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The Great Depression and the Authoritarian Response

The Great Depression and the Authoritarian Response. Chapter 30. Agenda 3/5/2014. Review Chp 29 Quiz and Collect Chp 30 Chp 30 Notes and Quiz Source work Homework- RSG- p. 52-117(3/7) Chp 31- 3/11. Human and Environment Interactions. Patterns of Settlement.

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The Great Depression and the Authoritarian Response

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  1. The Great Depression and the Authoritarian Response Chapter 30

  2. Agenda 3/5/2014 • Review Chp 29 Quiz and Collect Chp 30 • Chp 30 Notes and Quiz • Source work • Homework- RSG- p. 52-117(3/7) • Chp 31- 3/11

  3. Human and Environment Interactions Patterns of Settlement • Soviets provide mass housing • Party makes up for poor living standards with recreational programs and facilities • Excess farm labor sent to cities where industry is growing Communist era mass housing

  4. Cultural Development and Interactions Beliefs/philosophies ideologies Beliefs/philosophies ideologies In Europe Fascism represents the belief that the parliamentary system has failed, only a strong state ruled by an individual leader will fix the crisis • In Latin America • Growing criticism and liberal movements in Latin America • Liberal movements are less organized,andless educated than those in Europe • Corporatism – emphasis on the changing nature of society in which the state must act as a mediator to consider the interests of various groups

  5. Cultural Development and Interactions Arts and Architecture Artists and intellectuals claim the Latin America is on a “race to nowhere” Soviet Union: Art and science come under the control of the state – no free-thinking here! As a result Socialist Realism becomes popular Increased govtpolice

  6. State-building, expansion, and conflict Political structures/govts Political structures/govts The New Deal Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR) Overall, the influx of govt spending will not fix the economy, but it will give it a boost until WWII brings an end to the Depression • Political changes worldwide • Suspicion of the West (Japan) • Govt welfare programs on the rise in the west • Growth of radicalism and socialism • Most successful – Scandinavia • Increased govt spending foreshadows the growth of the welfare state

  7. State-building, expansion, and conflict Juan and Eva Peron Political structures/govts Political structures/govts In Argentina Juan D. Peron takes control and promises working class reforms Eventually, worsening economy combined with growing radicalism among Peronists will cause their exile Urban workers continue to push for reforms without Peron • In Brazil: • GetulioVargas becomes president, promises reform: • Massive govt centralization • Prevents coups from communists and fascists • Constitution establishes the Estado Novo (New State) • Prevents opposition • Corporatist style govt

  8. State-building, expansion, and conflict Revolts/revolutions Revolts/revolutions Colonialism denounced – Egypt, Syria, and Lebanon gain independence from Europe • Radicalism grows due to discontent with govtresponse • Ex: The Popular Front • Spanish Civil War • Tensions between the Republican party and the Falange (Fascist party) lead to 3 year Civil War

  9. State-building, expansion, and conflict Global/tran-sregional/ regional structures Depression is truly an international crisis Western nations lower production and cannot import raw materials Latin American and Asian nations suffer from a lack of demand for their exports and inability to afford necessary imports The Exception: The Soviet Union Hitler joins forces with Mussolini League of Nations condemns Italy, but does nothing more • Soviets focus on internal issues until the rise of Hitler makes it necessary to protect themselves • Regained acceptance in League of Nations after stable communist govt was established • Stalin signs a pact with Hitler to divide Poland

  10. State-building, expansion, and conflict Empires Hitler’s Foreign Policy Angers European nations by suspending reparation payments and building military forces America remains isolationist, France and Britain do nothing Declares Anschluss, or union, with Austria Invades the Sudetenland (German populated portion of Czechoslovakia) Sign a pact with the Soviets promises not to invade Poland • Hitler Comes to Power • makes arrangements which gradually put him in power of a totalitarian state

  11. State-building, expansion, and conflict Empires • Japan • During the Depression political division grow between traditionalists and militarists advocating an authoritarian govt • The military gradually wins control in Japan • War breaks with China • Desire to expand in the Pacific in order to maintain supplies of raw materials

  12. Economic creation, expansion, and interactions

  13. Economic creation, expansion, and interactions Agricultural and Pastoral Production Trade and Commerce Tariffs cut off worldwide trade Latin American countries suffer due to a lack of demand for their exports Growing economic rivalry with Japan promotes a Western outcry against buying Japanese goods • Stalin’s Economic Policies • Collectivization of land • Factory-style farms with little incentive

  14. Economic creation, expansion, and interactions Labor Systems • FDR creates public works projects to provide jobs • Growing population brings labor issues to the forefront in Latin America • Govt make some attempts to cater to workers • Syndicalism grows – aims to use organization of labor to bring down the state • Tragic Week (1919)

  15. Economic creation, expansion, and interactions Industrialization Industrialization • Depression leads to import substitution industrialization – growth spurt of industry as countries begin producing what they previously imported • Japan hard-hit by depression, but successful govt response will rebuild economy more quickly than the west • Industrialization and oil exporting in Iran (formerly Persia) • In Russia • Five Year Plans – Stalin’s state planning commission which sets clear goals for industrial development • While the rest of the world is in Depression, the Soviet Union will become the world’s 3rd largest industrial producer

  16. Social Development and Transformations Gender Roles and Relations Family and Kinship Soviet govt’swelfare system provides for illness and old age U.S. Social Security – provides protections against unemployment and old age • Westernizing reforms in Turkey under Kemal Ataturk

  17. Social Development and Transformations Social and Ethnic Constructions Social and Economic Class Stalin maintains worker support by consulting workers in decision-making – although unions and strikes are outlawed • Opposition of Kulaks gets them sent to Siberia A Siberian labor camp

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