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Systems , Cows and Solutions

Design a flipchart showcasing traditional, free market, command, and mixed economies using images of cows and system characteristics. Each card/tab features a picture of two cows and explains how each system utilizes them. Include the system name and a paragraph detailing how the system answers economic questions.

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Systems , Cows and Solutions

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Systems, Cows and Solutions Use your notes and Economics study guide to design a flipchart that reflects a traditional, free market, command, and mixed economy. 1. Each card/tab must contain…. A. A picture with two cowsand how each economy would use those cows based on the system characteristics. So before you start drawing think it out. COLOR! B. At the bottom the name of each system in block lettering. C. A neatly written paragraph about how that system answers the four basic questions of economics.2. Design a title card for your flipchart. Be creative and use COLOR!3. See below for a sample. How this system answers the three basic questions of economics in a neatly written paragraph. You can type it up and then cut and paste if you like. Spell and grammar check please. command

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