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Religions of the World Project. Criteria Assessed : A= Knowledge and Understanding B = Investigating D= Communicating You need to produce: A PowerPoint Presentation that you will present to the class A booklet about your religion. Time- scale. This week :
Religions of theWorld Project CriteriaAssessed: A= Knowledge and Understanding B = Investigating D= Communicating Youneedto produce: A PowerPoint Presentationthatyouwillpresenttotheclass A bookletaboutyourreligion
Time-scale Thisweek: Class 1: Introductiontotheproject Weekstarting: 19.11.12 3x classtoworkon Project 2B – presentprojectson 26.11.12 2A - presentyourprojects of 27.11.12
Howitwill be assessed You are goingtowork in groups of 2: • Booklet and PowerPoint Youwillassigndifferenttasks and parts of theprojecttoeachmember of thegroup. Thismust be recorded and eachmember of thegroupwill be assessedusingthepartsthey produce. Youmustmakeanaction plan whateachmemberwill do and when • Youwill be assessedseperatelyforyourpresentationskills
Yourprojectmustinclude: • AnAction Plan thatexplains: - whowill produce eachpart of the assessment - wheneachpartwill be completed - whereyouwillfindinformationforeach part (justthename of thewebsite) • Origin and chronology. Presented in a timeline format. • Distribution of faith around the world. • Symbols • Ceremonies, rituals and pilgrimages • Interview with a representative of your religious community. • This could be created by you sing information you have found, if you cannot contact a member of the ommunity • Link to video or film related • Remmeber your presentation must not be more than 10 minutes in total • Other issues to consider interesting. • There will be some marks available for interesting ideas/information/ways of presenting facts