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Module 6: Academic Strategies for Students with ASD. Lesson 1 Reading Strategies. Module Overview. Lesson 1: Reading Strategies Lesson 2: Math Strategies Lesson 3: Writing Strategies. Lesson Overview. Components of Reading Instruction Strategies for teaching phonemic awareness
Module 6: Academic Strategies for Students with ASD Lesson 1 Reading Strategies
Module Overview Lesson 1: Reading Strategies Lesson 2: Math Strategies Lesson 3: Writing Strategies
Lesson Overview • Components of Reading Instruction • Strategies for teaching phonemic awareness • Strategies for teaching phonics • Strategies for teaching fluency • Strategies for teaching comprehension • Strategies for teaching vocabulary
Components of Reading Instruction • This lesson will focus on strategies for teaching reading • Reading instruction entails • Phonemic awareness • Phonics/Decoding • Fluency • Comprehension • Vocabulary • There will be a section for strategies for the five areas listed above
Defining Phonemic Awareness • The National Reading Panel (2000) defines phonemic awareness as the ability to focus on and manipulate the smallest units of spoken language. • Examples may include: • Being able to recognize that the word map has three different sounds (/m/, /a/, and /p/) • Being able to recognize that the word apple has two syllables • Being able to recognize that the words cat, hat, and mat rhyme
Phonemic Awareness and ASD • Given the communication difficulties of students with ASD, they often have trouble developing phonemic awareness skills that typically developing students learn incidentally. • Students with ASD may have phonological disorders that result in difficulties expressing what is heard. • For example, a student may hear the word cat but when asked to repeat the word says tat
Teaching Phonological Awareness • For students with ASD who have phonological disorders, it is important to provide explicit instruction to teach phonological awareness (the recognition of sounds of spoken language and how they can be combined, separated, and manipulated) • The following slides provide some strategies for teaching phonological awareness skills.
Verbal Imitation • For students who have difficulty repeating back what was heard, provide many opportunities for verbal imitation to strengthen those skills. • If a student is saying tat instead of cat place an accent on the /c/ in cat to stress that specific sound and make it more obvious than the other sounds in the word since the child is already producing the other sounds correctly. • You can gradually increase the difficulty of the words for students to imitate until they are able to imitate any word they hear.
Verbal Imitation • Many students with ASD have auditory processing problems that result in difficulty following directions and repeating back sentences. • For example, a student may only be able to repeat back two words when given a sentence such as The boy is sleeping in the bed. The student may simply say “boy bed.” • If this is the case, you can use verbal imitation opportunities and shaping (see module 8 lesson 3) to gradually teach the student to repeat back more and more words given a sentence.
Color Cubes • Depending on the cognitive level of your students with ASD, you may be able to use color cubes to teach phonemic awareness skills. • You can do this by giving the student four or five different colors of cubes (multiples of each color). • You then tell the student that you are going to say a word (pretend word or real word can be used) and the student should represent each sound they hear with a different color. • For example, if you say /mom/, the student would use the same color for both /m/ sounds and a different color for the /o/ sound.
Rhyming Games Provide opportunities for students to recognize when words rhyme or do not rhyme. However, simply providing worksheets is not likely to teach this skill to students with ASD. You can do games such as listing words that rhyme and when you get to a word that doesn’t rhyme with the words you are listed the students need to stand up. You can also have students fill in a rhyming word given a list. For example, you say “mat, hat, bat…” and the student should say a word that rhymes with those words. To increase motivation, be as playful as possible during these activities and use lots of positive reinforcement
Syllable Games Use movement to teach students with ASD to recognize syllables in words. You can say a word and have the students clap, jump, or any other movement to indicate the number of syllables
Letter Tiles • You can use the same procedures described for the color cubes activity using tiles with letters on them to teach students to represent sounds with the appropriate letters. • You can start very basic by just asking students to show you one sound at a time (ex. /m/ /s/ /a/) • Then you have students work on blending letters together (ex. /am/ /mi/ /st/) • This strategy allows you to differentiate for your learners because you can get to complex phonetic skills for those who are ready.
Teaching Vowel Sounds Many students with ASD have difficulty differentiating vowel sounds Explicit, repetitive instruction is necessary for some students to be able to learn the different short vowel sounds and their corresponding letters. You should teach the vowel sounds first receptively then expressively
Receptive Identification of Vowel Sounds a o e i u
Expressive Identification of Vowel Sounds a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o a a o o o a a o o o o a a a o a o a a o i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i a i a a i a o i a a i o o i a a o i i a a i o o i a
Decoding Games • Give students 5-10 words in a list to decode using phonetic rules. • Depending on the students cognitive abilities, you can make a game out of it. • If the student gets the word independently, two points is given • If the students gets it with a little help from a teacher/peer, one point is given • If the teacher/peer supplies the word, the teacher/peer gets one point
Spelling Using Phonetic Skills • Using a strategy similar to the letter tiles, supply the student with a sound, letter combination, or word and have the student spell it on paper • You can use nonsense words or real words • It is important to teach phonetic skills receptively, expressively, and in written form • It is not necessary for students to learn to read fluently before learning to spell word • Working on spelling and reading at the same time helps students learn phonetic skills and make connections between oral and written expression
Fluency According to the National Reading Panel (2000), fluency is the ability to read with speed, accuracy, and proper expression. Research consistently shows that students who are more fluent also comprehend more of what they read
Repeated Readings • With repeated readings, students read the same selections (paragraphs, stories, books, articles, etc.) multiple times until they can read them fluently. • The selections should be at the student’s instructional level. • A goal for number of words read per minute can be set, and the student continues repeated readings for a selection until that number of words is read in one minute. • Students can be involved in tracking their progress on a graph. • This is effective in building fluency because the student learns high frequency words in context.
Reader’s Theater • Reader’s Theater entails having students read from a play script and eventually enact the play. • This entails repeated readings as the students learn to memorize their lines. • Students also learn to work on proper expression which is often lacking when they are just doing repeated readings without Reader’s Theater. • This strategy also builds comprehension as the students learn to enact the play.
Partner Reading • You can have a student with ASD read with a peer who is a fluent reader. • The peer can read one page, then the student with ASD reads a page and so on. • Next, they switch who went first so that the student with ASD is now reading the pages that the peer read the first time. • This can also be altered so that the student with ASD reads the same page that the peer read immediately following the peer. • This is a good way to work on socialization and repeated readings to build fluency at the same time.
Reading Comprehension The National Reading Panel (2000) defines comprehension as an active process that requires an intentional and thoughtful interaction between the reader and the text. It is important to consider this when working on reading comprehension with students with ASD.
Reading Comprehension and Students with ASD • Many students with ASD have great difficulty with reading comprehension. • This may be largely due to their difficulty with language comprehension. • It is not uncommon for students with ASD to decode at or above grade level but perform well below grade level on comprehension (O’Connor & Klein, 2004). • Because students with ASD are often literal thinkers, they may have trouble “reading between the lines” and making inferences (Kluth & Chandler-Olcott, 2008)
Boosting Background Knowledge • Good readers continually draw on relevant prior knowledge to make sense of material they are reading (Kluth & Chandler-Olcott, 2008). • Students with ASD will need support from the teacher to activate their prior knowledge before, during, and after reading. • This can be done by: • Telling stories, asking questions, showing video clips, showing pictures, using graphic organizers to display information the students already know about the topic, share simple picture books related to the topic, having students talk with a peer about the topic
Repeated Storybook Reading • Re-read books to students multiples times familiarized them with the text and promote comprehension • For students with significant difficulties with comprehension, select books that have simple pictures, a predictable story line, clear cause-and-effect relationships, and contain events that can be related to the student’s everyday experiences • If possible, use props (ex. character puppets, objects, figurines) to enhance student engagement and promote comprehension (Bellon, Ogletree, & Harn, 2000)
Retelling • If a student can retell what they read in their own words, then you know comprehension is taking place. • Some ways to teach students to retell include: • Modeling by the teacher/peers • Have students write or type what they recall (for some students this just may be a word list, not full sentences). Then they can share it orally. • Use a graphic organizer for them to fill in • Have students act out what happened • Use visual aids such as props, felt cut-outs, or pictures
Summarizing • Arrange students in a small circle (5-8 students). • The students should retell the story by starting with the first person. By the time they get to the last person, it should be the end of the story. • The students may need to start over a few times to make sure they are only summarizing the most important parts. • This circle of students provides a good visual for students with ASD, so they do not talk about all of the minute details of the story.
Drawing Pictures • For students with ASD who have an interest and skill in drawing, they can show what they understood from the reading selection by drawing a picture. • For those that are verbal, you can then have them explain what is in the picture to the teacher or a peer. • You can encourage students to think about the phrase, “A picture tells 1000 words” to encourage them to include as much as they can remember about the reading in their picture.
Reciprocal Teaching(Palinscar & Brown, 1984) • Reciprocal teaching consists of a dialogue between the teachers and the students in which the students learn to take on more of the “teacher role” during reading comprehension activities. • There are four components of reciprocal teaching: summarizing, question generating, clarifying, and predicting. • The teacher models each of the above components using think-alouds and gradually switches roles with the students as the do the summarizing, question generating, clarifying, and predicting
Reciprocal Teaching: Summarizing • Summarizing was discussed on a previous slide, but here are some additional strategies for teaching students to summarize: • Provide a graphic organizer that has a small box for the beginning of the story, a much bigger box for the middle of the story, and a small box for the ending of the story. The students then fill in the most important parts of the beginning, middle, and end. • Use open ended questions such as: What were the most important things that happened in the story? What about this story made it interesting enough to tell? • Have students draw pictures of the main events of the story in the correct sequence. They can then cut them out and have their peers put them in the correct order.
Reciprocal Teaching: Question Generating • There are three types of questions you teach students to ask before, during, and after reading selections: • Right There ?s: The answer is literally “right there” in the book. • Think and Search ?s: The students need to draw conclusions and make inferences about what they read to answer the question • On My Own ?s: These questions relate to personal experiences and making connections to prior knowledge
Reciprocal Teaching: Clarifying • Clarifying entails asking questions during the reading to help make sense of the material. • The teacher can model this for the students. Here is an example of what the teacher might say, “I’m confused. Why didn’t the dog just wait by the front door if he wanted to get in the house?” • Teachers must encourage students to ask clarifying questions throughout the reading process.
Reciprocal Teaching: Predicting • Many teachers use predicting before having students read. • Teachers may say things such as, “What do you think this book is going to be about?” • Teachers may also ask students to predict during a reading selection such as, “Where do you think the boy is going to go now?” • However, with reciprocal teaching, teachers encourage students to make predictions independently without being prompted to do so. This can be modeled by the teacher and then gradually fade out the teacher support by saying things such as, “Oh…I just thought of something” to encourage the students to then predict.
Focus on Language Comprehension • It is important to remember that students with ASD may need to focus much more on language comprehension before they can be expected to focus solely on reading comprehension. If the students cannot understand the question itself and how they are supposed to respond, you are not actually assessing comprehension at that point. • Therefore, if you are reading a story with the students be sure to ask conversational type questions related to the story as often as possible. For example: • When the characters are eating dinner in the story, ask the students what they had for dinner the night before • When the characters in the story are sad, ask the students to talk about things that make them sad
Providing Vocabulary Rich Texts Having students read a wide range of texts with rich vocabulary is one way to develop vocabulary for all students. For students with ASD, however, additional instructional strategies to teach the vocabulary may also be necessary. The next slide provides some strategies to teach vocabulary from texts.
Defining Vocabulary in Own Words • There is little evidence to suggest that having students look words up in the dictionary and writing down the definitions to memorize them actually has any long-term impact on student learning (Kluth& Chandler-Olcott, 2008). • Instead have students generate their own definitions for the vocabulary words that appear in text. Some ways they can do this include: • Using context clues • Hearing several additional sentences using the word provided by the teacher or peers • Responding to fill-ins (ex. A mansion is a house that is …)
Using the Vocabulary Word in an Original Sentence • After the students define the vocabulary word in their own words, they can be encouraged to generate sentences using the word. • The teacher and peers can provide models to the students with ASD until they are able to generate an original sentence independently. • If the student has difficulty, the teacher can use fill-ins (ex. When I got to my uncle’s mansion, I was amazed because…)
Drawing Pictures to Represent the Meaning of Vocabulary Words For students with ASD who enjoy drawing, they can draw a picture to define a vocabulary word when appropriate. Not all vocabulary words can be drawn easily, so this is not a strategy that can be relied on all the time.
Synonyms and Antonyms Having students generate lists of synonyms and/or antonyms for some vocabulary words is quite helpful in getting the meaning across. This also improves their vocabulary in their own writing as they learn multiple ways to express something.
Collaboration with Speech-Language Pathologists • There is a close relationship between the language needs and literacy needs of students with ASD (Lanter & Watson, 2008). • Therefore, it is important for teachers and SLPs to collaborate to develop a literacy/reading program that considers the students language impairments and consists of interventions that will promote literacy and language development across a variety of contexts. • Literacy/reading skills and language cannot simply be addressed during specific skill sessions. Intervention should take place across a variety of classroom and school routines and activities.
Concluding Thoughts • The strategies suggested in this lesson are effective teaching strategies for all students, not just students with ASD. • Some of the strategies do require some one-on-one instruction. This does not necessarily need to be done in pull-out sessions. Some of those strategies can be used when the teacher has 3-5 minutes to spend with a student while the other students are engaged in independent work or with another teacher/paraprofessional in the classroom. A paraprofessional can also be trained to implement some of the strategies that require one-on-one instruction.
Module 6, Lesson 1 Activity Select a student with autism that you are working with. Write three reading goals for the student (consider the five components of reading instruction) Provide a detailed description related to the strategies you will use to address each reading goal.
References Bellon, M., Ogletree, B., & Harn, W. (2000). Repeated storybook reading as a language intervention for children with autism: A case study on the application of scaffolding. Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities, 15(1), 52-58. Kluth, P., & Chandler-Olcott, K. (2008). A land we can share: Teaching literacy to students with autism. Baltimore, MD: Brookes. Lanter, E, & Watson, L. R. (2008). Promoting literacy in students with ASD: The basics for the SLP. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools, 39, 33-43. National Institute of Child Health and Human Development. (2000). Report of the National Reading Panel. Teaching children to read: An evidence-based assessment of the scientific research literature on reading and its implications for reading instruction (NIH Publication No. 00-4769). Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office. O’Connor, I. M., & Klein, P. D. (2004). Exploration of strategies for facilitating the reading comprehension of high-functioning students with autism spectrum disorders. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 34(2), 115-127. Palinscar, A. S., & Brown, A. L. (1984). The reciprocal teaching of comprehension –fostering and comprehension-monitoring activities. Cognition and Instruction, 1, 117-175.