Professional Collection

  8. Common Core Learning Standards

  9. NYS CCLS in the School Library Writing 1-5 Teach them to write Writing 6 Using technology interact and collaborate Writing 7 Conduct short research project to answer a question Writing 8 Gather information, assess the credibility – quote or paraphrase Writing 8 Avoid plagiarism and provide citations Writing 9 Draw evidence from text, support your analysis and research Writing 10 Do it again

  10. NYS CCLS in the School Library Literature 1 Cite the textual evidence Literature 7 Analyze works by authors Informational Text 1 Cite textual evidence Informational Text 7 Integrate information presented in different media or formats Speaking and Listening 1 Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions Speaking and Listening 2 Interpret information presented in diverse media and formats Speaking and Listening 5 Make strategic use of digital media

  11. NYS CCLS in the School Library Shifts in ELA/Literacy Shift 1 Balancing Informational & Literary Text - Students read a true balance of informational and literary texts. Shift 2 Knowledge in the Disciplines - Students build knowledge about the world (domains/content areas) through TEXT rather than the teacher or activities.  Shift 5 Writing from Sources - Writing emphasizes use of evidence from sources to inform or make an argument. Subshifts 5 A-E http://www.nysl.nysed.gov/libdev/commoncore/webinar130528.pdf (14) Shift 6 Academic Vocabulary - Students constantly build the transferable vocabulary they need to access grade level complex texts. This can be done effectively by spiraling like content in increasingly complex texts.

  12. Upcoming Regents Proposal Should the Board of Regents adopt a new section 100.5(a)(9) of the Commissioner’s Regulations to require that students first entering grade 9 in September 2014 and thereafter complete a Regents Research Paper? This item was previously discussed in April and June 2013 (and would have applied to students first entering grade 9 in September 2013 and thereafter).

  13. Regents Proposal (more) The proposed addition of §100.5(a)(9) of the Commissioner’s regulations would require the following minimum standards for the Regents Research Paper and applies to all students entering grade nine in September 2014 or later: 1) The Regents Research Paper shall be submitted, in the English language, as a word-processed document consistent with the publication guidelines of the discipline pertaining to the subject of the paper. 2) The Regents Research Paper shall cite a minimum of four informational texts as sources gathered from multiple authoritative print and/or digital sources. Literature requirement. 3) The Regents Research Paper shall be a minimum of five typed pages (approximately 1,250 words of text), exclusive of works cited, graphics, and cover page. 4) The final student draft of the Regents Research Paper shall be accompanied by a procedural checklist that meets State requirements. 5) Hand-written papers and other accommodations may be allowed where appropriate (e.g., for students with disabilities whose individualized education program or students whose plan under section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 [29 U.S.C. section 794] specifies such accommodation) or in extenuating circumstances, as determined by the principal.

  14. Reading in the Library Selection of Authentic Texts for Common Core Instruction:Guidance and a List of Resources for Text Selection Central to the heart of the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) for English Language Arts & Literacy is reading, writing, speaking and listening grounded in text.CCSS aligned assessment and instruction requires texts be of qualitythat is, worth reading and re-reading, and capable of supporting rigorous questions grounded in evidence from the text.Inherent in the standards is the need to engage students in texts of appropriate complexity for their grade level and to direct student attention to the complexity of the texts. http://www.engageny.org/resource/selection-of-authentic-texts-for-common-core-instruction-guidance-and-a-list-of-resources

  15. Where is your district with the Common Core? ?

  16. Collaborative resources

  17. Primary Resources http://uncommoncc.blogspot.com/

  18. findit! – single site login

  19. Engageny

  20. Engageny modules

  21. What are in the modules? Curriculum modules will include: • Year-long scope and sequence documents • Module framing/overview documents • Performance tasks (for administration in the middle and at the end of each module) • Lesson plans • Lesson plan supporting materials (class work, homework, etc.)

  22. Empire State Information Fluency Continuum The provides a K-12 framework for the instructional aspects of a library program. The framework is based on three standards that form the basis for the skills and strategies that are essential for students to become independent readers and learners. The Empire State Information Fluency Continuum includes: • Information Fluency Continuum • Information Fluency Continuum Benchmark Skills • Grade-by-Grade Information Fluency Benchmark Skills • K-12 Information Fluency Continuum Priority Benchmark Skills Brochure • Information Fluency Continuum: Priority Benchmark Skills and Assessments • REACTS Taxonomy http://schools.nyc.gov/NR/rdonlyres/1A931D4E-1620-4672-ABEF-460A273D0D5F/0/EmpireStateIFC.pdf

  23. Long Island Index http://longislandindex.org/

  24. FollettShelf eBooks http://www.aboutfollettebooks.com/

  25. www.nassauboces.org/nsls

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