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FACULTY OF MEDICINE, DENTISTRY AND HEALTH SCIENCES. Research Opportunities in the Faculty George Yeoh Associate Dean (Research FMDHS). Why UWA? Why FMDHS?. Two new rankings have confirmed The University of Western Australia ’ s growing national and international reputation :
FACULTY OF MEDICINE, DENTISTRY AND HEALTH SCIENCES Research Opportunities in the Faculty George Yeoh Associate Dean (Research FMDHS)
Why UWA? Why FMDHS? Two new rankings have confirmed The University of Western Australia’s growing national and international reputation: • The Shanghai Jiao Tong World University Rankings - UWA ranks in the top 100 (#96, top 1%) of Universities in the world • 26th in the world in Life and Agricultural Sciences • 51-75 ranking band for Clinical Medicine and Pharmacy • 76-100 subject band for Chemistry • The Good University Guide (2011) - rated UWA as the State’s leading university and one of the nation’s best • UWA rated equal first on key performance measures – giving UWA five-star ratings for graduate starting salaries, positive graduate outcomes, staff qualifications, student/staff ratio, research intensity, research grants and student demand
Research Excellence, Breadth and Depth Schools • Dentistry (Oral Health Centre of Western Australia) • Medicine and Pharmacology • Paediatrics and Child Health • Pathology and Laboratory Medicine • Population Health • Aboriginal and Rural Health Care • Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences • Surgery • Women's and Infants' Health
Research Excellence, Breadth and Depth Institutes & Centres • Telethon Institute for Child Health Research (incorporating the UWA Centre for Child Health Research) • Western Australian Institute of Medical Research (incorporating the UWA Centre for Medical Research) • Lions Eye Institute (incorporating the UWA Centre for Ophthalmology and Visual Science) • Centre for Neuromuscular and Neurological Disorders • Centre for Genetic Epidemiology and Biostatistics • Clinical Training and Evaluation Centre
Collectively, schools and institutes offer: Postgraduate courses • Honours • Higher Degrees by Coursework • Graduate certificates (one semester of study) • Graduate diplomas (two semesters of study) • Master's degrees (four semester of study) • Professional doctorates • Higher Degrees by Research • Masters by Research (MSc) • Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) • Doctor of Medicine (DM)
Honours Courses Bachelor of Science (Honours) • Honours involves undertaking an additional year of study at the end of your bachelor's degree • Honours students conduct a research project, developing valuable skills in advanced problem-solving, critical thinking, independent learning and communication - qualities that are highly regarded by employers. Bachelor of Philosophy (Honours) • Students enrolled in the Bachelor of Philosophy (Honours) will take honours as part of their four-year course. Advanced training in research and communication skills will commence in the first year of the course.
What do I need? • A graduate degree • A strong undergraduate record • A minimum of 65% average in the major or discipline which qualifies for the higher degree • A good background in the chosen area of research • Strong commitment to succeed
Where do I start? • Choose a subject area that is appropriate for your skills and interest • Choose a mentor/supervisor • Choose a research area that motivates you • Choose a specific project • Acquire as much information as you can about the subject • Meet with the laboratory head and discuss your aspirations • Speak with past members of the laboratory to gauge their experience
Which research area? • Faculty Schools are rich and diverse and all are fully committed to undertaking research • Faculty Institutes engage in mission oriented and cutting edge research • Affiliations with independent research centres and groups afford increased opportunities for staff and students • Strong national and international links ensure world class outcomes
A sample of what is available • Seek details from the Faculty website • There are two collections of presentations from schools from the FMDHS Research Day I and II • This presentation will be made available after today • Please contact the School/Insitute Postgraduate Coordinators for more information • Discuss your intentions with potential supervisors
UWA Centre for Medical Research Western Australian Institute for Medical Research • WAIMR undertakes world class research into the prevention and causes of adult disease • Currently 40 students – Honours/B Med Sci/PhD • Research Teams: • Cancer • Epidemiology • Diabetes • Genetics • Molecular Endocrinology • Emergency Medicine 2013 WAIMR will take up residence in the new WAIMR Building on the QEII Medical Centre
The School ofMedicine & Pharmacology Medicine and Pharmacology is the largest School in the Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Health Sciences, and is one of the largest Schools in the University. Research may be carried on campus, at the QEII Medical Centre, including the Western Australia Institute for Medical Research, at the Shenton Park Biomedical Research Centre, or at any of the major hospitals: Royal Perth, Sir Charles Gairdner, Fremantle, Graylands
Major Areas of Research • Biosciences - exploring the science of biology, including the application of biostatistics, and analysis of education, safety, promotion and economics in health • Cancer - ranging from cancer biology and colon cancer to psycho-oncology. • Chronic and preventable diseases - studies of preventable diseases • Endocrinology and cardiovascular disease - studies of the vascular system, and diseases of the bones, metabolism, thyroid and cardiovascular systems. • Gastrointestinal and liver diseases - molecular hepatology, hepatitis and the metabolism of iron as well as other studies related to the stomach, intestines and liver. • Geriatrics - range of subjects relevant to ageing and age-related diseases or health issues such as dementia, depression and falls. • Infectious diseases and immunity - relationship between the immune system and transplants, infectious diseases, tumours and other diseases. • Neurosciences- the nervous system, investigating diseases such as dementia, Parkinson’s disease and schizophrenia, at every level including clinical research. • Pharmacology and Anaesthesiology Unit - effect of drugs on respiratory, immune and nervous systems (neuropharmacology, psychopharmacology and anaesthesia) and their role in pain management and disease treatment • Respiratory diseases - respiratory system and associated diseases such as asthma and pneumonia
Wound healing and occupational performance research group (Fremantle Hospital and Royal Perth Hospital) • W Prof Michael Stacey, A/Prof Jillian Swaine • Research from bench, to bedside to home • Research Funding - $3 million • Clinical and laboratory research • Multidisciplinary team • Spinal cord injury – prevention of sitting pressure ulcers • Self management preventative program • Ultrasound and CT evaluation of soft tissues of buttock • Mathematical modelling of strains in tissues of the buttock • Wound healing • Evaluation of biomarkers of healing • Genetic polymorphisms in chronic wound development • Trials of topical growth factors
Telethon Institute for Child Health Research Centre for Child Health Research, UWA 100 Roberts Road Subiaco • Interested in studying with us? We have projects in • Asthma, allergy and respiratory disorders • Child Development • Diabetes, obesity and related disorders • Disability and development disorders • Environmental impacts on health • Infectious disease • and much more • For further information about our research areas and the honours and postgraduate projects available visit childhealthresearch.org.au • Info: study@childhealthresearch.org.au
Name of Unit School of Paediatrics and Child Heath Key areas of research: Causes of asthma in young children. (W/Prof Peter Le Souef) Contact: Dr Joelene Bizzintino, ph: 9340 8518, email: joelene.bizzintino@uwa.edu.au Development and evaluation of clinical services for adolescents and young adults. (A/Prof Donald Payne) Contact: A/Prof Donald Payne, ph: 9340 8917, email: donald.payne@health.wa.gov.au Eating disorders and adolescent nutrition. (Prof David Forbes) Contact: David Forbes, ph: 9340 8122 Co-operative group clinical trials in children and adolescents with Cancer. Translational research in leukemia and brain tumours. Epidemiology of childhood cancer and leukemia. (W/Prof Catherine Cole) Contact:W/Prof Catherine Cole, email: catherine.cole@health.wa.gov.au Key area of research: Optimising therapeutic aerosol delivery to children. (A/Prof Sunalene Devadason) Contact: Dr Jasminka Murdzoska, ph: 9340 7065, email: Jasminka.Murdzoska@uwa.edu.au Medical education research. (A/Prof Helen Wright) Contact: A/Prof Helen Wright, ph: 9340 7538 Helen.Wright@rcswa.uwa.edu.au
Centre for Cell Therapy and Regenerative Medicine Respiratory • International research networks • Making new discoveries to treat cancer and chronic diseases • Multidisciplinary PhD opportunities • Training in state of the art • techniques Therapeutic Delivery Tissue Fibrosis Otolaryngology m Translational Medicine Matrix scaffolds CCTRM Hepatology Bio- engineering Musculo- Skeletal Novel Therapeutics Cancer Stem Cell Therapy Repair Mechanisms PhD Scholarships / PhD Top Up scholarships available for 2013 Gene Therapy Neurology Transplants Ophthalmology Dermatology Haematology For information please contact – Cecilia Prele cecilia.prele@uwa.edu.au
Faculty of medicine, dentistry and health sciences SELECTED AREAS OF RESEARCH The School of Women’s and Infants’ Health of The University of Western Australia is recognised as one of Australia’s premier sources of academic leadership in the health care for women at all ages, and infants before and soon after birth. Through its pursuit of excellence and innovation in research and teaching strategies, the School provides an optimal scientific foundation for the education and training of current and future medical practitioners and other health-care providers. SCHOOL OF WOMEN’S AND INFANTS’ HEALTH Research Area:: Prevention of preterm birth Investigators: Winthrop Professor John Newnham, Professor Jeff Keelan, Dr Matthew Kemp, Dr Matthew Payne and Dr Demelza Ireland Specific keywords: Intrauterine infection and inflammation; maternal, fetal and amniotic fluid microbiome; Ureaplasma infection – detection, diagnosis and treatment; fetal infection and its immunological and life-long consequences; placental cellular inflammation and oxidative stress; delivery of therapeutics to and across the placenta; placental uptake and transport of nanoparticles. Student projects available: PhD (2); Hons (3). Research Area: Genetic risk factors for Pre-Eclampsia Investigator: Winthrop Professor Eric Moses and Associate Professor Craig Pennell In collaboration with the Centre for Genetic Epidemiology and Biostatistics, the School of Women’s and Infants’ Health is offering research projects for potential Honours and PhD level students that will use contemporary genomics approaches to identify genetic risk factors for pre-eclampsia, a common and serious hypertensive disorder of human pregnancy. Graduate Research Coordinator: Professor Jeff Keelan Email: Jeff.Keelan@uwa.edu.au Tel: +61-8-9340-1880 Fax: +61-8-9381-3031
Research in the Rural Clinical School The RCSWA’s research agenda focuses on health issues that are relevant to rural and remote locations, especially on questions that cannot be readily explored in a city context and that provide some real possibilities of outcomes within our communities. A particular priority is Aboriginal Health. “Research in the bush is challenging and presents an opportunity to do newand meaningful work that hasn’t been done before”. Examples of Projects • The impact of environmental change on human health • Art and Medicine • Improving Indigenous health • Rural obstetric outcomes • Health systems in the country For further information please contact The Research Steering CommitteeSecretary Kate McRae on telephone 9842 0811 email: Kate.McRae@rcswa.edu.au Chair of the Research Steering CommitteeProfessor Kirsten Auret on telephone 9842 5555 email: Kirsten.Auret@rcswa.edu.au
Centre for Genetic Epidemiology and Biostatistics • Advancing global health through the application of statistical genetics, bioinformatics, functional genomics and human phenomics. • Current Honours and PhD project opportunities include: • Cardiovascular diseases • Cancer (e.g. melanoma, mesothelioma) • Pregnancy disorders • Psychiatric disorders (e.g. schizophrenia) • Sleep disorders • Contact Winthrop Professor Eric Moses: eric.moses@uwa.edu.au
Centres & research groups within the School of Population Health • Centre for Health Services Research • Centre for the Built Environment and Health • Occupational Respiratory Epidemiology • The Cardiovascular Research Group • Environmental Epidemiology • Busselton Health Study • Ecology and Health • Women's Health • Aged Care Research and Evaluation • Nursing Research Contact: Angus Cook Email: angus.cook@uwa.edu.au
Centre for Neonatal Research and Education • Projects available in: • Respiratory physiology and ventilation • Gastrointestinal disease • Nutrition and lactation • Infection and immunology • Neurodevelopment • Honours scholarship ($6,000) in infant nutrition/human milk banking – www.cnre.uwa.edu.au
The Lung Institute of Western Australia (LIWA) has a generous scholarship program. A number of exciting opportunities for further study are being offered each year to exceptional applicants. Students are included in all aspects of LIWA’s activities. They receive extensive support and encouragement from senior scientists who have a strong track record of student project supervision. PhD Top Up Scholarships - $10,000 per year over 3 years Honours/BMedSci Scholarships - $5,000 per year Vacation Cadetship Scholarships - 10 weeks paid employment Full-time medical & science undergraduates earn $500/ week for up to 10 weeks (full-time). Visit liwa.uwa.edu.au for more information or call 9346 3198 Applications close Friday 5 October 2012 Research at the Lung Institute of Western Australia LIWA facilitates the Centre for Asthma Allergy and Respiratory Research within the School of Medicine
In summary • This University provides a world-class, internationally competitive environment for you to engage in research. • Research in the Faculty is diverse and embraces an range of disciplines. It is also moving with the times as much of it is increasingly multi-disciplinary. • Cutting edge research requires state-of-the-art facilities and instrumentation which are available at UWA. • Strong national and international links ensure what you produce is relevant and significant on the world stage.