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Hydro Power Workshop (WS) of the Sector Network Energy Sub-Sahara Africa and EnDev. Challenges. GTZ-ECO –Access to Modern Energy –Electricity(AMES-E/ HYDRO. Background. Stone Breaking.
Hydro Power Workshop (WS) of the Sector Network Energy Sub-Sahara Africa and EnDev Challenges GTZ-ECO –Access to Modern Energy –Electricity(AMES-E/ HYDRO Background Stone Breaking In the endeavor to provide access to electrical energy to the rural dwellers in Ethiopia, GTZ-ECO,AMES-E/HYDRO intends to contribute to the development of the hydropower sector in the country by developing pilot sites to generate electricity for lighting and other productive uses in the different regions of the country. Some common challenges and remedial action taken is listed below. During laying of the penstock in Ererte MHP, we encounter a hard basaltic rock that can not easily excavate. Then using the community participation, some experienced labours, and using the locally available materials such as burning an old car tyre an 11 m and a depth of 37 cm basaltic rock is excavated Land Sliding Piping In Hagra-Sodicha the washed away of the left bank of the canal was happed due to not installing the intake gate on time. The last 30m of the canal was not excavated at the time when the river water is coming through the intake gate. The water couldn’t get a way to flow towards the downstream direction. Then it breaches the left bank of the canal. The remedial action taken is backfilling (520 cubic meter) of soil and plantation. The Erete MHP canal around the intake is situated near to the river. During the rainy season, the water is coming under the canal foundation and it creates piping. The main reason for this case is due shallow foundation of canal . The action taken is to providing retaining wall that increases seepage length. Deep Excavation Retaining wall In the Hagra –Sodicha MHP the forbay area is situated in the hilly area. It needs an excavation of 750 cubic meter to get the required forbay and canal elevation. In this site the community participation is remarkable. Due to rolling stone from up hill 3.92 cubic meter of masonry retaining wall is broken down. Theis retaining wall protects the power house from hitting by the rolling stone.